Walking through the labyrinth of hallways in their palace, Persephone held on to Hades desperately. Her hands wound tightly around his neck, her fingers tugged on the hairs on the nape of his neck. Her head tucked just underneath his jawline, and she inhaled deeply his spicy masculine scent. Before she could stop herself, Persephone sucked on the pulse point on his neck. A hiss escaped him, and she grazed her teeth on the spot. 

"Persephone, stop," his quiet growl warned, and he felt her body tensed.

"Sorry." It was barely audible but Hades was sure he had heard it, and felt a sudden wetness trickled down the column of his neck. When they walked past their private bedchambers, Hades tried to ignore the strong vibrations from Persephone's shaking body. 

Before they even reached Persephone's old bedchambers, the double arch doors swung open. Entering the rosy-hued space made his ichor boiled. Persephone could feel the thundering of his furious heartbeats against her chest, and the punishing grips on her body. He stalked towards the golden framed bed and lay Persephone gently on the plush mattress, trying hard to control the tremors in his body.

Taking one last look at his wife, Hades turned around to walk out of the stifling space as fast as he could. 

"Aidoneus," Persephone's sweet voice called, and he stopped in his tracks without turning to her. "Can you please stay with me tonight?" she asked, sounding hopeful. Hades froze, still not looking back at her. "I promise I won't try anything," she added, and watched him clenched his fists. 

"I don't think that's a good idea, Persephone," he grated, side-glancing at his wife.

"I'm just lonely, Aidoneus. Chthonia feels like home, but a home where my family doesn't want me anymore," Persephone's broken voice lamented, staring longingly at the back of her husband. 

Tell her! Tell her it's not her fault. Tell her that she's forgiven. She was long forgiven. Go to her, you know you want to, a voice in his mind coaxing him, but he obstinately stood frozen. "That is ridiculous, Persephone," he grated, and proceeded towards the doors. 

"I just need to feel... something. Something other than this desperate loneliness. Even if the distraction is fleeting, or concocted, or..." her quiet voice trailed off, and Hades immediately turned to face her. His haunted eyes burned crimson as they studied her, searing her.

Without a word, Persephone got up from the golden bed. She silently unclasped the fibulae on her shoulders and unwound the tainia around her waist. The rose coloured silk fell into a heap on the floor. She picked it up and spread the soft fabric on the marble floor, and quietly lay on it on her sides, her flexed arm pillowed her head.

Hades sauntered towards her silently, his deft hands worked to unwrap his himation. He spread the woollen fabric over their naked bodies as he too lay down silently beside his wife, mirroring her. They were quiet for a long time, just looking at each other. 

"Does it still hurt?" Hades asked, breaking the silence. He wanted to touch her cheek so bad, to the spot that had sting so much before. 

"No," she answered softly, savouring their quiet moment together.

"I'm sorry for earlier," he murmured, staring at her lips. Persephone's face scrunched delicately into a light frown, her eyes watching his. 

"Earlier?" she asked, but Hades remained silent; understanding dawned on her. "The kiss?" she whispered, the corners of her lips trembled. He regretted the kiss, she thought, her heart ached. 

"My kisses have always been yours. From the first to the very last," she repeated his own words, and something flashed in his eyes. "I have always been yours, every part of me," she said slowly, pleading. Hades chuckled darkly, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

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