Chapter 86~ Jirobo

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We sat in a circle, my body was leaned up against the tree my kunai had struck. I could feel the pain slowly subsiding from not being in proximity to Jirobo. My eyes lingered on the group, looking for injuries they had obtained thus far. They all seemed to have various cuts and bruised skin, but my gaze settled on Shikamaru's right arm which was wrapped with a white cloth. 

"We're running out of time." The chunin spoke, looking down at the ground. "There's no choice we gotta split up." 

"What be the point in that?" Naruto asked, but was still looking at my neck, where the lines were retracting back to the point of origin. I tugged my leather jacket up slightly, feeling somewhat uncomfortable from the lingering eyes. "No, he's right, with all our chakra taken away. Even with the six of us together, he is not going to be easy to take out. And with every second that passes Sasuke gets closer to the border. Once he crosses it, it will all be out of our hands. So we should split into two groups. One to stop him, and the other to follow Sasuke." 

"You'll helm the second team, okay Neji?" Shikamaru once again took charge of the situation. I closed my eyes, thinking of the probability of two teams would end up being. I was muttering numbers to myself when I felt a small tremble below us. "Scatter!" 

I pushed off my knees after yelling out to the group, I used my kunai to stand up quickly and pulled it out of the tree. Seconds later the ground cracked, and a few trees fell, causing us all to get out of the way. I cursed as I slipped, but was grabbed by a hand and was pulled to the ground. I landed on my side roughly, scrambling to my feet so I was ready for another attack. 

"Are you alright?" I turned slightly to see Shikamaru raising to his feet looking at me. I nodded my eyes, falling right back to the enemy. "Fine, thank you." 

"So there you are." Jirobo looked at us, a smirk playing onto his features. The area around us was obstructed and unrecognizable from moments prior. "Neji you take Kiba, Kritanta, and Choji and continue after Sasuke." 

"You've got it." The Hyuga nodded looking at the other two, I quirked a brow at Shikamaru. Just what is he thinking? There is no way he and Naruto can handle him, slow him down maybe but even the chances of that is slim, plus they would be losing the brains of the group.  "What are you going to do play with my shadow again? Don't waste my time, kid. You already showed me your little parlor trick, and once was enough." 

"That's funny, I seem to remember some around here getting taken in by that trick." I could see his shadow going in from the front and behind. But he was quick and disturbed the ground to prevent getting controlled once again. I scoffed as his chakra disappeared from in front of us. "He's gone!" 

"No, he's behind us!" I shouted, pulling out Midnight and readying myself for an incoming attack. I noticed that he no longer had his curse mark activated, he must have fought with it earlier if he can't maintain it. The ground began to crack once again, as he lifted a large piece of the ground overhead of him. I made hand signs as he began to lower his arms, and threw it up. "Earth Style: Receding Dome!" 

The ground below us sank, as I kept my hands above my head. We were lowered into a small cavernous area, with earth over top of us. I struggled as I felt the large boulder tumble above us, rolling past us, the earth above us cracking as I lifted us back to the surface. 

"You always were surprising Kritanta, I thought you were a lighting user." He cracked a joke, starring directly at us with a smirk. "Can't be good at only one thing, have to be unpredictable, seems you wouldn't know anything like that." 

"What did you say!" He hissed, frustration beginning to overtake him as he sank into the ground. Assuming he would go after me I motioned for the others to back up. Rumbling below set me on guard, holding Midnight in from of my face as I felt the trembling rush past me. "Shit, he's going-!" 

It was too late, his hand emerged from the ground, grabbing ahold of Shikamaru's ankle. The rest of him protruded and held the chunin by his ankles. "So you're the leader of this ragtag team. When you got an idiot for a leader the whole team suffers. Know what I mean? You don't want to follow a guy like this, let me show you what I think!" 

He spun him around, then released at a fast projectile. I noticed Akimichi beginning to expand himself, he would be too slow to make it. I cursed as I flashed over to Shikamaru, appearing behind him, using my speed to slow us down enough for Akimichi to cushion our impact. We collided with Akimichi, using our recovery to stand back up straight. "Thanks, Choji, Kritanta!" 

"Just returning the favor," I muttered but wasn't hear over Akimichi's loud cheers. "I try to help you guys out and look at what you do! I don't know which is more pathetic, the fool or those who follow him?" 

"Sounds familiar doesn't it." I laughed, taking steps forward, picking up Midnight from I dropped it during the impact. "Or do you like working for that Kimimaro, and Orochimaru. Because let's face it, they don't care about you, they are using you Jirobo. You're just don't have the intellect to realize you're just a pawn. At least I was a high ranking pawn."

"You!" Bingo. I had struck a chord within him, made him feel inferior to the enemy. His motions will be easily predictable so long as he's upset. "I'll just kill you all and put you out of your misery!" 

"It's time for you to shut your big mouth! Or I'll shut it for you!" Naruto shouted, his voice laced with determination as usual. This should give us an advantage against him, so much so only one person should have to stay behind. "Naruto! I'll handle him, this guy is mine!" 

"But Choji-"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" 


The others shouted and asked, showing their protest. I placed my finger on my chin, smirking as I realized this could work. 

"He can handle it, his set of abilities should suffice against Jirobo." I nodded looking over at Akimichi with a smirk. I took in his stance, the words he said about his friend seemed to have given him not only confidence but also a sense of pride that he feels the need to accomplish. He pulled out a small pouch that was filled with things. "Shikamaru take these food pills for everyone." 

"But Choji-" 

"Don't worry I got my secret weapon." He muttered as he placed the food pills into the palm of Shikamaru, and took some steps forward. "I'm going to kill you all right now!" 

I took a step forward placing my hand on Akimichi's shoulder. I whispered into his ear, my eyes narrowed as I kept an eye on Jirobo who was approaching quickly. "I got it Kritanta. Now get going!" 

I jumped back, watching as he landed a swift double punch into Jirobo, holding him back from advancing any further. I smirked, he was going to do just fine. "Shikamaru take everyone and get out of here! This is what the five, now six of us are supposed to do, we have to get to Sasuke! If we don't do that we'll be just as he said a stupid idiot for a leader and a band of rejects!" 

"You better catch up with us Choji! You hear me?" 

"Yes! Get out of here, go already!" 

"Alright let's move you guys!" 

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