DDM - sick day (James)

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Request for panicfan77 💗💗💗
You already felt icky the moment you woke up. Aching muscles, a pounding head, stuffy nose, you name it. You won the lottery of feeling shitty and you almost went down to ask your dad for a sick day off from school but then you remembered you had a test that you couldn't skip because your teacher already disliked you, so you were sure she would just fail you if you didn't show up, so you reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed and slumped into the shower, getting ready for a crappy day.

James could tell there was something wrong the minute you trudged downstairs since usually you were a morning person and breakfast was your favorite meal of the day, and today you were a literal zombie who couldn't even keep their eyes open. "Hey buddy is everything okay?" he asked and went over to feel your forehead for a temperature. "You're a bit feverish" he commented as you just leaned against him, trying to get any comfort from your dad you could find.

"Why are you wearing your uniform? You know I'd never let you go to school in this state. You can barely stand on your own" he said when he didn't recieve a reply from you and led you over onto the couch and sat you down. "I have to, I have a test and my teacher would fail me, she already hates me" you mumble and yawn, further convincing James that you needed to stay home. "She's not going to fail you because I'm going to call the school, tell them you're sick and they'll have some trouble if a teacher tries to fail you over that" he said with a tone that let you know that it was final.

With nothing else you could do to convince him, you laid down on the couch to get more comfortable and try to ease your headache as James shufffled around in the kitchen to get some fever reducers and pain meds, along with a glass of water for you. "Here you go darling, take the meds and go back to sleep" he whispered, realizing you had a headache when he saw you holding your head. You took them with a big gulp of water, flopped back down and were out like a light.

You woke up a while later to a hand on your forehead and some mumbling above you. "I really hope that's uncle Ollie or I would need to go to the hospital" you groaned as you opened your eyes, wincing as the light made your headache worse. Oliver chuckled and went over to close the blinds as James held a cool towel over your forehead. "Don't worry darling, it's uncle Ollie" Oliver answered, still smiling at your loopiness.

"Shut up, I'm sick, I'm allowed to be out of it" you mumbled, chucking one of the throw-pillows in his general direction, which he failed to dodge, causing both you and James to laugh back at him. You regretted it though as a pang of pain shot through your head. "Karma" was all Oliver commented but he went to retrieve you another pain pill nonetheless.

"Do you want to sleep some more bud?" James asked and you nodded, feeling absolutely no energy in your body. Oliver gave you the meds and sat down, putting your legs on his lap as you downed them. Just as James stood up to let you sleep, you grabbed onto his hand, demanding cuddles, wanting nothing more than your dad's comfort.

You were already practically knocked out when he laid your head in his lap and he brushed through your hair, lulling you to sleep knowing fully well that the next stage of you being sick was you throwing up, which he was going to be the one to have to clean. Not the most pleasant but he wouldn't have it any other way.
not my daddy issues clinging onto James as a dad🥲🥲

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu