You're insecure (Oliver)

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Request for layneekate 🥰🥰🥰
TRIGGER WARNING: none that I can think of
"Hey Y/N, love, James asked us if we wanted to join him, Tom, Emma and Rupert at the beach today" Oliver said as he peeped into the kitchen where you were making breakfast and came up to wrap his arms around your waist. "Yeah sure, what time" you asked and flipped the last pancake onto a plate and set it on the table. "11.30 they'll pick us up, so we have 2 hours to get ready" Ollie said and sat down with you to eat.

The two of you finished the stack of pancakes at an incredible pace, piling Nutella and honey on them (which was absolutely delicious by the way), then went upstairs to change into your bathing suits and pack. You just got a new floral one piece swimsuit last week and you were so excited to be able to wear it, so you hastily put it on and leaped over to the mirror, almost banging your head against the doorframe in the process.

What you saw in the mirror however, in your mind was completely different to what you expected. In reality, you looked like a million dollars, the suit hugged your beautiful body perfectly and made you look like a goddess, but in your mind, all you saw was that tiny bit of bloating you had from the big breakfast that you ate too fast, even though it would go away in a bit and it was barely noticeable anyway.

But you focused solely on it, then began pointing out things that didn't even exist, like the "fat" on your thighs or the "flabs" on your arms (which everyone has by the way Y/N). You sadly took the swimsuit off and sniffled, then went back out to put it away. Oliver was already on the bed putting everything you guys would need in 2 tote bags. "Why aren't you in your swimsuit baby?" he asked pointing to his own swim trunks that he'd already changed into ages ago. "I don't feel like swimming, I'll just read while you guys swim"

"Okay now I want the real reason, I've known you long enough to know when you're lying darling" he said softly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I don't look as good in the swimsuit as I thought I would" you mumbled and looked at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Oliver moved to wrap his arms around you and kissed your head gently. "I really don't know how you can say that because when I look at you, I see a goddess, that's the only way I can describe you, you're breathtaking Y/N, I really wish you'd see yourself the way I see you" he said gently but stern to get it through to you.

This little speech brought tears to your eyes of course and you hugged him back as tight as you could. "Thanks Ollie" you whispered into his chest, then leaned up and kissed him. "Now put the suit on and give me a catwalk strut" Oliver said excitedly and jumped back onto the bed. You giggled and went to change back into the bathing suit. Although you were still a bit insecure, Ollie's speech earlier boosted your confidence a bit. You shyly stepped out of the bathroom and got a wolf whistle from your boyfriend.

"Damnnnn, you're mine??? How did I ever score a 10000/10 like you baby?" he asked and you burst out laughing. You did a twirl to him and laughed some more when he clapped and cheered. You crawled into his lap and hugged him tight, nuzzling your face in his neck. "Thank you Ollie" "Hey, no need to thank me, it's my job to make my girlfriend feel like she's a badass queen" he smiled and kissed you passionately then gave you a shirt to wear over your suit for the car ride.

"Are you ready for the beach my beautiful badass queen?" Oliver asked in a posh accent, then held out his arm and bowed. "Why yes noble Sir" you giggled and linked your arm with his, all your insecurities temporarily forgotten.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang