BSM - They make you feel insecure

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Request for 💕💕
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none that I can think of
James and Oliver decided to drag you along to the beach with some of the cast including Tom, Emma, Rupert and Dan. You were a bit nervous because you had always been insecure about your body and especially in a swimsuit. But it was members of the cast that you were close with anyway and your two brothers, so that eased you a bit because you knew they'd never judge you.

"Wake up Y/N, we're going swimming" James declared, smacking you with a pillow. "I swear one of these days I will drown you James" you replied groggily and rubbed your eyes. He just chuckled and told you to get dressed and come down to the beach.

You sighed and went over to grab your bathing suit. You stared at it for a good 5 minutes then put it on. You didn't want to look in a mirror because you knew it'd just make you not want to wear it so you just left the room and went down to where everyone was.

You wrapped the towel tightly around you as you got closer to them and finally reached everyone. "Y/N! How's my favourite Phelps doing?" Tom asked and gave you a huge hug which you gratefully returned. "I'm alright" you smiled and got into a group hug with Emma, Dan and Rupert.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's swim?" Tom said and made a beeline for the water, followed by James and Dan. You slowly took off your cover and walked with Emma and Ollie to the sea. "I see you've finally gotten meat on those bones sis" Oliver said casually not knowing you were extremely insecure about your body because you constantly got picked on by the popular girls at school.

He then sprinted off towards the sea leaving you and Emma behind. She noticed the change in your demeanor and how you kept glancing at your stomach. "Boys really are idiots aren't they" she said and brought you into a hug. "I think I'm gonna sit down, I don't really feel like swimming today" you said and went back towards the umbrella. You put your cover back on and laid down. You didn't see Emma going off on Oliver and him looking guiltily at you and James smacking him over the head.

You felt the towel shift and you opened your eyes to see James and a guilty looking Oliver looking at you. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I didn't think it'd made you insecure and I most definitely didn't mean it like that. I just thought you looked a lot healthier than a while ago, I should've chosen my words more carefully, I'm sorry" he said and brought you into his lap for a hug. "It's okay, I forgive you" you said and hugged him back. "I declare myself the smarter twin" James stated and smacked Oliver's head again just for the hell of it.

The three of you laughed and you hugged him too. "What made you think that way about yourself though?" Oliver asked and suddenly you found the sand extremely interesting. "Erm...these girls in school...they say I'm fat and my stomach makes me look pregnant (which wasn't true at all)" you mumbled and you could visibly see them clench their fists from the corner of your eye.

"Okay, first of all, that's not true at all" James said and you could hear the anger in his tone but it wasn't directed at you. "They're probably projecting their own insecurities on you, you're amazing just the way you are" Oliver added, calmer than James but still angry. "We're having a talk with them when you go back to school okay?" they said in unison which creeped you out a bit. "Still don't know how the two of you are so in sync, you're creepy" you said with a monotone and they chuckled.

"Has the git apologized Y/N?" you heard Tom say and you turned around and saw him, Dan, Emma and Rupert standing there and you assumed Emma told them. "Yeah, and we're beating up some kids when I'm back" you said knowing how James and Ollie would react since they don't condone violence. "Wait what? No?" James panicked thinking you got the wrong idea. Ollie followed right after, also slightly panicky "That wasn't what we said?" and you laughed. "I'm kidding idiots" you chuckled and saw them visibly relax then face palm. "You're going to be the death of us Y/N" they said. "Yeah, I know"

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