Chapter 36~ One Condition

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I sat on a stool in my kitchen, Rin was currently treating my wounds tentatively. Akari and Kyler were accommodating to me quite nicely, however, they do have the tendency to act respectful and formal around me.

"Princess, explain to me again why he's here," Karliah asked, her voice in a state of confusion. I looked over to her, to see Akari and Kyler cocking their heads. "Excuse our idiocy m'lady, but who is he, he seems undoubtedly familiar."

"Yes, Akari and Kyler this is the other offspring of my- I mean our parents, Rin Astara." I deadpanned, not once showing anything, it could make the wolves lose respect for all I know.

"If memory serves me correctly I do remember the little kicker, quite rambunctious child." Akari examined with a small light chuckle. I nodded slowly.

"Karliah prepare for a trip, you too Akari and Kyler." I nodded to the wolves, then turned to Rin. "Are you going to be tagging along?"

"I was planning to." He shrugged with a smile, I looked down to see Karliah with a weary expression. "Where are you going, Princess?"

"Astara compound." I bluntly stated, my face held no emotion. I really hoped that going back there was a good idea, however only time will tell at this point. "I'm going to see the Hokage about our departure now. We'll leave when we return so if you could pack me a bag that would be helpful."

"Your wish is my command Princess." Karliah responded a wolfish grin on her features, but I could still tell she was worried. "I'll be back."

"Be safe m'lady." Akari bowed, I rolled my eyes slightly then rushed out of the house. I ran through the streets, a small smirk on my face.

I made my way to the Hokage Tower, avoiding people as much as possible. I knocked on the door, waiting for a greeting. Which was granted with a small, "Come in."

I twisted my hand on the knob, pushing the door open slightly. The Hokage was sitting at his desk with an all too familiar Ninja also in the room. "Kakashi, Hokage."

I bowed my head at them, but mostly Hokage, Kakashi was just there. "What brings you here Kritanta?"

"I request approval for an approved departure of the village." I deadpanned, looking right at Sarutobi. "May I ask where to?"

"The Astara compound north of here, Rin will be attending as well." I spoke, a cautious look on my face. My body was stiff and on guard, I really am fucked up. "What for?"

"Training, I am moving on to the finals and I wish to do it there and maybe learn some more things." I concluded, crossing my arms over my chest. "On one condition."

"May I ask what that condition is?" He tossed me a scroll from his desk. I looked it over quickly, then raised an eyebrow. "I expect you to have learned this by the time you return."

"This is a jutsu very few people know of, how do I learn something so prestigious like this?" All he did was shrug to my question, but held a smile the entire time. "Kakashi do you approve of this departure?"

I looked over at him, confused as to why Hokage would ask him this question. It wasn't his decision it was Sarutobi's.

"I suppose, but I wish to talk to you before you leave." I nodded slowly, confused as to why he wanted to speak with me. "I'll meet you at the training grounds in fifteen."

He nodded and I jumped to the window frame. "Oh, and I don't have time for you to be tardy, I have a schedule to maintain."

"I'm never late on purpose." He huffed with a sigh, only making me to roll my eyes. I jumped from the window onto the rooftops, enjoying the wind in my hair as I went.

I slipped the scroll into my back pocket, making a mental note to tell Rin about it later. I skidded across the roofs, then transferred my weight to trees as I made my way to the training grounds.

However what surprised me most was to see that Kakashi was already there sitting in a tree. He must of used his transportation jutsu to get here so fast.

"Kritanta, what is your connection to Orochimaru?"

"No greeting this must be serious." I sarcastically deadpanned. I landed gracefully on the tree across from him and sat down, my legs dangling over the edge.

"You're the one who said you had a schedule to keep."

I let out a breath I was absentmindedly holding. Then looked him in the eyes. "This is going to be long and I'm only explaining once. I'm going to assume you know of what went down during the five-day exam."

"I'm all ears, and yes."

"Great, may as well start from the beginning," I started trying to find the best words to explain this. "I am the heiress, sorry was the heiress, of the Astara clan. I had an awful childhood, the only ones I could talk to were my parents and brother. I was considered a monster, bearing too much power I was shunned. Even my own mother began to fear my power. I had mastered the way of the sword when I was four. My Dad was my best friend, however, he died the night of the attack, everyone else too. A little over six years ago my village was attacked. To this day I still am unsure of why he attacked. That damn night, I lost everything, my home, my family, my will to live, everything. My father told me to run, run away from the village and live. So I did, my naive self didn't think twice. about it."

"So are you saying Orochimaru attacked the village?"

"Hold on you're being impatient, I'm getting there."

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