He falls in love with you - James

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You'd just join the Harry Potter cast in this movie, the Goblet of Fire, but you've already become close with everyone since you all worked together on set every single day. You became especially close however with the Phelps twins. It wasn't surprising, you three literally have the same personality.

During your time working together, you had happened to develop a small crush on James, which was so obvious even a baby could see it from a mile away, but obviously, as any romance story, James did not notice. If that wasn't basic romance plot enough, here's something to add. James had also fallen for you but you being the oblivious person you are, didn't catch up on this either.

So you two were completely smitten for each other, yet were the only 2 people who did not know, leaving the rest of the cast in the middle, wondering how you two had managed to live this long given how clueless you were.

There had been numerous attempts to get you two together such as the classic locking you two in a cupboard to more conventional ways such as hiding to jump scare them whenever they were together just so that James would protect you, but obviously all that did was give you heart attacks and the person who scared you a smack on the head from either James or you.

You were all lounging around the set one day during your break and Emma came up with the genius plan of couple's truth or dare. It basically meant that you had to pair up with someone as a team to play. Oliver yelled out "I'm with Rupert!" then winked your way. You were sure they were all up to something but you didn't quite know what, so you let it go for now.

"Okay I'll go first" Emma said, a bit too excitedly for your liking and looked straight at you. "Y/N and James, truth or dare?" she asked, smirking slightly. You and James looked at each other and you shrugged so he chose dare. "I dare Y/N to sit in James's lap for the rest of the game" she said, feeling very proud of herself. You narrowed your eyes at her and was suddenly about to protest when two strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist and pulled you back. "There, done, our turn" James's said, looking down and smiling at you.

You blushed a bit once you wrapped your head around the fact that you were on James's lap. The game went on and on with numerous dares and truth, you ended up seated on James's lap, with his arm fitted nicely around you and he had a lipstick mark on his cheek where you were dared to kiss him.

Once it was your turn again, you saw that it was Emma's chance to ask you another question, so you silently prayed to whatever God is out there to let her pick a normal non embarassing question but to your luck, all the God's hated you today.

"Y/N, James, I dare you two to imagine you're lovers in a movie who are confessing their feelings." she smirked evilly and everyone around the circle had wide smiles on their faces, causing you to highly suspect they planned this ahead. "Okay then" James said before you could even respond. He adjusted you so you were sat facing him, straddling his lap and he took your hands in his.

"I'll go first. Y/N, from the first day I met you. You caught my eye almost instantly. The way the energy in the whole room could lift when you entered, the way you made everyone smile no matter how bad their day was and your ability to keep that smile on your face is incredible. You're such a unique, talented, beautiful, funny, kind person and so much more. I've fallen so deeply for you over the short time we've known each other, and I would love it if you would do the honours of being my girlfriend" he confessed, looking straight into your eyes and there was nothing there but love.

"This isn't part of the game is it" you whispered shyly, still blushing from his words. "No love, it isn't" he chuckled, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Well then in that case, yes James, I'll do you the honour of being yours" you smiled and James pulled you into the tightest hug you've ever received.

A round of applause startles you as you sheepishly looked around. You and James had sort of forgotten that everyone else was in the room. You'd been so caught up in your own little bubble. You hid your face in his neck as the applause continued and James chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "About time they got together, all the swooning made me sick" Dan said, earning a smack from Emma, but she agreed nonetheless.

James and Oliver Phelps Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن