Chapter 70~ His Face?

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"Hey, you wanna see it don't ya?" Naruto asked, his eyes darting to either side of the road as the four of us stood. I sighed heavily letting my thoughts wander. What is he on about this time? "I'd say it's time." 

"For what?" Sasuke asked his voice as monotone as ever. 

"Come on you know what I'm talking about." Naruto pulled out a flashlight from seemingly nowhere and placed it beneath his chin. He got right up into Sakura's face as he spoke. "To see Kakashi-Sensei's real face." 

"What's the matter with you!" Sakura hit him over the head, causing him to fall to the ground. I snickered at the sight, poor Naruto. Sasuke sighed and turned away. "Please this is lame, you can count me out. We finished today's mission, I'm outta here." 

"I think that was the most I've ever heard him say." I whispered to myself watching as he began to walk away. Sakura smiled and nodded her head rapidly. "Yeah you're totally right." 

"What if he has lips, like a blimp?" I almost laughed as Sasuke stopped moving most obviously considering his decision. "Or maybe buck teeth." 

I rolled my eyes at their antics, watching as Sasuke came walking back his curiosity getting the better of him. 

"Well, you guys have fun. There is probably a reason he wears a mask and there's no need for me to go prying into his life. If it was important he would undoubtedly show us, but I'm going to assume it's personal reasons that I have no will to meddle in." I threw up a slight wave not interested in this mission to see his face. Besides if it bothered me so much I would just ask, the worst he could say is no. 

I walked off not caring, a little jump in my step as I made my way back home. I pushed the door open and was greeted by two wolves lounging around the house. 

"Good afternoon Darling, I assume your mission went well?" Akari greeted bowing her head slightly. "No need for such formalities Akari, but yes it went well. Nothing too out there, a few simple tasks around the village." 

"Any word on your brother?" Karliah asked, I shook my head slightly. "He's been gone for four days, I would've expected him back yesterday but perhaps he could be having a hard time tracking said ninja. There are many variables that could change the duration of a mission."

"But?" Karliah coaxed looking directly at me with her head cocked. "But I can't help but feel something is slightly off.  I just have a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, it's just a hunch." 

"Your hunches are hardly ever wrong Princess." Karliah muttered her voice low, she was obviously worried as well. Akari stepped forward. "Shouldn't you act on your hunches?" 

"The least you should do is see the Hokage and ask about the details." I nodded slowly, that wasn't such a bad idea. Not to mention it would help settle my racing mind a bit. "I guess you're right, you two will accompany me." 

"We wouldn't have it any other way." They both nodded, looking at me. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and slung Midnight over my back. Once we were outside I climbed onto the back of Karliah. feeling the wind brush by me as she weaved her way to the Hokage tower. The ride was silent, none us uttering any words. However, a bad feeling seemed to be rising in the pit of my stomach. 

"We're here." I nodded to Karliah as I swung my legs over and left myself glide down Karliah's back. My feet collided with the floor, my vision casted on the door. I knocked three times, awaiting an answer. 

"Shizune you can just come in!" I heard a female voice say from the other side. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door in, seeing the same blonde haired women from before. 

"Oh you're not Shizune," Was her first words as the three of us came walking into the room. "You're on Kakashi's squad right?" 

"Indeed I am, my apologies if I had you thinking I was someone else." I bowed my head ever so lightly in her direction. Akari and Karliah doing the same as me. "No it's not your fault, what can I help you with-?" 

She paused after, I believe she was gesturing for my name. I gave a slight smile as I introduced myself. 

"Kritanta Astara," I watched closely at her direction. The pencil she hold stopped in motion, her head tilting upwards to look at me. "I see, I'm Tsunade." 

"Yes, I am aware of who you are Lady Tsunade." I bowed once more, showing my respect. "Naruto speaks very highly of you Kritanta." 

"That's unusual, anyway I don't mean to cut the small talk, however I did come here with an intention." I added, trying to sound respectful, but I'm pretty sure I came across as impatient. "Alright and what might that reason be?" 

"My brother Rin Astara was sent out about four days ago on a mission." I started, I watched her face carefully but she masked whatever she was feeling well. "Shinobi are sent out on missions everyday, what do you want?"

"Well you see to my knowledge it was taking care of one guy, which was on the border not too far from here. He's been gone for four days which is unusual for him. I was curious to know if you know anything pertaining to the matter?"

"Look I understand your concern, but I looked over Rin's file. He's very capable of handaling himself." 

"You think I don't know that, I am his sister. I just have a hunch that something could be wrong." I replied in a sarcastic tone, Karliah nuged my side looking up at me. "You want me to take action because of a hunch?" 

"Lady Tsunade, forgive me for my intrusion on the conversation but Kritanta has a very keen intuition. She's right 87% of the time, which is very high as you should know." I looked down at the white wolf, a small smile on my face, silently thanking her. "The Village as it stands is already low on Shinobi. I can't afford to send out a high ranking squad that could be used elseware." 

"You don't need to, just send me." I coaxed trying to push for a solo mission. "I don't need a whole squad, just permission to leave the village." 

"I've read your file Kritanta, due to your past you're good. Skilled, I'd even dare say you have more first hand experience than some of the Jonin in the village. But you and I both know that sending you out alone is not efficient." I flinched slightly at the mention of my past, seems she was already well aware. I let out a sigh, how could I go about this? "How much do you care for him." 

"He's the only blood line connection that I have left." I responded sure of my answer, that was until she quirked a brow at me. "I'm aware of that, I asked how much do you care for him?"

"A lot, okay. I don't know how to put it into words, but everytime I think something bad could happen to him my chest hurts." I clenched my teeth as I talked. Trying not to flip a lid on the new Hokage. "I've heard good things about you Kritanta, I don't want our first conversation to be an argument. Having said that I also don't think sending a Genin on a Jonin retrieval mission is at least an B-Rank if not higher ranked mission."

"I assure you I can handle myself, and I'll be accompanied by Akari and Karliah who are both excellent trackers. As long as nothing has gone wrong, he should have a seal on one of his kunai that I can transport myself to." I persuaded further, the feeling in my stomach only seeing to become more intense. "I don't doubt that, but I also know that you make sprattic decesions in the heat of the moment. So, I guess I'll find some shinobi who aren't out in the field right now." 

I watched as she ruffled through some papers. A sigh escaped her lips once her twice as she flipped over a paper. "I had team seven, minus Kakashi, assigned to start a mission tomorrow. So I can't send any of those three, but I do have a few people in mind."

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