Chapter 37~ A Sick Story

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"Hold on you're being impatient, I'm getting there."

I took a deep breath, how would Kakashi take all of this. Why do I suddenly care about his opinion? I should only care for myself, isn't that how I was taught.

"To answer your question, yes, Orochimaru was the mastermind behind the attack," I admitted, playing with the loose strands of hair that framed my face. "As I said before, I still have no conclusions as to their motive behind the attack. I presume it has to do with our clans kekkei Genkai."

"Astarantu, am I correct?"

"Indeed, surprising really, not many people know of our gift. It's the reason why Karliah is my companion, she's my star guardian or the second stage of Astarantu." I explained carefully, not wanting to give off too much detail of my Astarantu. It's sacred to the clan, and even though they are gone I feel obligated to protect the treasure my clan devoted their lives too. "Moving along after I had ran from the attack, I was met in the woods by a man. He told me that I was to come with him and he knew my father, it was his last wish."

"Was this man Orochimaru?" He interjected quickly, I nodded, confirming his speculation. "Being naive I trusted the man, I followed him to his 'house' or more like his hideouts. I didn't think twice about the strange place he lived, I decided it was best not to question seeing as he was showing me hospitality. But about a week into getting accommodate, he started training me. However I underwent rigorous training throughout my time there, he trained me into a monster, more than I ever was before. I was still grieving, I don't think I ever stopped. I felt guilty so I obeyed Orochimaru's wishes for me to grow stronger, he said to think of it as a way to avenge my family."

"Kritanta, how long were you with Orochimaru?" He questioned, his voice held something new. Was he concerned about me? No that can't be, from what Rin was saying trusting people isn't bad. Maybe I should give Team 7 a chance, Kakashi included. "I was with him for about six years."

"And you still stayed true to yourself, that's highly impressive." He gawked at the amount of time I spent under the snake.

"Not entirely, I killed, k-illed countless. Women, children, ninja, anybody Orochimaru disproved of. And what's worse I didn't have the intellectual mindset to contradict him. I let him turn me into a machine." I could feel my voice breaking down, tears threatening to spill from my golden orbs. Kakashi's eyes widened from my sudden outbreak of emotion, something he hasn't seen before. I pulled out the small leather notebook I kept on me and slipped it to him. "About a year ago I found out that he was behind the murder of my people. I planned my escape for about four months, never once faltering in obeying, maintaining my trust and loyalty to him the entire time. You know the rest from there I was found in the woods by Kurenai Yuhi and brought here."

"I never realized how much you had to endure, I'm sorry Kritanta." Kakashi spoke, his voice was soft and smooth, like a father comforting his daughter. I think I just realized that maybe the leaf isn't so bad after all. I was engulfed in a hug, Kakashi conveying a sense of comfort. Not once had I seen the man I dare call, Sensei be so caring towards me. Maybe he's like me, has a hard time trusting. He pocketed the book hiding it away from my sight. "You don't need this anymore," 

It felt serene to just let everything out, something that has happened twice in the past day. Little did I know how fucked up reality can actually get.


I swung the door open, greeted by the wolves and Rin. They were all lounging around in the main room. "Princess you're back, why do you look so distraught?"

"Its nothing Karliah," I said to the worrisome white beast, then turned my attention to the rest of the lot. "Are you almost ready, I received permission from Hokage to leave."

"Indeed, I have your bag packed as well," Karliah spoke, standing from her once resting position. "Akari, Kyler are you ready too?"

"Yes, m'lady." Akari answered with a sweet smile. "Before you even ask I'm ready too."

I nodded at the other golden orbed Astara. "Good let's get a move on then."

We all walked outside, the sun just starting to set. I let out an audible sigh, realizing that it wasn't a full moon. We were silent, walking to the gates.

A few stares were gained as a genin, three wolves, and a non-leaf shinobi walked the streets. "Karliah, do you mind?"

"Never Princess." She confirmed, I swung my leg over the side of her, hoisting myself onto her.

"Let's go Arrow." I raised a brow as a light brown wolf jumped from the tree line. I stared in awe at the sight of the beautiful wolf. "So you do have a guardian."

"Did you doubt me that much imoto?" He chuckled and mounted the wolf, which was easily a foot taller than Karliah and about the same size as Kyler. The light brown fur and white underbelly tied in perfectly with his brown eyes.

"Whazzz Up, pretty little princess!" Arrow gawked with a playful expression. His behavior caught me slightly off guard I wasn't expecting the outgoing and informal acts. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance too Arrow."

"Rinny Boy, this is your blood sister. She's pretty, looks like a strong boi too." An irk mark appeared on my forehead, this wolf is highly indecent. "I can still hear you, you know."

"Aw, she even has a little hothead."

"Would you stop calling me little! I get that I'm at a vertical disadvantage, but no need to make fun of me for it." I hissed, puffing my cheeks out slightly. My outburst only seemed to make the wolf more judgemental. "She won't even admit that she's short!"

"Here we go." Karliah deadpanned as I shot daggers into Rin's guardian. "Rin tell your guardian to put a sock in it, preferably before I shove a kunai down his throat."

"For someone who hates showing emotion, you have quite the hothead." I didn't even respond but shut him up with the daggers that I was shooting at him. "Alright Arrow, I think we upset her more that we should have."

"Damn right." I loathed with a scowl on my face. "Let's get going."

Just before we could get a move on I heard someone scream out my name. I turned around to see who it was and my eyes widened slightly as he came into view.

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