BSM - You're non binary

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Request for Whore_For_Neville 🥰🥰🥰
"James? Ollie?" you called out wandering around the house. You were hungry and wanted food. "Ja- oof" you huffed and bumped right into him. "We bought you glasses for a reason you know" James teased and helped you up. "Well Mr ostritch, I'm hungry is there anything to eat?" you asked still looking around. "I want to discuss something with you and Ollie too".

"Yeah there's some leftovers in the fridge and I can heat that up pretty fast" he said putting the food in the microwave. "Okay I'm gonna drag Ollie out from his room" you said and made your way upstairs. You knocked on his door and heard a muffled "come in". " Hello ostritch number 2 can you please come down, we're eating and I have something to tell you" you said in one breath and he stared at you.

"You know there's this thing called breathing, you should try it sometime" Oliver sassed back and you stuck out your tongue then went back down stairs. You saw dinner had already been laid out so you three took a seat and started eating.

"So, what did you want to tell us so urgently you midget?" James smirked and you rolled your eyes but suddenly felt quite nervous. It suddenly hit you that you didn't know how they were gonna react. "Well?" Oliver asked and you realized you zoned out. "Erm...well...I'm non binary" you said looked down at your lap, not wanting to meet their eyes.

There was a bit of silence then you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, is that what you were scared of? You know we'll accept you no matter what Y/N" James said and hugged you. You teared up and hugged back, then felt Oliver join in on the group hug. "You're going to have to explain more though cause we don't know much about it" Oliver said and that's what you did.

They listened intently and were fully accepting of you. "So, do you want to go shopping for a more androgynous closet? Or haircut? Or what? Name it, we gotchu" James said ruffling your hair. "Oh and also my pronouns are they/them" you added. "Got it midget" Oliver smirked and you face palmed.

"Well? Are we going to do some shopping or not?" you questioned. "Fineee, but we're using Ollie's card" James said and winked at you. It was Ollie's turn to roll his eyes but agreed nonetheless. He was just glad that you trusted them enough to come out and he'd be happy to pay for your new stuff (although he'd never admit it because he prefers teasing you)
Sorry this was a super short one😭😭

James and Oliver Phelps Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें