Chapter 81~ Power Craze

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"So you're telling me that they both blew a fuse and tried to kill each other?" Rin waved his wooden spoon around in the air like it was some kind of wand. A pleasant smell rang throughout the small house as Rin continued to cook. "In short, yes." 

"What's wrong?" He asked, stirring whatever he was making in the pan. I shrugged and sank into the wooden chair, placing my hands on the counter and looking at them. "Woah! That's some good scarring! When did that happen?" 

"I broke them apart, I came into direct contact with both of their attacks. They have both become considerably strong." I drawled out watching as the tissue damage from Naruto's attack still seemed to be slowing down my finger movement. "I know the lightning damage is from that Uchiha, but what did Naruto learn?" 

"I quite honestly have no clue. But the properties behind the jutsu are complex, Jiraiya admitted to teaching him some new jutsu. But a jutsu that has the power to destroy eternal cells, whilst the recoil only shares skin is something I haven't even heard of." I explained confused by just what kind of attack this was. I looked to the window, seeing the moon in the sky, a few more days until the next full one. "Alright enough with the chatter, come help me chop these leeks." 

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and stood up, heading to the cabinet to retrieve the cutting board and knife. "You know for a girl who has relied on her own means to survive, your lack of cooking capabilities is honestly hilarious." 

"I'm glad to hear that my sad excuse for cooking causes you such en-" The knife fell to the floor, my body doing the same. My hands clasped the side of my neck, the familiar searing pain ringing throughout my body. I let out a muffled cry as I bit my lip, I quickly ridded myself of the black fabric. "Uh, why is that thing glowing red! Are you okay! This doesn't seem normal. Should I call or do something!?" 

"Stop freaking out," I seethed through my clenched teeth, another wave of pain ran through me. I tried to think of reasons why it would be acting up all of the sudden, but the pain kept distracting me. I could vaguely see the orange the seal made when it tried to consume me. The brightly-colored vine-like shapes started to emerge from the center mark on my neck. 

Pushing myself off the ground, only to be sent back to the floor. My breathing became more rugged as I tried to repress the mark from advancing any further. My eyes widened as I realized what this could mean. 

"One of Orochimaru's lakey's went after Sasuke." I blurted out, thinking of how uncontrollable his emotions are at the moment. Taking advantage of him is probably just what Orochimaru wants. Just like the pain had started it disappeared. 

"Toss me Midnight." I said through clenched teeth at the other brown haired Astara. "What are you planning to do?" 

"Nothing drastic, it's only a precaution if things go south." I muttered, snatching the sword from the older male. I strapped it to my back, rubbing my neck one last time before I burst out the door, undoubtedly interrupting wolf nap time.  

I could pinpoint the location of Sasuke, it seems he was near Sakura. Seems I wasn't the only one with good intuition. I rushed to the scene, concealing my chakra as I did so. I got close enough to hear what they were saying, using the trees as my disguise proved to be a tactile plan. I watched their interactions, the words they were exchanging. I sighed as Sakura pleaded for Sasuke not to leave, tears dripping from her eyes. I stayed silent, watching Sakura basically confess to the boy, I adjusted my hand on the sword, unsure of what Sasuke would do at this moment. I winced as she started to shout and chase after him. He appeared behind her, he said a few words before hitting a sensory point in her neck. Before her limp body could hit the floor, Sasuke placed her on the bench.

"You know I'm not going to be that easy to get rid of." I spoke up, standing from the branch. His eyes shot over to me, looking at me with wide, yet harsh, eyes. "I'm not staying. I've decided my path." 

"I thought the same thing. I thought I had my life figured out from the time I was eight, fast forward almost four years and nothing that I planned came to be." 

"I'm not like you! I lost everything, everyone I've ever cared about, gone! You couldn't understand, you were never alon-" 

"But I was, we are far more similar than you seem to realize. As Sakura said, you don't say anything or let anyone know what is going on in your mind. You despise your brother, I despise Orochimaru. You have dedicated all of your will to grow towards the end goal of revenge. Trust me when I say I want to be the person to put that vermin to an end, but it is not the only goal I have, it is not the only thing I live for." I cut him off, trying to get in my points. 

"You're the same, you don't talk either." I nodded seeing as he was in fact correct. "I know I'm not the best person to hear this from. I understand that much at least. But at the same time I am the only person who can tell you exactly what you're getting into. It seems beneficial, gaining power, in return for what? Have you even thought that far ahead? You'll just end up being used, and tossed aside just like I was." 

"But we're not the same! Unlike Orochimaru he chose me, you were just whatever he could catch from the scraps of the rest of your clan. I have potential, you had potential." I felt my blood boil as he spoke. I took a step forward, jabbing my hand into his chest. I saw his eyes flash down to the scarred up, and slightly bloody hand. "Maybe you're right maybe I was utterly useless. But you said it yourself, you have potential. A great deal of it actually, so why not hone your ability here and fight for the bonds you have created. Let's face it the moment you step out of the village you get deemed as Rogue, what is everybody going to think of you then? What about Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, hell even the people who only know you from passing? You are throwing your life away!" 

"I'm not you! I know what I'm doing." He turned on his heel, taking a few more steps before he paused. "For what it's worth, congrats on becoming chunin." 

"You're gonna regret this," I muttered, crossing my arms watching he continued down the road. I briefly let my eyes drift to the knocked out Sakura, her chest rising and falling steadily. "I should leave her, nobody needs to know I was here." 

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