BSM - They yell at you

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Your brothers were babysitting you tonight as your parents were out at a dinner party. You sat there in your room drawing a picture of the three of you together while they were in the other room. They told you they had to make a phone call and it would be quick. That was 10 minutes ago. 10 minutes may not seem that long but to your 6 year old brain, that was ages ago.

You finished the drawing, set down your crayons and made your way to the room opposite yours to show your two big brothers what you made. You looked at the picture and smiled widely since you were very proud of it. The door was already slightly open so you pushed it wider and waddled in. You didn't notice that Oliver and James were frustrated over something on the phone because 1. You were 6 and 2. You were too busy admiring the piece of art in your little hands.

You went over to James since he was closer to you and tugged on his pants leg. He ignored you so you tugged again. "Jamie I draw you, me, and Owiver" you said excitedly but he quickly shushed you and pulled his leg away. Okay that stung. You decided to go over Oliver. You did the same thing, pulling on his pant leg but got no reaction, he continued to talk on the phone, so you tugged again.

"Y/N quiet I'm on the phone, go away" he scowled but you couldn't sense that he was currently annoyed because you were too small. "But I draw you, me and Jamie" you piped up and pulled on his pant leg again. "Y/N GO AWAY I'M TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION ON THE PHONE, YOU ARE SO ANNOYING I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID DRAWING" (Oliver would never yell at his sister like this if he had one🥺)

Stunned at the sudden outburst, you couldn't stop the waterworks about to burst from your eyes. You whimpered, dropped the drawing and started bawling your heart out, then ran back to your room, shutting the door. You climbes onto the bed under the covers and sobbed harder than ever. Your little heart broke from your brother yelling at you, calling you annoying and your drawing stupid.

Meanwhile, James was also stunned by Oliver's yelling and Ollie also seemed to realize what he had done. "Shit, did I really just yell at Y/N like that?" he asked and James sadly nodded. "Shitt, I fucked up, she's gonna hate me" "We both fucked up Ollie, I ignored her too, and I'm sure she doesn't hate you, just stunned that's all" "I hope you're right". Oliver picked up his phone again: " I'm going to have to call you back later" he said throughly annoyed and hung up.

They both then went over to your room, knocked on your door and peeked in. "Can we come in buttercup?" James asked gently but all they got back was the sound of your little sobs. They both wanted to punch themselves in the face, Oliver even more so. He was the reason you were sobbing into your pillow.

They went in and sat beside you. James uncovered the blanket and scooped you up, holding you tightly against him, bouncing you up and down, trying to soothe you. "Shhhh, it's okay, you're okay, we're so sorry we were mean to you" he said rubbing circles on your back. "Bubby is so sorry he yelled at you, I was just frustrated about the person on the phone, I'm so so sorry, I saw the drawing you made, it's very pretty" Oliver added, desperately trying to get you to stop crying.

After a while, your sobs died down to sniffles and you looked up at them. Olivet reached over and wiped your tears gently. "I sowy if I annoying" you said sadly and Oliver picked you up from James's arms and placed you on his lap. "You are not annoying, I was being  big meanie, I love you so much, I'm sorry, you're never annoying okay?" "Otay Owiver" He hugged you tight then  held up the drawing you made of the three of you.

"Look at this, it's us, it's so good, you have talent sis" Oliver said and smiled, then you slowly smiled with him, all sadness gone from you. You began explaining the picture to them excitingly and went back to your usual, cheerful, hyper self. The night ended with your parents coming home to the three of you cuddling, fast asleep on the couch and a new picture hanging on the fridge door.

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