Him coming home after filming - James

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Request for ClodaghCoonan 💘💘
You got off the phone with James and wiped away a tear that crept down your cheek. He was supposed to be back in 2 days in time for your birthday but he just informed you that they're making him stay, even though he tried to negotiate.

You tried to take deep breaths but the tears just wouldn't cease, so you stopped bothering to wipe them away. With tear streaks down your face, you made your way over to the bed, flopping down and questioned how you would even get through your birthday without him. You weren't even excited anymore.

You choked back a sob and rolled over to his side of your bed and hugged his pillow close, breathing in his scent. It was faint, but it was still there. It was supposed to comfort you, but all it did was make you miss him more. One tear fell after another and before you knew it, you were drifting in and out of consciousness, hugging a soaked pillow with tear tracks down your face.

Amidst your sleepy trance, you felt the bed dip and you managed to pry our eyes open and was met with your boyfriend's face smiling sheepishly at you. "I'm so sorry I made you cry darling" he whispered and wiped away the remainder of the tears on your cheeks. "You absolute asshole James" you said, realizing he tricked you however you also couldn't help but smile. "You're sleeping on my side love" he pointed out and you blushed slightly. "Still smells like you" you shrugged, and crawled over to bury your face into his neck.

He happily returned your embrace, pulling you as close as physically possible. He missed having you snuggled in his arms. It felt like home.

"Come on darling, you're practically falling asleep on me" he said, wiping away the last few tears that rolled down your cheek. He undressed and settled down beside you, and pulled you onto his chest. The feeling of having your weight on top of him, he fucking missed it, and he sure wasn't gonna leave anytime soon.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant