BSM - Your parents are fighting (pt.2)

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You were still sound asleep when you arrived back so James carried you up to a spare bedroom, not wanting to wake you up. Oliver came in with your suitcase and they unpacked all your belongings and put all your clothes in the wardrobe so you wouldn't have to worry about it the next day.

You stirred awake and opened your eyes to an unfamiliar room. Then you remembered the previous events, realizing you were at your brother's house and you teared up. Your parents cruel words replaying over and over again in your head and you began to spiral. Your breathing got heavier and more tears raced down your flushed cheeks. You shakily got out of bed and went out into the hall, to the room right across from you. You knocked on it not knowing if the room belonged to Ollie or James.

You then realized it was probably very late in the night and you slid down the door, sobs becoming heavier and louder. You didn't know why you were having a breakdown, maybe because earlier that night you were told that your own father wanted to abort you and your mother thought you were utterly useless and stupid and you being only 11, that impacted you so heavily, it would have such a heavy effect on anyone.

The door then opened slightly and you tumbled back a bit. "Y/N? Are you alright? I heard you knocking and crying" Oliver groggily asked as he knelt down to rub your back. You threw yourself into his arms and sobbed into his chest. He picked you up, brought you into his room, shut the door behind him and sat on the bed with you in his lap.

He rubbed your back comfortingly and let you cry it out, figuring it was because of your parent's fight earlier. It took a while but your sobs eventually died down. He moved your face in front of him and gently wiped away your tears with his thumb. You got a glimpse of the clock on his bedside table and your eyes widened. "I'm so sorry Ollie I didn't mean to wake you up at 1.30 am, I'm so sor-" "Hey buttercup, don't be sorry, it's not your fault, don't ever be afraid or feel bad for waking one of us up okay? We're your brothers, it's our job to make sure you're okay" he cooed.

You nodded and sniffled. "You wanna talk about it?" he asked gently. "Why do they hate me so much Ollie?" you whimpered. "I'm sure they don't hate you, they were completely out of line earlier and they had no right to say any of those things. None of it is your fault okay? You have us now, everything is going to be okay." He kissed your forehead. "Let's go back to sleep okay? We'll sort it out in the morning. Do you want to sleep here tonight?" he asked. You used to sleep with one of them all the time when you were upset before they moved out so Oliver figured you'd want company.

"Yes please" you whimpered and laid back on the bed. He laid your head on his chest and pulled the blanket over the both of you and you dozed off almost immediately.

You woke up in the morning to an empty bed. Looking over to the clock, you saw that it was 8am so you got out of bed and went down to the kitchen. You were met with two gingers fussing around the kitchen fighting over pancakes. They still had their hair dyed because they were still filming the last movie. You giggled and walked over to James and jumped on his back. He squealed, yes, squealed and stumbled back a bit before catching you and regaining his balance.

You and Oliver burst out laughing until your stomachs hurt. "Yes, laugh at the poor dude who's sister scared him to death" "And then he squealed" you cackled then you felt yourself being carried and thrown onto the couch. You squeaked and before you could process it, James started tickling you. "Ollie!!" you yelled as you laughed uncontrollably. You then felt 2 pairs of hands tickling you. "I hate the both of you" you yelled and they tickled you even harder.

"What was that sis? I don't think I heard you right" Oliver stated as he continued to tickle you. "I hate the both of youuuu" "Wrong answer". They tickled you even harder and finally you gave in " Fine you two are the best big brothers in the whole world!!" you yelled and they finally stopped tickling you. You laid there panting as they smirked. "Pancakes in the kitchen for ya" they said in unison as James helped you up. "I'm taking one of yours Jay cause you started the torture session" "Fair enough" he laughed and the three of you dug into the food.

"We have to go to the studio for a filming session today, do you want to join us?" Oliver asked. "Yeah, the cast misses you" James added. "Yeah that sounds fun" you said as you finished stuffing the last pancake into your mouth. After you guys finished getting ready, you all piled into the car and drove to the studio.

"Hey look, it's my favorite Phelps" Tom said as you ran up to him and giving him a huge hug. He picked you up and placed you on his hip. "You've gotten tall haven't you". You grinned and nodded and looked around. "The set is amazing" you whispered in awe. "Yeah, it's the last film, it's got to be extravagant" "Bonnieee" you squealed, wiggled out of Tom's arms and ran into hers instead. Tom pouted and Bonnie laughed. "She's a fellow Weasley, Malfoy. Of course she likes me more." "In your dreams Bon"

You spent the rest of they day at the studio, catching up with the rest of the cast since you haven't been at the studio for a while because your parents didn't let you. You truly missed everybody and they missed you too. You looked around the room seeing your brothers, the whole cast who looked after you and looked out for you and smiled. "Maybe I don't need mum and dad, I've got my family right here" you thought. "Maybe Hogwarts is my home after all."

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