BSM - You wanna commit

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Request for 🥰🥰
TRIGGER WARNING: attempted suicide, self harm
You arrived home from the worst day of school you've ever had. You got your results back and completely failed an extremely important test that you spent ages studying for but you just couldn't do it, you got tripped at lunch by your dear sweet bully and spilled the food all over yourself, you found your only friend (or ex friend) snogging your bully behind the stairs after school and this was the cherry on top for the incredibly horrible two weeks you just had.

You saw that your brothers weren't home and was relieved at you could at least have some privacy. You were so tired of holding on, it was exhausting, sleeping forever sounded like a much easier option, you didn't know how else to cope, you felt completely alone. Sure your brothers cared for you deeply but in your mind they did because they had to, and you were a bother to them. It wasn't your fault you felt like that. You couldn't control the voices in your mind.

You went up to your room and reached into your drawer to retrieve a black box full of razors. Then you got your anti depressants from the cabinet and saw they were full meaning your brothers had refilled your prescription. You smiled slightly but then realized they wouldn't have to go through that trouble if you didn't exist. Or that's what the voices told you.

You slid down against your bathroom wall and stared at the lines scattered all over your arms. You opened the bottle of pills, poured them out onto your hand. You counted 15 and downed them all, tears streaming down your face. You took a shaky breath and was about to slice you wrist when a hand grabbed yours and threw the blade away. You looked up through teary eyes to meet James and Oliver looking down at you, their eyes also glossed over.

"Shit James" Oliver said and pointed to the pills. James immediately hunched you over the toilet and apologized then stuck his fingers down your throat to get you to throw up the pills while Oliver called 911. After the first round, James counted 7 pills in the toilet. "How many did you take" he asked frantically.  "Fifteen" you whimpered and he made you throw up the second time. He counted 8 more and was extremely relieved that they were out of your system.

You then broke down sobbing so he scooped you up, crying silently himself and held you tightly on his lap. Oliver came and sat behind you, playing the oldest brother role and comforted both of you, rubbing your backs, ignoring the tears streaming down his own cheeks. "What happened" James asked shakily, tightening his grip on you but you just shook your head, not having the energy to do anything but sob your heart out.

You heard the sound of ambulance sirens and tensed, James pulling you tighter. "You need to go to the hospital Y/N, they need to see if the pills had affected you" Oliver pleaded and was surprised when you reluctantly agreed so James helped you up and you held onto the both of them as you walked downstairs to where the ambulance was.

"This way please" a nurse smiled sadly at you and led you and James into the van while. Oliver explained everything to another nurse. "I'm going to need you to stay awake until we can get you to the hospital okay? In the meanwhile I'll take some blood samples, is that alright?" she asked and you nodded, curling into James more. He held you close all the way there and even when doctors were doing some tests, neither of them left your side.

When it was cleared that you could finally rest, you and the twins were taken to a private room with a bed and 2 matresses so you could sleep since you had to stay over night for suicide watch. You sat yourself on the bed and stared blanky at the floor, zoning out completely. You jumped slightly when James touched your shoulder but moved over so he could take a seat, then you laid down on his lap to be more comfy.

"What happened Y/N? Tell us please, I never want to walk in and see that scene ever again, we can't lose you" James pleaded and you gave in. You spilled everything out and once you started talking, it didn't stop until you finished up to the very last detail. All 3 of you had tears running down your cheeks but none of you cared. James pulled you into a hug and Oliver did the same.

"Please tell us when it gets overwhelming, try to talk to us instead of adding another item to the collection you have on your arms" James said, still hugging you. "We're here for you, we always will be, please let us in" Oliver said and kissed your head. You nodded weakly. "I'll try" you whispered and they let out a relieved sigh that you were at least willing to try. "That's all we ask"

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora