Fred meets James

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(For the purpose of this let's pretend Fred and James look different)
Fred woke up suddenly in unfamiliar surroundings. The last thing he remembered was the battle of Hogwarts, you calling out his name, your beautiful face, then something heavy collapsing onto him. He blinked a couple times and slowly took in his surroundings. He was sitting on a soft white bed in an unfamiliar room...with a TV. That's odd he thought. That's the thing with the moving pictures in the muggle world he remembered from when Arthur brought one back from work to show them.

He slowly got up and went over to the window, slowly opening the curtains and being even more confused to see the bustling city of London facing him. They never went out to the muggle world unless they were going to King's Cross station, and Fred was certain that that was not their destination, and definitely not for him, considering he had dropped out.

Still quite confused, he slowly made his way downstairs in an attempt to find you or any of his family but found an empty lobby instead, so he headed towards the door, thinking maybe you were all outside and to his relief, you were. He spotted you down the road and ran up to you and hugged you. "Y/N thank god, what are we doing here? Where's everyone else?" he asked but you just stared back at him confused.

"I'm sorry sir, I think you've mistaken me for someone else, I'm not Y/N" the lady said apologetically. But, how was it possible, she was the spitting image of the woman he loves, he couldn't mistake her for anyone else, it has to be her. "What are you talking about? It's me, Freddie" he tried again but the lady merely shook her head.

"Did they obliviate you?" he asked, panic coursing through his veins. "What's obliviate? Sir I really am not the person you're looking for" the lady replied back. Before either of you could say anything else, a man carrying a baby in his arms came up behind the woman. "Can I help you?" he asked, wrapping an arm protectively around her. "Erm yes, what did you do with her, what did you do with myY/N?" Fred asked, desperate to have you back.

"I really do think you have the wrong person. This is my wife Kaylie, I'm James and this is our daughter Katelyn. We don't know an Y/N, sorry" he said less aggressive than before but voice still protective and stern. "No, undo whatever spell you put on her or I'll wish a dementors kiss upon you" Fred stated, voice getting more frantic and he stepped towards Kaylie but James pushed him back.

"Listen, I don't know who you are and we've already told you, this isn't Y/N and we don't know a Y/N so I suggest you keep looking, leave us alone or we'll call the police." James said, took his family and led them away, leaving Fred alone in the middle of the street. Confused, scared and hurt, Fred made his way down the streets of London, head slightly lowered to hide his tears but he could still see what it was like.

All the different buildings and shops, and it was so visually different from diagon alley however the bustling atmosphere remains the same. He smiled a bit, taking in the scenery when he felt very suddenly light headed, then everything was black.

He woke up again confused for the second time today. "About time" he heard a voice say and turned around to see Sirius standing there, holding a hand out for him to take. "Sirius? But, how? Bellatrix she killed you?" Fred managed to get out. If he wasn't confused enough before, he definitely was now.

"Yeah, she did" Sirius smiled sadly and led Fred over to a small pond. "Look in it and think of your family, then tell me what you see" Sirius instructed and Fred obliged. "I see all of them, huddled together over something, I can't see what it is, is that Hogwarts? I ca-" he stopped mid sentence when the Weasleys parted when you came through. On the floor, his lifeless body laid there, you now hunched over it, gripping onto it for dear life.

"Y/N" was all he managed to whisper. "Is i...?" he mumbled, his eyes still trained on your sobbing figure reflected in the pond. "Yeah kid, you fought bravely, but a wall collapsed on you, you didn't make it" Sirius said sadly and put a hand on Fred's shoulder. "No, no no no I can't be gone, I promised Y/N I wouldn't leave her, I promised her we'd make it out alive and have a family together, I fucking promised and now she's all alone! And Georgie, oh merlin, Georgie is gonna have to run the shop without me, he's my twin, I can't lose him, he can't lose me!!" Fred yelled, tears streaming down his face at this point, not even caring that his voice cracked.

All he cared about was how he broke his promise to you and left you and George to fend for yourselves. "You have one pass to say goodbye to them, do you want to use it?" Sirius asked. "Yes, yes please, I'll give anything" he pleaded, desperate to see you one last time. Sirius smiled, told Fred to close his eyes and the second he did, he felt a warmth spread through him.

He opened his eyes and he was in the corner of the great hall. He quickly scanned the perimeter and found you almost immediately. It's really not that hard to spot 8 redheads and the love of his life in a crowd. He quickly floated over to you and Ginny was the first one to notice him. "Freddie!!" she said and ran over to him. You all expected her to past straight through but to all of your surprise, she collided with him.

Face still shocked, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "Hey Ginny, I'm gonna miss you, smack Ron when he's being stupid for me alright?" he said making everyone laugh, even Ron. Then he moved on and hugged everyone and said his goodbyes.

Then he got to you and George. "My two favorite people in the whole world" he said, a single tear slipping down his face. You let George hug him first seeing as he was his twin, then Fred gave you the tightest hug you've ever had. "Take care of each other for me, don't let the other one spiral too far. " Georgie, keep the joke shop going for me, we need some laughter in this world, Y/N, please allow yourself to find love and be happy again, I'll be waiting for you and I'll be with you every step of the way. Teach your kids to be trouble makers like me"

"Wait Fred, you're not staying as a ghost, that means, you've finally completed your dream of seeing the muggle world" you smiled warmly and his face of realization. "Yeah, yes I did" he smiled and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.

At this point, everyone was bawling and you, Fred and George had entwined in a hug once again. "I love you" were your last words to each other as he slowly faded away. Tears were falling again but this time, there was more relief and a sliver of happiness, that things were going to be okay eventually.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat