Chapter 66~ Advice

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"Tanta honey, breakfast is ready!" I rolled my eyes, the same as I rolled out of bed, straight onto the floor. I groaned and let out a sigh of frustration, I made my way out of the constricting blankets and rubbed my back. I watched as the door opened and Rin burst into a fit of laughter. "C'mon blanket burrito, I made chicken fajitas." 

"Rin, it's two in the morning, can you keep your bullshit to yourself until at least five." I yawned as I unwrapped myself from the comfort of my blankets. "You call my spontaneous cooking bullshit! I'll have you know that I find joy in cooking at random times!"

"Rin, I know what you're doing and you don't have to." I sighed, throwing the blankets back onto the bed, and I stretched out my upper back. He let out an awkward laugh, as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I-, uh, you don't know what you're talking about! You're delusional when you have yet to eat."

"It's quite the opposite really, I am rather quite aware, even at this hour." I muttered, pulling my hair into a high ponytail and out of my face. "You're trying to make me feel better." 

"Pfft, what no?" He dragged out everything he said, a forced smile set upon his face. "You just have to have a perfectly proportional palate." 

"While that is something you boast about all the time, it's different this time around." I muttered, cracking my neck. I slipped on my boots and put my signature leather jacket on. "I just want to know what's been bugging you~!" 

"I'm fine Rin." I assured, adding in a quick smile to reassure him even further. I started walking towards the front door, ready to start my early day with a jog. "Don't start with my Tanta, now come sit down so we can talk." 

"I'll take a rain check, I need to go for a run." I waved him off and twisted the handle, letting low amounts of light from the crescent moon cascade into the room. As I was about to walk out a hand was set on my shoulder, before I could react I saw turned around and brought into an embrace. "Don't do that Kritanta, don't push others away when they are trying to help you." 

"I don't need your help, I don't need anybody's help. I'm not some child who can't take care of herself you know!" I grew agitated, but couldn't break free from Rin's tight embrace. "Is that what you think Tanta? I do this because you can take care of yourself without issue, I just want to make sure your always safe and living your best life. I love you Tanta, so damn much, I'm overbearing because I care about you. You're a child no doubt, but a child that is independent and mature. I never think of you as a child, to me you'll always be a little sister. I just love you so much Tantawanta!" 

"Alright, alright enough." I laughed as he messed up my hair and squeezed the life out of me. I struggled against his grasp, letting out another string of laughter as he tickled my sides. "Stop! No no! I hate you Rin!" 

"Did you hear what short stack did a few days ago!" Arrow piped up from scarfing up his food. A large grin was spread across his canine features as a piece of chicken dropped from his snout. "Tanta is there something you didn't tell me about the Akatsuki encounter?" 

"I told you what happened." I thought over my earlier explanation, making sure I didn't skip over anything. "You told us what information was gained, not what happened. According to Karliah our little hot head lost her little top."

"Arrow not another word from your snout." I hissed recalling my childlike mannerism when I was fighting the Akatsuki. "Arrow, what did my lil' sis do that was so bad?!"

"Arrow. Not. Another. Syllable." I sent to black wolf a warning glare, my canine up against his. He cocked his head to the side, a daring smirk dancing onto his face. "Well Rinny Boy." 

"Arrow." My voice grew deeper as I stared at Arrow, I noticed that Akari and Kyler seemed to be looking over in a curious manner. "Kritanta here managed to land an attack on the fish man and apparently she was so excited improper sentences and bodily reactions made her seem like a normal eleven-year-old." 

"No way?" Rin smiled, his eyes darting between Arrow and I looking for confirmation. But he suddenly turned around and looked at Karliah who was leaving my room. "Karliah my girl, it this true?!"

"Hm? Oh yes, Princess was quite thrilled." Karliah smiled, but it wasn't her usually soft, almost more of an amused smile. I scoffed denying the obviously true events that had taken place. "Oh, and Princess I hope you had time to think over what was said last week, you haven't spoken to any of them since."

"I have been, I should probably apologize to Kakashi." A sigh escaped my lips as I traced circles around my wrist. Thoughts still flooded my head as I thought of the dispute I had with Kakashi. "Did my little sis' actually just admit that she should apologize??!" 

"Can it Rin, I'm not in the mood for your dwindle minded thoughts," I muttered as I made my way back over to the door. "This shouldn't be taken lightly Tanta this is some major character development!" 

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes, slipping out the door, and motioned Karliah not to follow. Once the door was closed I released a sigh I had apparently been holding onto. I shut my eyes a took in a deep breath, now to find Kakashi, I should probably apologize to Asuma and Kurenai as well. I facepalmed, thinking of how troublesome that this was going to be. I'll start with Kurenai. 

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