Scars (pt.3)

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TRIGGER WARNING: abuse, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of rape, swearing
Request from elizabetaki thank you for your support!! 💖
You woke up with the sun shining on your face. You squinted and noticed the bed was empty beside you. You sleepily walked to the bathroom failing to realize James was in there getting dressed after a shower. You collided with his chest and fell back but the floor never came. Instead you got pulled back up by two strong arms and was met with James's bare chest. "Good morning to you too" he chuckled. Blushing, you regained your footing and mumbled "morning James". He kissed you on the forehead and lead you to the bathroom.

He was about to open his mouth and say something but you interrupted him. "One of you has to be with me in the bathroom so I won't do anything, I understand". James smiled and sat against the wall with his back to you to give you your privacy. You climbed into the tub, pulled back the shower curtain and began to strip and shower. "James would you mind getting me some clothes please? A shirt would do, I'll wear my jeans from yesterday" you asked poking your head out from behind the curtain.

"Of course love" he ruffled your hair and went to get you a shirt of his. You wrapped a towel around yourself and waddled out to the bedroom. You saw a shirt laid out on the bed so you put it on and made your way downstairs. You were greeted by the delicious smell of nutella waffles and a gigantic bear hug from Oliver. "Good morning Ollie" you giggled as you hugged him back. James plopped two waffles onto your plate and you all ate your breakfast in a comfortable silence.

"Are you sure you choose to go back to your house and get your clothes and stuff?" Oliver asked. You looked down, played with your fingers and nodded timidly. "Are you sure? We can buy you everything you need" "I'm sure, I don't want to waste your money and besides I'll have you two there in case he comes". They both reluctantly agreed and started cleaning up the plates. You went and got your shoes on and sat by the door waiting, your heart speeding up as you picked at your nails.

You jumped slightly as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see James's concerned face looking at you. "Are you sure? he asks one last time and you nod. He picked you up and stood you on your feet as he lead you to the car with Oliver following behind. You two climbed into the back seat while Oliver climbed into the driver seat. You laid your head comfortably against James's chest and he wrapped his strong arms around you keeping you warm and making you feel safe.

You must've dozed off because the next thing you know you were being waken up by James telling you that you've arrived. "How did you know where I lived" you asked groggily and rubbed your eyes. "You told us last night dummy" Oliver chuckled and James ruffled your hair. You stepped out, saw his car wasn't there and let out a sigh of relief. "He's not here so let's be quick" you said and unlocked the door with the key you still had with you.

Stepping into the house sent chills down your spine. There were so many memories which you wanted to erase and you started to tear up. You felt two comforting hands on either side of your shoulder and looked over to see the twins encouraging you. You went up to the bedroom followed by James while Oliver stood guard at the door. James held your hand the whole time squeezing it every now and then for reassurance. You entered your room at the end of the hallway and teared up again as a wave of memories came rushing back.

Memories of your father's beatings, him feeling you up and down while you were scared for your life and even near rapes. You tightened your grip on Jay's hand and he noticed. He brought you into a tight and comforting hug, rubbing your back and kissing your head. "We need to hurry" you stated and made your way over to your closet. You grabbed a suitcase and started to fill it up with your clothes and belongings. Then you filled up your backpack as well. Once you got everything you needed, you both made your way downstairs, James carrying your suitcase because he insisted and you with the backpack.

You got to the car and loaded your stuff in the trunk. Right then, a deep green Jeep pulled up behind you and your blood ran cold. You knew exactly who it belonged to and stiffened up. The twins noticed your change in demeanor and stepped in front of you, shielding you from him. "Who the fuck are these people Y/N and what the fuck are you doing here? I thought you were no longer my daughter you whore." he spat. "Watch it" James glared at him. "Can we please just get out of here" you pleaded and they lead you to the car climing in but to your luck, your dad managed to grab hold of your hair and yanked you back.

You screamed in shock and pain and curled up on the floor, your instincts kicking in from when he beat you. You whimpered and waited for the hits but they never came. Instead you felt two strong arms sitting you up gently and you smelled the familiar scent of cinnamon and burning wood. You buried your face in his chest and clung onto him for dear life as he rubbed your back and kissed your head trying to comfort you. You looked over to Oliver who was holding your dad down and talking to someone on the phone.

"He's calling the police, that git is never going to be able to hurt you again" James whispered and kissed your cheek. You blushed slightly with tears still running down your cheek and buried your face back into his neck. A little while later, the police arrived, one officer put your dad in handcuffs while the other asked you questions. The twins were by your side comforting you the whole time.

When they let you go, James picked you up bridal style and you leaned against his chest. "I'm exhausted James" "I know love, you can sleep in the car" he said softly and smiled at you. Oliver got in the drivers seat and you rested your head on James's lap in the back. "Does your head hurt? From when he pulled your hair?" You nodded and James started to run his fingers through your hair, massaging your head slightly. "I should've let you into the car first and this wouldn't have happened." "James it's not your fault" you protested. "If this hadn't had happened, we wouldn't have called the police and put him away."

James nodded and ran his thumb across your cheek. "You're so strong you know that?" You just gave him a weak smile and noticed he was looking at your lips. You blushed and leaned up slightly. "Can I?" he asked gently. You nodded and he closed the gap between your lips. It was a short but sweet and loving kiss which made butterflies explode in your stomach and your heart swoon. You couldn't help but smile widely as you laid your head back onto his lap. "Sleep love, you need the rest" he said as he stroked your Y/H/C hair. "Thank you, to both of you" you yawned and closed your eyes, drifting off into a peaceful sleep with your head in James's lap and his arms around you and you knew that this was your new life, you're loved and nothing would hurt you ever again.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora