Chapter 63~ Observations

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"Too late to go back now." I felt sick to my stomach as I jumped the railing, I concentrated chakra in my feet and pushed whatever I was feeling to the back of my head. I do this for Naruto, I do this for my friend. I collided with the water and sped my way to Kakashi, hooking his arm over my shoulder and helping him stand.

"Seems his spirit is still intact," Kisame uttered, I turned slightly to see that the other two Jonin had their eyes closed. "But you risk your eyes again."

"Kritanta closes your eyes, he has a strong genjutsu." I debated for a brief moment, looking to Karliah to see if she had caught on yet. I lowered my tone so only Kakashi could hear what I was saying. "No need, whatever he did, he can't do it again."

"This thing you've come for is it Sasuke?" My eyes widened for a brief second before I looking into Itachi's eyes. I didn't even consider that this could be a personal matter, after looking at Itachi's face I knew this wasn't about Sasuke. I shook my head and spoke up before Itachi had time to react. "You're here for Naruto right?" 

"Perceptive, I see. Or did you learn that from Orochimaru?" Kisame asked, a cocky smirk was set upon his lips. "The Akatsuki, nine shinobi who have an over looming goal. Lucky for you I know exactly what that goal is. Before Orochimaru left, the group got stronger, and for what? You guys want something far greater than yourselves. You want the tailed beasts, not just Naruto but the eight others. I know exactly what you guys are up to."

For a brief second, I caught a glance of surprise among the duo in front of us, and I felt the others stiffing behind me.  

"Akatsuki?" Asuma asked and he looked in our direction. "I'll fill you both in later, it seems Kritanta also knows of them." 

"Kisame, we'll take Kakashi and the Astara girl with us. But we don't need the others, get rid of them." Without a second to hesitate, Kisame obeyed Itachi's order and charged straight for us. I put my arms up, blocking myself from any incoming attack. "LEAF HURRICANE" 

I trained my eyes to the figure that had just kicked Kisame. It's Guy, the spandex-wearing martial artist. I was able to catch a glance at Kakashi's face. He's in no condition to fight, he is still taking ragged breathes and they don't seem to be letting up. Guy landed in front of us, while Kisame landed where he started. "Well, who do we have here?"

"The leaf villages fiercest beast of battle, I'm Might Guy." He exclaimed proudly, but I could see the look of pure determination that he carried on his face. "You're Might Guy? More like Mighty stupid-looking Guy." 

"Don't underestimate him Kisame," Itachi warned, I felt Kakashi go almost completely limp in my arms, I had to balance while holding him as his chakra in his feet faded away. Guy looked back at us. "Close your eyes, don't look at his eyes you'll get caught in his Justu."

"Relax Asuma, I know what I'm doing. I know all about the Sharingan." Guy nodded and I looked up to him, he took Kakashi from me and slung him over his shoulder. "Now you two open your eyes, Kritanta do you know the secret?"

"Don't look in his mother fucking eyes," I smirked, my gaze dead set towards Kisame. "Yes that's the key, focus on his feet. You can read what he's going to do by his feet."

"Alright but that's easier said than done," Kurenai muttered as she reopened her eyes, them trailing the water's surface. Asuma wasn't too far behind her either. "We don't have that training like you do Guy."

"True but I don't have time to teach you right now, so you'll just have to do your best," Guy smirked and then walked over to Kurenai. "Kurenai, take Kakashi to medical, Asuma, and Kritanta, you'll be my back up." 

"Alright, I sent word for the Anbu Black Ops. But for now, we fend them off, the three of us." Guy informed us, I seethed slightly, Rin and the wolves should be heard by now. "Karliah go with Kurenai."

"Understood." I trained my vision back to the duo and got in an offensive stance. "Let's make this quick." 

"No, Kisame we're pulling out, our target isn't even in the village." Itachi ordered and a smirk crossed over my face, I need to get in one hit. "Alright would have been fun." 

"Just follow his orders like the bitch you are!" I shouted out to Kisame, praying for some kind of reaction. "What did you say?"

"I said to keep taking orders like the bitch you are. Did I stutter?" I questioned, taking a few steps forward in his direction. "I am no bitch!" 

"Are you sure about that?" I asked taking a few more steps forward until I was about three feet away from him. "Kritanta watch what you're doing! I don't want to be responsible to Kakashi for you."  

"Have it your way, just be the little bitch you are and go crying back to your leader. Pain will get to you sooner or later." I saw something flash within his eyes, I smirked and sent a kick to his chest. He grabbed my foot, I pressed my hand to his back letting it sit there for a few seconds before I sent lightning coursing throughout his body.He threw me back towards the group, and I collided with the surface tension of the water. I pushed myself to my feet, upon hearing the audible crack in my ribs I winced slightly. Before anything else could happen the two were gone. 

Once I was sure I couldn't feel their chakra anymore I pumped a few times on my heels and let out a huge smile. "Take that shark face, you didn't even know what hit ya!"

"Princess what was that?" Karliah asked, she was clearly amused by my little outburst of satisfaction. I immediately realized where I was and coughed a few time before I placed my hands behind my head sheepishly. "Sorry about that, just got a little excited. It was completely ill-mannered of me, I do hope we can look past this." 

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