Chapter 51~ Nara Vs. Temari

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Really didn't want to finish the fights and shit, so enjoy my lazy was out. (May edit in later.)

Like I had predicted, Naruto overcame the odds that were heavily stacked against him. He had worked up Hyuga, and successfully executed a sneak attack from the ground.

"The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto laughed, and cheered with joy. His arms were extended to the sky as he jumped around, almost like he never had to fight in the first place. "Can we now have Shino Aburame and Kankuro of the Sand."

The Aburame, who I had recognized as part of team eight and from the academy. He jumped the railing and landed smoothly on his legs, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Actually! Proctor dude! I forfeit!" Everyone turned to see a brown-haired kid with a hood and face paint, gasps erupted and the Aburame looked over at him. Now I might not be good at the whole emotion thing, but he didn't seem to be the happiest person as of right now. I rolled my eyes, not completely shocked from the withdrawal, but it didn't go unnoticed. The familiar gut feeling settled into my stomach.

"How troublesome, that means it's my turn." Nara growled lightly, his eyes rolling as he looked down into the arena. "Hey, Kri-Chan! Did you see me kick his ass!?"

"I did, it was rather strategically planned out seemingly from the get-go." I semi-complimented, letting out a timid smile. "Hey Shikamaru isn't it your turn because that cat dude quit."

"Maybe I should forfeit, then it wouldn't be such a drag." Nara complained once more, still looking over the railing.

"Now can we please have Temari of the Sand and Shikamaru Nara!" The said wind user floated down to the center a confident smirk upon her lips. Meanwhile, Nara was deciding if he should quit or not. But he received no time as Naruto pushed him over the railing. "Go get em Shikamaru!"

The crowd booed and threw trash, as Nara hit the ground, a laugh escaped the opponent's lips. I small smile even happened to grace my lips as he brushed himself off.

"Come on come on, get up and fight!" Naruto shouted, a smile on his lips.

"Alright, now if both sides are ready?" Genma looked between the shadow and fan users, awaiting their approval. Once both parties, or more so Temari had acknowledged that the fight was to begin Genma continued. "Begin!"

Temari launched herself in Nara's direction. She slammed her fan against the ground, a cloud if dust filled the air. The audience was on the edge of their seats, when they saw Nara had cleared the attack. This time Temari used the wind to throw at Nara, but once again Nara was able to evade the attack, and was out of sight from the wind user.

"He's evading, he really doesn't have any motivation." I rolled my eyes, scanning the arena for his chakra. I noticed his chakra in the trees, rather sufficient hiding spot.

"Let's go Shikamaru! Get your butt in gear!" Naruto yelled, but I was uncertain if it was cheering or not. Temari sent another full-force wind attack, but she was surprised when a shadow was chasing after her.

"Whoa! What was that Kri-Chan!?" Naruto placed his hand in my shoulder and shook me lightly. "He used the shadow of the walls to try and extend his reach of his jutsu."

Temari marked the distance of Nara's range, but Nara grew silently. He was crouched down, his hands placed in an unfamiliar hand sign. However, no chakra was being risen inside of his body. I looked closely, his eyes were closed, and was looking rather frustrated. "Is he thinking?"

"What did ya say Kri-Chan?" I waved my hand at him, not bother to repeat myself as I watched the fight intently. He relaxed his composure as Temari sent another blast of forceful wind in his direction.

I smirked, he's killing time, he's waiting for the wall to gain more shadows. As I predicted from the dust the wind had created, kunais came flying at Temari she blocked them but she was occupied when another shadow came racing towards the wind user.

I saw Nara smirk as I saw a shadow came from above, my eyes widened slightly, how smart is this kid? "Temari above you!"

She smirked as she struck down the jacket from the sky. She placed her fan in front of herself, blocking Nara's view. As she was about to make a clone the shadows reached her, using the hole Naruto created in the previous matchup.

He outsmarted her, an unknowing smirk rose to my face. I never expected this from the Nara.

"Yeah he did it! He pulled off a- a- nevermind he caught her!" Naruto cheered and watched as Nara rose his hand in the sky.

"The hell with it, I give up!" Nara announced, causing the crowd to erupt into an array of shouts. "I used up my chakra, and If I were to win this thing it would just be more work."

"Did he just give up!" Naruto outraged, so much that he jumped over the railing. However I stopped his descent by grabbing onto the collar of his jacket. "Kri-Chan he just gave up! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!"

"Naruto do not embarrass the village more by doing such, accept the reality and move along. Don't give me more of a headache." I complained, pulling him back into the spectator booth.

"Temari of the Sand is the winner!" Genma announced through clenched teeth, seems he's not thrilled of the withdrawal either. But it couldn't be helped, judging by Nara's chakra levels and stamina, he probably couldn't last more than a minute against Temari in hand to hand combat. So perhaps-no- I know that he made the intelligent decision by withdrawing.

"Please clear the arena and we can continue to our next match up!" Genma once again announced, I watched as they both cleared the field, looks like it's my turn.

"Because of the absence of Sasuke Uchiha, we will continue with the match after his. Kritanta Astara and Cadenza Phoenix, make your way to the arena!" I jumped the railing, landing swiftly on my feet. Now, time to meet my opponent.

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