BSM - you come out to them (pt.2)

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Monday finally rolled around and you packed your stuff to go stay with James and Oliver for a while. You were going to invite Tonight over for dinner since it was a school holiday and neither of you had school tomorrow. You went down stairs to look for them and found Oliver getting stuff out from the fridge to prepare dinner. "Hey Ollie, would it be okay if Toni came over for dinner tonight?" you asked quietly.

"Yeah of course, any allergies we should know about before cooking?" he replied, still looking through the fridge. "Nope" you said, creeping up behind him. You saw James entering from the corner of your eyes and you motioned for him to stay quiet. As if he knew what you were about to do, he whipped out his phone at lightning speed and started filming.

You stood behind the fridge door and waited patiently for Oliver to finish getting food out. The second he closed the door, you jumped out and scared him resulting in Oliver jumping about 3 feet into the air. "Oh my fuck- how long were you standing there for!!!!!" he screamed trying to catch his breath as you and James were dying on the floor with laughter.

Oliver stood there looking at you two with his eyebrows raised, patiently waiting for you guys to stop cackling. "Dont be surprised if I poison your food tonight" he said once you and James had both calmed down enough and wiped your tears. "And don't you have a girl to invite Y/N?" he sassed and went to cook. "Oh yeah" you remembered and dashed upstairs to phone Toni.

After 3 rings, she picked up. "Hey bee, do you want to come over to my brother's house for dinner tonight? They really want to meet you, I'll send you the address" you said in one breath and you heard her angelic laugh from the other side of the phone. "Yeah, I'll be there, and why are you so out of breath" she chuckled. "Well I may or may not have scared him half to death and spent 10 minutes laughing, I'm pretty sure James filmed it" you said rather proud of yourself. "Idiot" Toni said, very amused.

"Yeah yeah you love me" "Unfortunately I do, send me the address, I'll be there, bye idiot" "Yes my queen, this simpleton will provide you with the necessary information" and with that you hung up, texted her the address and time, then went back downstairs to where Oliver was telling James off for eating the ingredients.

"She'll be here around 6" you said, popping a slice of bacon in your mouth causing Oliver to roll his eyes while you and James high fived. "I'm living with 2 toddlers" Ollie said, paying attention to the cooking as he was the only responsible one around most of the time. You and James joked around plotting new ways to annoy Oliver while poor Ollie was making sure the kitchen didn't burn down as you guys waited for Toni to arrive.

Sure enough, at around 6 the doorbell rang and you sprinted to open it, making sure your 2 idiot brothers didn't get to her first. "Hi bee, you look amazing" you beamed and pecked her on the lips. "Don't look too bad yourself" she said. Before she could put another word in, you heard footsteps of most likely James coming from the kitchen.

"Well hello there, how did my sister manage to pull a fine lady like yourself." he teased, slapping your head lightly in the process. "Toni, this is idiot 1, also known as James." "Hi idiot 1, nice to meet you" Toni said and winked at you, causing  you to burst out laughing. "Look what you did Y/N, great, your girlfriend is only going to call me that from now" James whined but there was a fond smile on his face.

You let Toni into the kitchen where Oliver had just finished laying out the food. "Toni, this is idiot number 2, the most responsible one and he keeps us alive, but still an idiot." "Pleasure to meet you idiot 2" she said and smiled innocently, sticking her hand out to shake his. "Nice to meet you Toni, don't be surprised if I poison your girlfriend's food tonight" Oliver said staring at you, making Toni chuckle a bit.

"This is the most chaotic sibling trio I've ever met" she said, making all of you chuckle. You four sat down at the table and began eating, you a but skeptical of your food at first, thinking Ollie made yours taste gross as payback but after deciding it was safe, you joined in with the others and ate. The four of you laughed, talked and joked around and you could tell Toni and your brothers were really getting along, making you smile.

The night ended with the twins inviting Toni to stay the night and yelling "no funny business" in attempt to embarass you when you went up to your room but you wouldn't have it any other way. Well, the two idiots downstairs could have more common sense, of course there was gonna be funny business.

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