You meet for the first time. - Fred

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You pushed the trolley through the crowd of people, looking around trying to find platform 9¾ but with no success. You were a 6th year exchange student from Illvenmory and had absolutely no idea where to go. You kept wandering aimlessly, pushing your ridiculously heavy trolley around when you spotted a group of redheads in cloaks pushing their own trolleys towards platforms 9 and 10. They look kind of...witchy...i guess? you thought so you decided to follow them. If they weren't magic you could just keep looking.

You turned the corner just in time to see one the last one of them disappear into the column between platforms 9 and 10 so hey, you found the station. You dragged the trolley over and stared at the wall. You saw the redhead do it a moment ago but you were still a bit nervous. I mean you were gonna be running full speed towards a brick wall! After reminding yourself the train will leave with or without you, you made a break for it and charged towards the bricks at full speed, half expecting to crash into when you opened your eyes and saw the Hogwarts express appear in front of you.

The train looked better than you imagined. You heard the conductor announcing it was the last call so you quickly grabbed your suitcase and dashed towards the doors, making it just on time. You squeezed your way through the narrow halls, apologizing as you bumped into the occasional student and finally, you found a compartment near the back of the train that was completely empty. Perfect.

After locking the door once you were in, you let out a breath you didn't even know you had been holding. The whole way to the train had been incredibly hectic and you were finally able to have some peace and quiet. You were so exhausted that you almost fell asleep but the sound of the trolley lady whole you right up. You got some money from your suitcase, desperate for a snack. "Excuse me can..." you said as you stuck your head out from your compartment at the same time a red headed boy stuck out of his. "Sorry, you go first" he said and smiled and you felt some blood rush to your cheeks.

You returned the smile and asked for some colourful candy from the trolley, since you didn't know what else she had. It was your first time trying any of the British sweets. You paid, thanked her, gave the boy (who was still staring at you) another smile and closed the door.

Fucking finally you thought as you opened the packet, popping a handful of sweets into your mouth, satisfied that there was going to be something in your stomach. And to your surprise, they tasted quite good! You were about to fill your mouth with another handful when you heard a knock on the door and almost choked when you saw the red head from earlier...or, two of him standing in front of you.

"I swear there was only one of you before" you said as you slid the door open, allowing them to enter. "Ah yes, that would've been me. I'm Fred and this is George" the one to your left said with a goofy smile on his face, extending his hand to shake yours. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" you replied, shaking their hands and shoved another handful of sweets into your mouth as Fred took his seat next to you while George sat opposite.

"Are those sweets really that good?" George teased and you rolled your eyes. "I'm hungry, haven't eaten all day" you shrugged, finishing your pack of candy. "You're not from here are you? Your accent is different" Fred asked with the slightest tint of pink on his face. Luckily you didn't catch the smirk George was sending Fred's way or else Fred would've probably murdered him.

"No, I'm from America. I'm the exchange from Illvenmory" you explained. "Well then, welcome to England and to Hogwarts. I like your accent by the way, it's nice" Fred stated and his cheeks got a teeny bit pinker. "Fred is never this nice to everyone he first meets" George said winking at you and Fred flipped him off. You tried to hold back your laughter at the two and felt a blush of your own rising to your cheeks. "Awww, now you have matching blushes" George teased again and you slapped his arm. "Shut up dumbass"

He only smirked and leaned back, resting his head against the window and closed his eyes for some rest.

"Sorry about that" Fred sheepishly said and leaned back. "Don't worry about it, that's what siblings are for" you chuckled, remembering all the times your brother would tease you about a crush and embarrass you in front of them. "Got any siblings of your own?" he asked. "Yeah, a brother. You? Other than George?" "5 others apart from George". You choked on your drink. 5?? "So 7 kids in total???" you asked in disbelief and Fred just laughed. "Someone's parents have been busy" you said and he rolled his eyes but a fond smile rested on his lips.

You're really easy to talk to you thought to yourself and a small smile tugged at your lips. "Why thank you" "so I didn't say that in my head?" "Nope" Fred said, popping the "p" for extra emphasis. "Well don't get used to the compliments dipshit" "wouldn't dream of it" Fred replied with just as much sass as you yawned.

"Tired love?" he asked, looking your way to admire the small details on your face. You just nodded, suddenly too tired to even realize that he called you "love". "I'll wake you when we get there" Fred smiled, wanting to pull you in so you could use his shoulder as a pillow but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. He was given an answer to his internal debate when you moved closer and laid your head on his shoulder to get comfortable, and you were out like a light.

Fred smiled and put an arm around you, playing with the ends of your hair as he watched your breaths even out as you snuggled even closer to him in your sleep. "You look like a lovesick idiot" George said with one eye open. "Fucks sake you scared me dimwit, and shut up, she could hear you". George just smirked at you two and laid down on the seat to get some more sleep. Fred looked back down at your sleeping figure and couldn't help the smile tugging on the corners of his lips. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.

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