BSM - You're on your period

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You woke up to an uncomfortable pain in your lower abdomen and a wet feeling in between your legs. You groaned knowing exactly what it was. You sat up, opened the covers and swung your legs to the side, then slowly stood up, turned around and was met with the sight of a red patch right in the middle of your white sheets.

You mentally cursed yourself and decided to take a shower and change first, then deal with the bed later. You opened the cabinet of your bathroom and cursed the universe a bit more, seeing that there was only one single pad left. You turned on the hot water and sat in there, trying to let the heat relieve your cramps.

After about 30 minutes, you decided it was time to get out, so you put on your fresh clothes and the remaining pad. You went out to the bedroom and saw that the sheets had already been changed so you just went downstairs. You saw James making pancakes in the kitchen and Oliver came in behind you and ruffled your hair.

"Was gonna wake you up, but saw the sheets so I changed them for you, I got you some pads as well from the store right down the road, they're on the stairs" "Thanks Ollie, morning Jamie" you mumbled and collapsed on the couch and curled up, another wave of cramps hitting you.

James set down a stack of pancakes on the table then both him and Oliver sat on the couch on either side of you. James put your head on his lap and Oliver did the same with your feet. "You want to eat the pancakes now or in a bit?" James asked gently as he moved his hand to rub your stomach. "Later please, it hurts so bad" "I'll go get you a heating pad love" Oliver said and went up to your room. He knew exactly where it was because you had asked (more like ordered) him to get it for you many times before.

He came back down and plugged it in, setting it on your stomach before taking his seat back on the couch. "Thanks Ollie" you said, much less irritated now that the pain was less. "Pass me a pancake please" you asked quietly, your head now hurting more. James passed one to you, kissed your head and turned on you favourite show on the TV. You all ate in comfortable silence, James brushing through you hair gently and Oliver rubbing your feet.

You finished your pancake and felt yourself slowly begin to drift off. Next thing you know you were gently being shaken awake by James. "Y/N, you bled through" You groaned and sat up, held your head and winced. "You want me to carry you?" James asked gently and you nodded. He carefully picked you up and carried you upstairs, sat you on the sink and went to get you a change of shorts and underwear while Oliver put the couch cover in the wash.

You cleaned yourself up and James carried you back down stairs where Oliver handed you a pill and a glass of water. "It should help with your head kitten" he said quietly to not make your headache any worse in fear of you murdering him in his sleep. They led you back out to the couch where you saw Oliver had also set up a blanket fort, just like when you guys were younger.

"I miss forts" you said smiling as you crawled in, laying in the middle of the pile of pillows. James and Oliver followed and squished in with you, James laying your head on his chest and Oliver cuddling you from behind. Their warmth slowly eased the cramps and you sighed in relief. Ollie turned on the TV for some background noise and combed his fingers gently through your hair.

"You wanna sleep some more kitten?" they asked simultaneously. "I still don't know how you guys do that, it's weird" you laughed. "Twin telepathy" James chuckled and Oliver ruffled your hair. You yawned and snuggled closer to James, putting one leg over his torso, then you reached for Oliver's hand and put it on your stomach so his heat would keep your cramps dormant.

"Thanks guys, you're the best" you said yawning as you slowly drifted off to sleep for the 3rd time today.

James and Oliver Phelps ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora