Your child meets Fred's ghost at Hogwarts (pt.2)

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Request for elleonoraikman03 ❤❤❤
Half term rolled around and you decided to go pick your daughter up from Hogwarts instead of waiting at the station. You missed Hogwarts and you wanted to visit anyway. Plus, Annabeth has been saying there's someone you'd want to meet.

You got permission from McGonagall to floo to the principles office to pick up Annabeth and sure enough your old professor was there to greet you. "It's been a while professor" you said after dusting the soot off of your robes. "Oh please, call me Minerva" she said with a warm smile on her face and led you to the great hall. You looked around and spotted Annabeth in the corner where she was talking to a ghost. You wondered who the ghost was since there were a couple of new ones so you made your way over to them.

Annabeth saw you and ran towards you, leaping up into your arms. "Mummy! You came!" she said excitedly and you chuckled. "Of course, now who is this someone who you wanted mummy to meet so bad?" you asked, kissing her head. "That would be me". You froze. The voice was familiar, too familiar. After all this time it could still make butterflies erupt in your stomach and speed your heart up 10 times. You put Anna down and she ran off somewhere.

You slowly turned around and the face of the love of your life was looking back at you. Your eyes glossed over and your heart got caught in your throat. "Freddie?" you croaked. "Is that really you?" you whispered. "Yeah my love, it's me, your husband, well, ex is the new ghost of Gryfindor" he said, a smile playing on his lips. "Not ex" you corrected, holding up your hand that still had your wedding ring on your finger.

His face softened and just then, Anna came over and tugged on your robes, then handed you a bottle. "Mummy drink it" she said and ran off again. You looked at the bottle and back up at Fred. "Knowing that she's been talking to you now, is this safe to consume?" you asked skeptically. He laughed and nodded so you downed the bottle. You looked confused for a second because you didn't feel anything until a hand came in contact with your cheek.

Your eyes snapped up to see that it was indeed Fred's hand on you and your face turned into one of pure joy and confusion. "McGonagall brewed it for Anna" he said and you looked up to the teachers table to see her smiling warmly at you. You mouthed a thank you towards her and turned your attention back to Fred. You then jumped onto him and held on like your life depended on it.

"I've missed you so much Freddie, it's been so hard without you" you mumbled into his neck, enjoying the feeling of being back in his arms and the comfort they provided. "I've missed you too love, I'm right here, you can visit any time, but you also need to find happiness again" "I don't want to, I'll wait until I can be with you Freddie" you fired back immediately and he nodded. "I'll be waiting for you, for all eternity"

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