He objects at your wedding (pt.2) - Oliver

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Request for CarolineSimmons4 💛💛💛
A/N: THIS STORY HAS REACHED 3K VOTES!!!! Thank you to everyone for all of your support. You guys have been incredible and extremely understanding and I'm so grateful for everyone🥰🥰🥰thank you all🥰
Once you had fully calmed down, Oliver looked away so you could get out of your wedding attire and into some regular clothes you had in the dressing room and sat down in one of the chairs. "So what now?" he asked, taking a seat next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Is there a back door we can escape through by any chance? I don't want to deal with nosey family members" you said, leaning into him.

"Well lucky for you, there is one. I'll just call Y/F/N to get the car there and I can drive you back to your place to clear your stuff yeah?" he said sweetly. You nodded and handed him your phone so he could dial your friend's number. You zoned out while Oliver gave her instructions and replayed the event over and over in your head, the reality of it setting in once again. You felt a hand on your cheek and only then you noticed you has tears down your face and your vision was blurry. You sniffled and wiped your eyes, muttering a quiet apology but before you could do anything else, Oliver stopped you.

"Hey darling, there's nothing to he sorry for. Nothing that happened today was your fault, at all. It's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed. A lot happened love." he said softly and wrapped his arms around you, resting his cheek on your head while his arm rubbed small circles on your back. You just stood there hugging him, desperately needing his comfort and he let you, not making the move to let go.

Eventually, you looked up at him, placed a kiss on his cheek and wiped away the tear streaks on yours. No words needed to be exchanged. He took your hand and led you out the back to the car, you both thanked your friend and got in, then he began the drive to your house but his hand never left yours, offering all the comfort he could which you were grateful for. As he drove back, you looked at the scenery out side the window. The familiar streets all look the same as this morning, but the buzz of excitement you always feel in the city was replaced by a certain emptiness.

You felt betrayed, and was deeply hurt. You were scared to ever open up to anyone again because this level of pain was not something you had experienced, not even after the loss of a loved one and you never wanted to feel it ever again. But then you looked over at Oliver, and all the feelings of doubt washed away. In all the years you've known each other, he's never once done anything to hurt you, not even close. He's shown nothing but love and care and friendship, even if it had evolved into something more.

You found yourself smiling and before you could look away, Oliver turned towards you and a grin appeared on his own face. "You're staring at me and smiling, not creepy at all" he teased and you rolled your eyes but chuckled nonetheless. "What were you thinking about" he asked and you shrugged, not really giving him an answer but kept smiling to yourself. You knew then for sure, that once you had healed from this, Oliver would be waiting for you with open arms and you'll never have to feel this kind of pain again, only the happiness.

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