Scars (pt.1)

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TRIGGER WARNING: Self harm, physical and sexual abuse
Today was the day, you've been waiting so long for this Meet & Greet to finally be able to see your heroes James and Oliver (although you fancy James a little more as he made your heart flutter and butterflies appear in your stomach). You didn't have anyone to go with as your friends weren't into Harry Potter as much as you were.

You arrived at the venue and immediately started to sweat a bit from the large crowd of people pushing and squeezing in with each other. You slowly made your way through the crowd trying to get to a more empty space but you found yourself getting more and more claustrophobic. You slowly felt yourself hyperventilating and turned back around and darted for the entrance of the building with tears blurring your vision. You sprinted out to the side of the building and slid down against the wall trying to keep in your tears but it was no use. Sobs racked ur body as you struggled to breathe, shaking and sweating profusely.

You were spiraling when u felt a warm hand on your shoulder and you jolted up finding yourself face to face with the Phelps twins. You noticed that James was the one holding your shoulder and your heart fluttered but it did nothing to help the panic attack. "Are you okay? Take deep breaths with me" James said with a warm soothing voice as he stared straight into your eyes. He held your hands tight in his and instructed you to breathe while Oliver rubbed comforting circles on your back. After a while, you could breathe somewhat normally again but your tears had yet to cease.

Covering your face from embarrassment that your two idols had caught you having a panic attack, you sobbed your heart out. James moved to sit next to you and held you close to his side, whispering comforting things in your ears while his heart ached for you. Unknown to you, his heart skipped a beat when he first saw you heaving against the wall trying to catch your breath and he was trying all he could to calm you down, stop your hurting and maybe even put a smile on your face. Oliver looked at his brother and smiled knowingly as he rubbed your arm to comfort you.

You leaned against James and your sobs slowly died down to hiccpus. You then sat up right, not daring to meet their eyes and mumbled: "I'm sorry for wasting your time with my stupid anxiety and panic att... " James shushed you before you could finish, lifted up your chin so he could look into those eyes that made his heart melt. "There's nothing to be sorry for darling, what's your name?" and wiped your tears away. "It's Y/N" "How about you come with us through the back door to the venue and we can avoid all the people Y/N?" "But I don't want to bother... " You started but James just helped you up, pulled you into his side and walked you to the venue through the back door.

Oliver explained the situation to security and they were more than happy to let you follow them. You got to sit right in front as they took their places on stage. People then started to pour in and you immediately stiffend. The twins both looked at you and raised their eyebrows to ask if you were alright, you nodded to say you'll be okay. James winked your way and butterflies erupted in your stomach. The session began with questions, then a talk but you couldn't keep your eyes off James for the entire 2 hours. He looked your way many times, caught you staring and smirked causing you to blush profusely and look down.

Unknown to you, he thought you were the cutest thing ever and he kept an eye on you the whole time looking for any sign of discomfort. He wanted to protect you and keep that smile that melted his heart on your face. The signing came next and you took your place in the middle of the line. You waited patiently for your turn, scratching your wrists nervously because of the amount of people. You didn't notice that the wounds underneath had reopend and stained your long sleeves red. It was finally your turn and you gave them a copy of your book to sign but they both froze. Confused, you followed their gaze down to your bleeding wrists and started to panic. Those angry red bleeding lines where open for them to see.

You immediately brought your wrist to your chest and darted to the bathroom. James then called for a bathroom break and said that Oliver can continue without him for a bit. He then dashed after you and found you a sobbing mess in the corner of the bathroom, your arm to your chest with dark red blood dripping down the side of it. His heart broke at the sight and he teared up. Making his way slowly over to you, he kneels down and lifts your face. Your eyes we're red and puffy and tears streamed down your pink cheeks. His heart broke more at the sight of you broken and alone.

He gently took your hands and helped you up and you made no move to refuse him. He picked you up and sat you on the sink and turned on the tap. "This might sting a bit love" and moved your arm under the running water to wash away the blood. You hissed and gripped onto his shoulder, biting your lips to not whimper. He tried to be as gentle as he could as he washed away the blood. He then turned the tap off, got some napkins and started to dry off your hands. Neither of you said a word, both had tears in your eyes and broken hearts.

After he dried off your arms, he bandaged them using tools from the first aid kit hanging on the bathroom wall. He picked up your chin and looked in your eyes and your tears started streaming down your face. He enveloped you in a warm and comforting hug as you broke down in his embrace. He shushed you and whispered comforting words in your ears and kissed your temple a few times. After a few minutes, your sobs reduced to hiccups. He stroked your hair and asked "why love, why would you do this to yourself? Please talk to me". You then proceeded to tell him about your father who abused you both sexually and physically, how your mother was a drunk and did nothing to stop him and your brother who passed away a few years ago leaving you with no one. How the twins have been your only beacon of light to comfort you after your fathers sessions.

The more you told him, the more you began to break down and James sensed it. He shushed you and said that's all he needed to know, he was worried that you would make yourself sick if you cried anymore. He embraced you again, rubbing your back comfortingly as you nuzzled your face in his neck. You then remembered that it was still the meet and greet. "You should go, your fans are waiting". " I hate to leave you like this" he frowned. "It's okay, I'll come with you so you can keep an eye on me if it makes you feel better, deal? " He smiled a bit. "You've got yourself a deal hun."

Your heart fluttered at the pet name as he lead you out back to the venue leaving you backstage so security could keep an eye on you. The meet&greet ended an hour later and they came in. Oliver enveloped you in a tight hug and you figured James explained everything to him. He kissed your head and moved aside for James. You saw Oliver in the corner of your eye talking to their manager occasionally looking over to you. You looked down at your bandaged wrists and teared up. "What's wrong darling?" James asked as he lifted your chin up. "I'm scared to go back there" you whimpered. "I'm so tired of everything" James brought you into his chest and rubbed your back as Ollie came up and ruffled your hair. "You're not going back, I've talked to our manager and explained the situation, and considering you're over 18, you can legally leave your parents, so if you want love, you can come live with us, we'd be more than happy to have you around and by the look of James's red cheeks, he agrees."

James slapped Ollies arm but looked at you, "so, you accept the offer?" Your eyes teared up for the hundreth time that day and you nodded yes. All of you were ecstatic. They procceeded to lead you to the car, Ollie was driving and you and James were in the back. He laid you down on his lap. "Sleep love, you must be exhausted" as he played with your hair. You nodded sleepily and closed your eyes falling into a deep slumber. Oliver looked at his brother and smirked "you're whipped mate" "Oh shut up but yeah I suppose so" He smiled down at you and his heart fluttered as he played with your hair.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu