BSM - Your parents are fighting

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You sat against your door listening to your parents screaming at each other for what seems like the hundreth time of the day. It was a regular occurrence now, day after day, to you it seemed like the screaming never stopped. A tear slipped past your eye but you wiped it away. You never liked crying, not if there is someone in the house anyway. You were glad that Oliver and James had their own places so they didn't have to deal with this but at the same time you wished that they were here to comfort you and keep you company. It wasn't that they lived far away, their house was just a 15 minute drive but it just wasn't the same without them here.

You winced as you heard a smash and widened your eyes. They've been yelling more and more but never threw stuff around... Until now that is. You heard another smash which freaked you out so you grabbed your phone and dialed James hoping that he would pick up considering it was 11pm. He didn't pick up but you decided to try again one more time, desperate to get out of the house. First ring... Second ring... You were about to give up and assume that he was asleep but to your luck, he picked up. Finally. "Hello? Y/N? Is everything alright sis? It's 11pm" he asked puzzled as you didn't usually call him because the fights were never this bad.

"Can I stay over at yours for a few nights? Please? Mum and dad's fighting is getting worse" "Fighting? What fighting" he questioned again. "Just come here and you'll know what I mean, please" you sighed knowing he wouldn't understand if you just explained it because they had already moved out before the fighting started. You were left alone to deal with it and they never seemed to fight when James and Oliver were around. You weren't quite sure what they were fighting about either as you never listened long enough to know. All you knew that it was bad. They barely even talked to each other and they didn't even acknowledge you anymore.

You had to cook for yourself, do everything around the house because they would snap and take their anger out and yell at you if you didn't. They didn't even care to ask how your day was anymore. It was just fighting around the clock. You were only 11 years old and you shouldn't have to deal with this. Suddenly, you heard tapping on your window and looked over to see the twins standing on your balcony. Raising an eyebrow, you went to them and opened the window so they could come in. "You know front doors exist right" "We wanted to see what this fighting was and if we went through the front door we would've interrupted my dear sister" James stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"We want to hear it from your side first" Oliver piped up as they flopped down onto your bed. "They're always fighting, never pay attention to me anymore, they yell at me when I don't do all the chores and I have to cook for myself but I barely can reach the stove and barely know how to cook. They started smashing things today, I'm so tired and I don't know what to do" you mumbled not noticing the tears making their way down your cheeks. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pick you up. James sat back down on the bed with you in his lap, rocking you slightly. You looked up and he wiped your tears away.

"We're so sorry, we never asked how you were because we assumed everything was okay and we shouldn't have. You're only 11, you shouldn't have to live in this environment. You're coming to live with us until mum and dad sort this out okay? We'll help you pack" Oliver cooed and ruffled your hair. You sniffled and nodded your head, not saying anything. You packed your clothes in silence, bringing enough for about a month. Oliver then picked you up and James carried your suitcase downstairs.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WANTED A THIRD CHILD" "WELL MAYBE WE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS IF YOU DIDN'T RAISE HER TO BE STUPID AND USELESS" "ME? MAYBE WE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS IF YOU HADN'T WANTED TO ABORT HER IN THE FIRST PLA... " "MUM, DAD, SHUT UP" Oliver yelled as you cowered in his arms. He passed you over to James who held you close, bouncing up and down slightly to comfort you as he shushed you. "That's your only daughter you're talking about!!!!" "Ollie, James I didn't..." "She's your own fucking daughter and you dare to sit there and talk about her like that? She is NOT stupid nor ever will she be useless, and mum if you wanted to abort her WHY DID YOU AGREE TO HAVE HER IN THE FIRST PLACE?" he fumed.

You held onto James even tighter, buried your face in his neck and started to sob, all the yelling too much for you and the fact that you just heard your parents arguing over how much they didn't want you broke your little heart. James decided to take you outside while Oliver continued to yell at your parents. He was livid too that they dared think of you like this but he had to focus on being there for you right now. "Why don't they love me Jay? What did I do?" you whimpered sadly and looked at him. His heart cracked at the sight of his little sister so heart broken over something she had no control of. "Nothing, you did absolutely nothing kitten, they're the problem. You're not stupid or useless okay? You're coming to live with us now"

You sniffled and held onto him, gradually stopped crying. Oliver came out a little while later with your suitcase and loaded it into the car. "Come on squirt, you're not going back here again, you're living with us now, no more getting yelled at or doing all of the chores all day long" Ollie cooed and kissed your head. You all piled into the car and drove to your new home. "Go to sleep kitten, it's late, you must be exhausted, I'll be right here when you wake up" James whispered gently and rubbed your back. Nodding, you laid your head on his shoulder and slowly fell asleep safely in the comfort of your two big brothers.

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