BSM - you have an eating disorder (Pt.2)

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TRIGGER WARNING: self harm, eating disorders, bullying
You moved your arms to cover your stomach but Oliver held your hands in his. "You're beautiful little sis, you don't need to hide anything with us" He sat you on the counter, put an arm around you and held you into his side. You rested your head on his shoulder while James cleaned your cuts. When he was done, he put your pants back onto you and put you back in the hoodie.

They both embraced you in a warm hug and you held onto then and started sobbing. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry you have an ugly failure as a sister" "No we don't. We have an amazing, funny, kind, beautiful person as a sister and we wouldn't trade you for anything" Oliver stated. James picked you up and his heart once again ached at how light you were.

You clinged onto him like a koala, he carried you downstairs with Oliver following behind. He sat you on his lap at the table. "Baby, can you try to eat something for me?" "But I'm so fat, I need to lose weight" "Baby, there's nothing on you, you're way too underweight and it's not healthy" Oliver said while getting a fork so he could feed you. You whimpered but nodded agreeing to eat. James held you against him whispering encouraging words into your ears and Oliver fed you a small bite to not intimidate you.

You got it down and he continued until you got half the plate. "Please no more" You whimpered with tears streaming down your face. "Thats enough for tonight, you did amazing pip squeak, I'm so incredibly proud of you." Oliver said whole putting away the food. They sat there keeping you company and made sure you didnt go throw up. "Talk to us next time darling, we're here for you it's our job to protect you" "They said you'd get tired of me, and leave me" "Who the hell said that bullshit!!" James yelled which startled you as you were on his lap. Tears formed in your eyes as you trembled. Oliver noticed "James" he warned. James looked at you and instantly calmed down.

He hugged you tight, putting your face in his chest. "I'm sorry for yelling love, did the bullies say that?" You nodded holding onto him. We'll deal with them tomorrow. Let's get some sleep darling. "Can.. Can i sleep with you guys tonight"? Of course you can, I'll set up my bedroom" Oliver said and went upstairs. "Let's get you ready for bed darling" James whispered, kissed your temple and carried you up to your room to grab some pajamas. "Arms up"

You obeyed and lifted your arms so he could take off your hoodie. His eyes watered at the bruises littering your bare torso. You shivered seeing as you were only in your bra and he put on the shirt to warm you up. He changed you into your pajama pants and carried you to Oliver's bedroom. Oliver was already in bed, he opened the blanket and you crawled in beside him followed by James so you were sandwiched between them.

You laid your head on Oliver's chest and immediately went out like a light. Oliver held u against him as James played with your hair and rubbed your back. "We can homeschool her, so she can spend time with us on set and we can keep an eye on her and she can heal" James said. "Yeah, sounds like a plan, we'll talk to the school tomorrow, goodnight J". " Night Ollie"
You were shaken awake by James, "Ollie is making breakfast, let's get you ready for school" Seeing your panicked face, James added quickly "no we're not sending you to school, we're all going in to pull you out, we're going to homeschool you, that way you get to spend more time with us, okay?" You were so relieved and nodded. James led you to the bathroom. "Sorry love, you can't go to the bathroom without one of us, we need to make sure you're safe" "It's okay, I understand" James smiled warmly at you, then turned around so you have some privacy so you can strip and shower.

Once you finished showering and wrapped a towel around you, you tapped his shoulder and he turned around and smiled. He carried you out to your room as your ankle still hurt a bit and sat you on the bed, once again turned around so you could get dressed. You tried getting your bra on but because of the sprained wrist, you couldn't clasp it. "James, I can't clasp my bra, my wrist hurts" You hear him trying not to laugh and slapped his arm. "You gonna help me or not doofus" "Alright chill champ" You turned around so he could do your bra and he helped you into a long sleeved shirt.

Then he carried you down to the kitchen. Oliver placed a single pancake in front of you. "Can you finish this pancake for me love?" You nodded and ate it in small bites and finished the whole thing. James and Ollie looked at each other and smiled widely, "we're so proud of you darling! " You smiled at this, a real genuine smile and you all piled into the car to go to school.

You stiffened up once you got there spotting Katrina and her gang at the gate. "It's them" You said pointing to Katrina and Oliver's grip on your hand tightend a bit as you walked pass them. "OMG IT'S THE PHELPS TWINS" Katrina squealed as she ran up to you guys. "I'm such a big fan of yo.... " "Don't even try to pull that bullshit on us leave Y/N the hell alone or your going to regret it" Oliver said in an icy cold tone that made her instantly cower away and honestly it scared you a little.

James put a comforting hand on your back and smiled at you. "Sorry if I scared you pumpkin" Oliver said and you nodded. He squeezed your hand, kissed your head and you made your way to the principles office. You waited outside while they talked for almost an hour. When they came out, the principal said to you: "I am very sorry that this happened under my watch Ms. Y/L/N, they will be dealt with accordingly" James held you against him as the three of you walked out and into the car.

You laid your head on Oliver's lap as James drove you all back home. "We took a day off and explained it to the manager, you can join us tomorrow on set but for now, we can go home and relax and do whatever you want" "Thank you guys so much, for everything, I love you and I'm so lucky to have you as my brothers" You said as you drifted off on Ollie's lap. They both smiled at you and at each other and they knew that you would be okay.

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