Chapter 114~ Naruto

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Naruto let me down as he began conversing with Tsunade and Jiraiya. Sakura tossed me a smile and pointed at her eyes before throwing me a thumbs up. The fabric was laying on Tsunade's desk and the faces around me seemed so much more mature when compared to two years ago. It was clear that everyone had grown, and for some reason it made my chest tight being in the room with Naruto and Sakura.

Something about the whole situation just felt right. Was it selfish of me to want it to stay this way?

"There is someone I think the three of you should see. I've kept him off of missions to prepare for this." This caught my attention, it was pretty clear she was talking about Kakashi, but the two chakra signatures that were approaching were not his. A quick knock on the door interrupted us all, one I was all too familiar with. "Ah who is it Grandma? You can't keep us waiting now!"

"Your opponent will be! Come in-" The door opened, revealing Shikamaru and Temari. The male of the two waving his arm up, "Hey."

"Hey Shikamaru, Temari! Look what the cat dragged in!" Sakura waved at the two and pointed at Naruto who cocked his head to the side. A smile etched it's way onto Shika's blurry face. "Is that? It is Naruto!"

"Hey Shikamaru," Naruto took a few steps closer to the Nara, his hands resting behind his head. "You're back now?"

"Yeah I got back today." Their banter was nice, but it did nothing to hide the face that everything I was worried about was now in this small room. "Don't get your hopes up he hasn't changed at all."

"I didn't think so." I allowed myself to sink further into myself as I leaned up against the desk. I could see Temari throw me a look, but what it was about was hard to figure out through my vision. "Hey wait does this mean your my opponent Shikamaru?"

"Opponent what are you talking about? I just came over here to drop off some paperwork." He shrugged and looked over at me for information, to which I copied his actions. "Well if it's not you, is it- uhh, what's your name again?"

"You don't remember me?" Temari glared at the blonde haired boy, but before anything else could escalate Tsunade had stepped up with a sigh. "Naruto! You won't find your opponent in here, he's out there!"

Naruto raced to the window, pulling his upper body out of it and towards the roof. That's when I felt it, the bastard has been sitting on the roof. "So Naruto, you went and got all grown up, eh?"

"Kakashi-Sensei!" The reunion took place and Temari motioned for me to follow her out into the hall. With a nod of approval from Tsunade I took small strides while I laced the fabric back around my eyes. Darkness washed over my vision as I heard the click of the door closing, leaving just the two of us. Pressing my back to the wall I crossed my arms, sensing as Temari did the same across from me.

"I'm guessing you want an explanation?" I spoke up first, feeling the awkward tension that was filling the hall. "Not quite, I'm guessing you were on an infiltration type mission of the Akatsuki. From you being back in the lead, I'm also assuming it's over."

"You're correct, I apologize for our meeting about a year ago now? I couldn't say anything about the mission, but I wanted to give the Kazekage a heads up about their plans." Even though she wanted little information I couldn't hep but explain the situation. "I actually wanted to thank you for that, they tried about four months ago but we were able to fend off the captor they sent due to your information."

"Captor? As in one?" That made no sense, they don't work alone. Could it have been some kind of ruse or alternate motive? "Yes, they made a frontal attack at the north gate, it caused a ruckus but they retreated before Gaara had to get involved."

"They'll come back," I offered quickly, trying to figure what their plan was. "All nine are required for the process to be completed. Please tell me the Sand is still on a careful watch?"

"All the time, we figured they would be back so we're prepare-"

"KRI-CHAN!" Our conversation was interrupted by Naruto bursting through the double doors, behind him were two chakra signatures, Sakura and Shikamaru. "Hey! Uh- wait? What's that dumb thing around your eyes?"

"Collateral damage Naruto, my vision is messed up from some training I've done over the years. Nothing time can't heal, its only temporary." He doesn't know, and I'd like to keep it that way if possible. "Oh, okay? We get to fight Kakashi-Sensei! All three of us, like before! But he left to read that book for now, so we have to meet him at the training grounds later!"

"It gives us ample time to strategize." The words fell from my mouth, and I could tell he began walking away and down the hall, Sakura on his trails. "You haven't changed at all have you Kri-Chan?"

"Don't say that Naruto, Tanta has changed a lot! You're being rude." I heard the impact of Sakura slapping him. Change is inevitable, but some things remain the same. We all began to make our way out of the tower and into the streets, and along the way Shikamaru grabbed my wrist. I flinched but didn't react negatively otherwise, "You're not going to tell him?"

"I didn't have enough time with Jiraiya before everyone showed up, I don't know what he knows. The last thing I need is being the one to tell him someone's after his head. Not to mention he doesn't know what I did yet, and once he finds out it could... complicate things." I heard him let out a sigh before we continued on down the streets of Konaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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