He meets your family - James

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Request for voldyshinyforehead ❤❤
James was currently on a break from filming and you thought it was the perfect opportunity for him to meet the rest of your extended family, seeing as your parents already love him, so you arranged a family gathering, which you were beyond excited for.

James was also excited, however, he was also shitting his pants. Despite knowing your parents more than approve of him, he wanted to make a good impression on the rest of your family, wanting not only for the relationship to be with you, he wanted a relationship with the people who were important to you as well. This then led to him standing in the middle of your shared bedroom surrounded by a pile of discarded shirts, trying to find the perfect one.

You had to stifle a laugh when you came face to face with the sight of your boyfriend with a shirt half on, testing another shirt pattern and making weird faces in the mirror. "Go on, I know you want to laugh" he said, looking at the reflection of you in the mirror and smiled. You walked over, snaked your arms around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him visibly relax his muscles and smiled to yourself, letting him place a kiss on your arm.

"Just wear something casual, they're going to love you just as my parents do, don't put too much pressure on yourself" you tried reassuring him. "Darling, your parents are 2 people. This is your 4 grandparents, your 8 aunts and uncles, and your 15 cousins, and I gotta impress them all" he said with a slight chuckle, marvelling at the size of your family. You laughed into his shoulder and patted his belly, then went to put on some clothes of your own.

You both finished getting ready, did one last sweep of the house to clean up any odds and ends, then made the drive over to your parents house, where the gathering was. James kept glancing over at you, bouncing his leg and his hands gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter than usual. You placed a hand on his thigh and gave it a small squeeze, silently assuring him it would be alright.

The car pulled into the driveway and slowly came to a halt, and James felt like his heart was about to do the same. The chatter and laughter in the house could be heard from here and the only thing going through your boyfriend's head was that he had to keep that laughter going, desperate to get the approval of ALL your family members.

You offered him a hand and made your way up to the door. He brought a shaky hand up to knock it, while his heart hammered against his ribcage and before you could even react, the door flung open, he was dragged inside and swarmed by your relatives, and it was concluded that they preffered him over you.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now