BSM - you're bullied

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You were sitting by the black lake enjoying the afternoon breeze with your books laid out in front of you as you were studying for a small test. Yawning, you laid down on the smooth grass for a break, closed your eyes and relaxed. Then out of nowhere, you were completely drenched in ice cold water and you jolted up right with a yelp. You say there catching your breath and you heard laughter behind you. You didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Your four bullies. They took quite a liking to you in your first year and made it there mission to make your life a living hell. They were quite careful when picking on you, they always made sure you were alone and always had lookouts thus your four other red head siblings never noticed.

You gathered your things and made your way back to the castle trying to ignore them but Pansy cast a spell which sent you flying to the ground, landing face first in the mud. Embarrassed and hurt, you bolted back to the castle as quickly as you can, made your way to your dormitory and locked yourself in the bathroom.

You sunk down and started to bawl your eyes out when you noticed the gash on your calf oozing blood. "Must have been from the fall" You sniffled and started to clean up the blood. You decided to take a shower to wash off the dirt but you still couldn't stop crying. You finished your shower, went to your bed and flopped down, completely exhausted. "Y/N, Fred and George want to see you, they're down stairs" You looked up and saw Hermione standing at the door. You nodded and made your way downstairs.

You flopped down on the couch where they were, head on Fred's lap and feet on George's. "Hi there midget" they chuckled. "I'm not a midgetttt" you whined and pouted causing them to laugh out loud. They then turned serious. "We saw you running back from the black lake crying love" "What was that about" they asked while Fred played with your hair. You sat up, not wanting to meet their eyes and buried your face in your knees. You figured it was time to tell them and maybe they could get the bullying to stop.

"It was Malfoy and his crew" you mumbled and tears filled your eyes. You felt two strong arms pick you up and you found yourself on Fred's lap straddling him. You nuzzled your face in his neck and held onto him as your tears started streaming out. George rubbed your back and Fred rocked you side to side in attempt to soothe you. After a while, you calmed down and wiped your tears.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner darling?" "They said the bullying would get worse if I told anyone" you whimpered. George shushed you and ruffled your head. "They're gonna get a hexing of a lifetime darling, you leave it to us" You chuckled and rested your head on Fred's shoulder. You faintly heard them plotting the prank as you slowly fell into a deep slumber, safe in the arms of your loving brothers.
Sorry this was a short one.

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