Scars (pt.2)

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They arrived back at their house and James didn't have the heart to wake you up, so he carried you bridal style up to one of the guest bedrooms and laid you down so you could sleep. Then he went back down stairs and the twins began to cook dinner. After a while, they heard a scream coming from upstairs and they both darted up to you, they burst into your room to find you shaking and sobbing on the bed. Both of their hearts broke at the sight. The moved to each of your sides and James set you on his lap, cradling you, rocking you back and fourth as Oliver went to run you a warm bath.

Once you calmed down a bit, Ollie took his seat next to you. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked, you buried your face in James's chest and told them about the nightmare you just had of your father beating you and raping you multiple times, but it wasn't a nightmare, it was in fact a memory. They were both livid but you were their priority so they pushed their anger aside and focused on comforting you. "How about a nice warm bath darling? " James asked. You just nodded, not having the energy to reply. Ollie hugged you tight, kissed your forehead and went to continue to make dinner, letting you and James have your privacy.

He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom and set you down on the sink. You winced and held onto your side hoping James wouldn't notice but he did. He decided to ask about it later as he could see you were exhausted. "I'll leave you to it, if you need anything just call" and was about to walk out. "Wait" you said "please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone" you whimpered. "Are you sure love"? He asked and you nodded. He went over to you, kissed your forehead and held the bottom of your shirt and lifted it up a tiny bit. " Can I? " he asked not daring to go any further without your consent.

You nodded timidly and lifted your arms. James gently lifted the shirt off of you leaving you in your bra, and his mouth fell open at the sight. Bruises littered your torso and you had a large purple and blue bruise on the side of your ribs. You moved your arms to cover your stomach feeling self conscious. He stopped you and held your hands in his. "Don't love, you're beautiful and perfect as you are" You nodded not entirely believing him but made no move to cover yourself. He then moved to the waistband of your leggings, once again asking for your permission then pulling them down your legs and once again his heart ached, bruises littering your thighs and among them angry red lines like the ones on your wrists.

He lightly traced them and kissed your forehead. "You're beautiful" He whispered and helped you in the tub in your underwear. "Do you want me to stay love?" "Yes please, don't leave me" "I'm not going anywhere darling" He procceeded to rinse and soap your body, being as careful and gentle as he can never once crossing the line of your boundaries. You didn't feel uncomfortable, you felt safe with him and you trusted him to keep you safe. You leaned your head against his shoulder and he kissed it, then there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" Oliver asked "I found some of James old clothes that might fit you" James looked at you and you nodded. "Come in" Ollie entered and gasped at the sight of your injuries, both from your dad and self inflicted.

"Oh darling" He kissed your head "dinner is there for whenever you're finished, you're safe now love" And left you to your privacy. You leaned your head back against James and you both sat there in comfortable silence for a few minutes. You shivered as the water ran cold, noticing, James lifted you out, wrapped you in a towel and carried you out to his bed. You dried yourself, he gave you the T-shirt and boxers that Ollie got and turned around so you could change into them. He took your dirty clothes and underwear and put them in the laundry basket. He then got the first aid kit, disinfected and bandaged your wrists, then rolled up the boxers and did the same to your thighs.

Some tears rolled down your face but he was quick to wipe them away and kissed your cheek. "It's okay love, it's over now, no one is gonna hurt you again" You nodded and hugged him tight "thank you for saving me, both of you, I can't be more thankful" James just kissed your cheek and smiled. "Cmon, let's get dinner" he said and lead you down stairs where Ollie was waiting. He sat you on the counter as he set the table. Ollie came over to you. "How are you love?" "I'm alright, I guess" He lifted your wrists and kissed them, then put an arm around you, you leaned into his side, put your head on his shoulder as James laid out the food.

You didn't have much of an appetite so you ate a little then sat there enjoying their company while they ate. You still couldn't believe you would now be living with the Phelps twins and they saved you from your father and yourself and you would be eternally grateful. "We'll go and get your stuff from your old house tomorrow or we could buy you a new wardrobe so you won't have to go back there, it's up to you" Ollie said. You decided against spending their money and opted for going back. "Are you sure darling?" James asked and you nodded. "As long as you two are there, I'll be okay" They both smiled and resumed eating. After dinner Ollie said his goodnights and went up. "I'll show you to your room" James said softly. "Can I... Erm... Can I sleep with you tonight?... I don't want to be alone... Please... " James' heart fluttered at that and he was ecstatic that you trusted him enough to sleep in the same bed as him. "Of course love, whatever you want darling."

So he picked you up and made your way to the bedroom. He set you down on your bed, went to change into something more comfortable and climbed into bed with you. He came out with a tube of cream. "For your bruises" He lifted the bottom of your shirt. "Can I?" You nodded and he lifted your shirt and you held it at your chest so he could apply the cream. He was as gentle as possible and worked as fast as he could so you wouldn't get uncomfortable. Then he did the same with your legs. "Thank you" "Don't mention it love" He ruffled your hair and kissed your head, then you both climbed into bed. You hesitantly moved towards him, he noticed and pulls you on top of him. "Is this okay?" You clinged onto him then nodded yes. "Thank you for everything James" and drifted off to sleep, you weren't sure if it was the drowsiness that made you say it but right before you fell asleep, you whispered "I love you" And you were out like a light. He held you in his arms and butterflies exploded in his stomach. "I love you too Y/N" and slowly drifted off. In that moment, you knew that everything would be okay.

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