Family day out (Oliver)

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Request for elizabetaki 💖💖💖
You woke up to the sun shining through your bedroom windows...and a toddler staring at you. "Mama!!! You awake!! Can we wake papa and go to park? Pwease pwease pweasee?" Your 4 year old daughter Cordelia asked as she bounced up and down on your bed, waking up Oliver in the process. "I don't know, let's ask your father shall we?" You replied winking at her. You held up 3 fingers and counted back. 3...2...1 "ATTACK!!" Cordelia yelled and jumped onto your poor unsuspecting husband and started to tickle him. Oliver being extremely ticklish immediately sprung out of bed picking her up with him and held her above his head. "You're full of energy today huh Cory?" "Papa can we go to park? Pwetty pweaseeee, wit chewwy on top?" Oliver chuckled, placed her down and ruffled her hair. "I don't see why not, go on and get changed, and if you need help call for mama or me okay?" Cordelia nodded enthusiastically and ran off to her room squealing.

"Got yourself quite a ball of energy have you?" you laughed as Oliver crawled back into bed. "She takes after you dear" he replied hugged you close. "No good morning kiss?" he pouted and you laughed out loud. You kissed him passionately yet gently and laughed again. "Satisfied yet you big baby? Now let's get ready before she unleashes her second round of energy on us" At that Oliver jumped right out of bed and got dressed, then went downstairs to make breakfast. You couldn't help but smile at your husband (or man baby), went to get dressed and joined him.

You were met with the smell of fresh pancakes, coffee and sunshine accompanied by a soft breeze when you entered the kitchen. A perfect day for the park you thought. "Panckiessss" you heard a little voice yell enthusiastically followed by the sound of tiny footsteps padding across the floor. Your daughter ran in wearing a completely mismatched set of clothes, a bright pink t-shirt with some green shorts and a red jacket on the outside.

You and Oliver looked at eachother and smiled, knowing that she was quite adamant to what she was wearing and it was impossible to get her to change her fit so you've learned to let her wear whatever mismatched clothing to her heart's content. You thought it was quite cute actually, and Oliver says she inherited your strong will (or stubborness, he just doesn't want to say stubborn and get into trouble) because when you were younger, even now, you dressed however you felt like and no one could tell you otherwise and you couldn't care less of what people thought.

Your parents weren't very happy with your choices of clothing but frankly you didn't care. And now you wanted your daughter to grow up having her own mind like you did, so no one could compromise who she wanted to be.

Oliver picked her up and spun her around as she giggled and squealed. "How many panckies Cory?" he asked ruffling her hair. "Thwee pwease" She said confidently holding up four fingers. He laughed and put down one finger. "That's three" then placed the desired number of pancakes onto her plate. "Tank you papa" she replied and started stuffing her mouth with pancakes. "Slow down baby or you'll choke" you reminded as you watched very amused.

"Good morning my sunshine" Oliver said as he came over to you. Embracing you in a tight hug, he kissed your head, then your eyes, then cheeks, nose, then finally lips. "Good morning to you too sir, what can I do to get some pancakes around here" "Perhaps a kiss would suffice" Ollie winked and you kissed him again. "Right this way m'lady" he bowed. You shook your head in amusement and took your seat at the table before Oliver got each of you 2 pancakes, the 3 of you then ate and joked around until the very last pancake was finished. "Park now mama?" a little voice piped up. You smiled and nodded, then picked her up, sat her on the step in the hallway and put on her shoes. "Ollie darling let's go, we've got someone who's getting a bit restlest here" "Coming love".

You all piled into the car, you and Oliver in the front seats and little Cordelia in the back playing with her action figures. You rested your head on the window and enjoyed the warmth of the sun as you felt Oliver lacing his fingers through yours and stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. You slowly fell asleep against the window and the last thing you felt was him kissing your hand and holding it tight while he drove to the park.

You were shaken awake by little Cory and when you opened your eyes, you were met with a very amused Oliver and a hyper 4 year old. " Mama we at park, come pway wit mee!" she giggled and jumped off of the car. You followed and she ran out to the monkey bars immediately climbing up all the way to the top. You and Ollie laid down a blanket underneath a tree and sat down, careful to keep an eye on Cordelia. "I don't know where she got her athletic ability from, definitely not me" you laughed and leaned against Oliver. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead. "Me obviously" "You wish Ollie".

After a while, you laid your head on his lap relaxing. Today was just absolutely perfect. You we're at the park on a nice sunny day with your loving husband, watching your beautiful daughter out on the playground having the time of her life and even making some new friends. You slowly drifted off to the feeling of Oliver playing with your hair and thinking to yourself: today can't get any better than this.

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