Chapter 23~ Blast From the Past

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I refrain to Orochimaru as she because he is in the stolen grass nin identity.

Everyone was on guard, scanning the surroundings for movement. It was an uncomfortable silence, quickly followed by a huge gust of wind.

Damn it, we were separated. I held my arms in an 'x' in front of me, stopping the wind from damaging me too much.

I saw a head of pink, taking it as my opportunity to join the group. Unfortunately, I didn't get a good look at our attackers. I do have a strong feeling on who it could be. 

I stealthy made my way over to the group, it was only Uchiha and Haruno. Uchiha's eyes narrowed at me as I approached them. "Wait, what's the password."

"Drop it were wasting time, where's Naruto?" I sneered, I didn't really want to recite that long-ass password. Of course I knew it, it's from one of my favorite books, but it'd only waste our time. I saw Haruno tense slightly before Uchiha sighed in relief.

"Hey, guys! Over here!" I pulled out my sword, the blade crossing my body. Uchiha readied his kunai, as if he was about to attack. "Oh, sure no problem! A ninja waits until the time is right when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard; when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night, that is the moment for a ninja to strike."

"Gotcha." Sasuke and I said in unison as he threw his kunai and I tossed a ninja star. "What's wrong with that he got it right!"

"Exactly, the Naruto I know wouldn't get it. He even got it word for word. You'd have better luck teaching it to a hamster. Even the way he dogged our attack, that wasn't a Naruto move." He examined, the imposter smirking as they looked at us. "Guess you have a point, Sasuke-Kun."

"Now aren't we the clever one." The now grass ninja let down her guard. I could tell it was Orochimaru, that damn snake took another innocent's body. I felt my entire well-being freeze, like a deer in headlights. Seems my earlier suspensions were indeed correct.

"Tell me, if your teammate is really that dimwitted why'd you come up with such a hard password?" The snake sneered, her voice reminding me of my years in hell. "You see it wasn't for us, more of anybody who might be listening. It was meant as a trap and you fell right into it."

His pride started to sink in, it seems that my previous thought was indeed correct. "Call me impressed, you surely haven't dropped your guard, have you? This promises to be very entertaining."

An eerie and unsettling silence filled the already stiff air. That left me with one question, where was Naruto? My mind was racing, yet my body was held still. Orochimaru then proceeded to swallow the scroll he possessed. I hated the effect he had over me. "Well, when this is all over, one of us will have both scrolls and the other will be dead."

She lunged at us with the killing intent. I made the mistake of looking into the eyes of that killer. Before me I was faced with the murder of my clan, reliving the horrid moment. I quickly released the all-knowing genjutsu. When I came through, I saw Orochimaru smirking and my two team members shaking in fear.

I wonder what they were faced with. I quickly dismissed the thought and focused on the battle in front of me. "Seems you haven't dropped your talent, even a jonin couldn't drop that level of genjutsu. Let's see if you're team has the same will you do."

She snapped her eyes over to Uchiha and Haruno. Uchiha's shaking body forced himself to stand, kunai in hand. "Very good, but now what. Don't worry I'll make it quick I did expect more of a challenge, but oh well." 

"Don't give in Uchiha, show what your clan is worth!" I shouted, hoping the encouraging words would snap him out of it. Orochimaru went for the two, I jumped in between them. My sword clashing with the snake's Kunai. I felt droplets of blood spatter on my lower legs. "Good! Now get out of here, take Haruno with you!"

My hands were shaking, was I scared? No that can't be it, I haven't been truly scarred since the attack on the clan. "Desperate, but effective. Using pain to overcome fear. Your team isn't the worst. Ah, but lookie at you, you are shaking in fear. Your almighty pride is at stake, you think I don't know you, but you are every bit wrong. I know you inside and out, fear, strength, weakness, it is impossible to win against me. After all, I did teach you everything you know, isn't that right, Kritanta?"

She was trying to use words to get to me. I wasn't having it in the slightest bit. My anger was raging and wanted to get out, but I know that will only get myself killed. I needed to stay level headed and fight this reasonably. I gave them as much time as possible, but if they see this I won't be surprised if they hate me.

"Lightning Style: Cloak!" I shouted, my sword gaining electrical current, transferring it into the kunai. The remaining energy being charged into Orochimaru's fake body. "Nice try girly."

She kneed me in the gut, sword and all, sending me flying into a number of trees. I crashed through at least ten before coming to a stop. I pushed myself up, ignoring my obvious broken ribs and biting my lips in pain.

"Astrara-San!" I recognized that overly happy voice, but this time it was covered in something else, what was this fear? The pure fear radiating off of Uchiha and Haruno was not something to be overlooked.  "Are you okay?"

"Just fucking peachy." I hissed from the pain I was in, hoping they wouldn't notice. I used my sword for balance, much like a cane. Trying to regain my loss of breath that was near impossible because of the pain in my right side. "Keep it down you two, your gonna get us caught."

His fear was also noticeable, I haven't seen him this scared since the hidden mist village. "Guys!"

"No, stay away!" A huge ass snake was slithering towards us. Uchiha threw kunai which slowed it down. From the back of the snake, Orochimaru emerged a smirk plastered onto her stolen face.

The now all to the familiar body was coming closer to us. I was about to attack as Kunai and Shuriken were thrown in front of her. "Guess I made it just in time! Oh and by the way, I forgot the password."

Then a little beaker of hope made the others smirk. I stayed still frozen in my shoes.

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