He objects at your wedding (pt.3) - Oliver

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Request for CarolineSimmons4 🥰🥰
It's been about a month since you had broken up with your ex fiance and was living with Oliver. He'd been kind enough to propose that you live with him until at least you get back on your feet and honestly, it had been the best month. On good days, you had so much fun together, so many laughs while having late night movie marathons and wiping out snacks and on the bad days, where all you did was question your self worth that you thought led to your ex cheating on you, Oliver was there to reassure you, comfort you and be a shoulder to cry on.

During this month, not only have you been healing but the feelings between the two of you grew even stronger and your bond got tighter. So much that you barely sleep in your own bed anymore. You almost always feel asleep cuddled up in Oliver's arms. It started on the first night where Oliver had heard you crying at around 1 in the morning on the way down to get some water, offered to stay with you until you fell asleep and it just became a habit. You fell asleep so much quicker and much more peaceful with Oliver's arms wrapped around you, protecting you from whatever pain the world has to offer.

It's been a month and all these sweet moments and feelings with Oliver kept replaying inside your head. You didn't feel sparks of electricity with him, nor any blazing fireworks. Instead, when you were with him, you felt at peace, calm and safe. You felt like there was no one else in the world, just you and him. Instead of butterflies and electricity, his presence felt like the warm sun on a green meadow with a soft gentle breeze. That's how you knew you truly did love him. There was always that small part of your heart that held a soft spot for him but you smacked yourself for how long it took to finally realize, you truly did love him.

You were so lost in your rabbit hole of thoughts that you didn't even realize the man himself was standing in front of you, jumping when he shook you to bring you back to reality. "Hi there, earth to y/n?" he asked with a chuckle and took a seat next to you, pulling you close to him. He pressed a gentle kiss on the side of your head as you took in his scent. Fuck it you thought. You turned to face him and before either of you could register what was going on, you pressed your lips against his.

Oliver quickly reacted by pulling you closer, tracing your jawline and cupping your cheek, deepening the kiss, pouring all of his love and passion into it. Only when you both needed air did you pull back, faces as red as can get and out of breath. "Wow" was all you could say and Oliver laughed, bringing you in for a hug. "Are you sure you're ready for this love?" he asked, searching in your eyes for any shred of doubt and was met with none. "Yeah, I love you Oliver" you said and pressed another gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you too darling, and does this mean you'll continue to be my roommate?" "Way to ruin the moment Ollie".

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