You go on holiday with him (James)

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"James, do you have our passports?" "Yes honey right here, and the luggage is in the taxi, we just gotta go now" "Okay, Cory darling! We got to go" "I'm hew mommy" "Okay let's go" you laughed and picked Cordelia up and made your way to the taxi. The ride was fairly short and you arrived at the airport. You got through all the customs with no hassle, which was rare considering you had a toddler with you.

Once you boarded the plane, you could finally relax and James laughed at you. "You're really cute you know that, everything was perfectly fine and you still stressed over the little things, where would we be without you" "Late for the plane love" you sassed back and kissed him. You looked down and saw that Cordelia was already asleep since it was 1am. You didn't even realize how sleepy you were until you saw her.

You yawned and laid your head on James' shoulder. He put his arm around you and kissed your head. "Sleep darling, we'll be there when you wake up" he didn't even finish his sentence when you fell asleep on him, your breath tickling his neck. He smiled, kissed your head and followed suit, passing out with his head resting on top of yours.

You were woken up by blinding lights on your face. Damn those stupid airplane windows you thought. You looked over and saw James waking up too. He looked over at you and smiled, then kissed you. "Morning my love" "Morning Jamie" you replied and laid your head on his shoulder. You looked down at Cordelia who was still sound asleep on your lap. You thought it was highly unfair that she could fall asleep in an instant absolutely anywhere yet the slightest thing could wake you up.

But that comes in handy since you don't have to deal with a cranky toddler on long trips. You two just sat there in comfortable silence watching a movie to pass the last 2 hours on the plane and you finally landed. (Long plane rides are horrendous). Cordelia woke up in a good mood thankfully so the process of going through customs went fairly smoothly.

Now the hard part, you had to take a taxi to the resort you were staying at and there was one problem. Cordelia was carsick so you hoped that it wouldn't be as bad this time but it seemed your luck had ran out half way through the drive. "Mama, I'm gonna be sick" your 5 year old whimpered. The driver immediately stopped the car on the side of the road and you got Cory out just in time.

Once she was done throwing up, you looked through your bag for some baby wipes while James rubbed circles on her back to try to calm her down. He picked her up and bounced her very gently, singing softly and she slowly stopped crying. He was magical with kids, even you couldn't get her to stop crying that quickly. You cleaned her up with the baby wipes and the driver offered to keep the windows down so she would have fresh air.

You and James thanked him and made the rest of the journey to the resort. You had booked a bungalow right next to the beach at it had a gorgeous view overlooking the sea. "Can we go swim papa?" Cory asked excitedly and jumped up and down. "I don't know here she gets this energy from" you laughed and James pointed at you smiling innocently. "We can go swimming, sounds like a great idea" you smiled, slapping his finger away.

The three of you put on your bathing suits, Cory requiring help from you and she sprinted to the beach the minute you opened the door. "Wait up Cory! you yelled after her and made you way down to the beach, where she'd already started to dig a hole...for reasons.

You and James sat down on a nice spot and watched her build her own little sand kingdom. "Moma, papa, I found seashell! For you" she said proudly and handed a beautiful iridescent shell to you. "Thank you darling" you said, still examining the stunning colours of the shell. She beamed at you and ran back to continue her building. "She's so thoughtful, just like her mother" James gently said, kissing the side of your neck and pulling you onto him. "And she's also stubborn like her father, but in a good way" you smirked.

"I'm not stubbornnnnnn" "Yes you are" "Nuh uh" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "No" "No" "Yes" "HA!" you exclaimed triumphantly. James looked confused for a second and then it clicked. "Heyyy, that's cheatingg, you used reverse psychology on meeee" he whined, burying his face in your hair. "Baby, that sounds kinda like a you problem" you burst out laughing.

He tried to look sad but hey, your laughter was too contagious so naturally, he joined in. After your little laughing fit, you two laid back, watching your little toddler get lost in her imagination. It was going to be the perfect weekend.

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