Dog person

124 3 5

Requested by: Flaming_SaiiboAce
Fluff/ turns to angst lmao
Warnings: none
Sensitive?-cannot be
Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn....yes requests are still closed!-except for the tagged person, they are a sucker for saiibo so they have privileges.

Onto the one shot!
Shuichi pov

I was sitting at the balcony living my quiet life, I was clipping my nails off while watching the sunset "mrrow" I heard and saw Gappy come closer. Gappy is my cat, he is a black meikun that has a white left front paw and surprisingly loves water.

I petted him and he jumped around my neck getting comfortable. He is the only animal I like...well cats are the only animals I like. I hate those dogs and hamsters and snakes and sh*t...bleh they are just a lot of work and they get on your nerves.


I heard at the front door 'who in the right mind would knock on my door at-' I looked at the clock '7:30 at evening' I sighed and Gappy jumped down from my shoulder.
I went towards the door.

I opened it and was tackled by...a dog "agh ahhh! Get off me you mutt!" I yelled and slammed the door shut 'fu*king hell' I dusted my shirt.

"Shuichi is me Keebo...I came back" I heard from the other side 'I forgot he went out with Danny(if ya know you know...bless the dog, he was a good dog, lived a happy life until-dammit why did it have to happen to him;-;...on with the oneshot) I openend the door again "the dog is staying outside" I just said and Keebo looked at me with those glossy eyes "no" I just said and he turned around.

We both agreed on having a cat and then two days later Keebo had to come home with a dog...a dog! I am still angry at him for that and he is not allowed in the house, no way. Keebo is looking after him and I do not and never will. I never asked for a dog, I told him to take him to where they adopt dogs...but nooo he had to take it for himself and now I have to listen to this barking in the middle of the night and whining and having scratch mark on my door. 

My rant was quickly interrupted by a bark...I stood still and looked behind my back to find the dog "go away" I said and then looked at Keebo with happy face "I invited him in cause he pleaded for it" I have enough of this. I clenched my fist "get the dog out" I said and then walked into another room.
I dont mind being in the garden with the dog but inside, no way not happening.

"But Shuichi-" I cut him off "I wont tolerate him in here" I said and went into the other room. I dont care, this dog is staying outside and I wont change my mind.
I stepped into the kitchen and closed the sliding door behind me. I leaned onto the counter and put my hands on my head and sighed deeply.

"Meow" I looked at Gappy on the counter and petted it "I really wish he would listen to me at least once" I talked to Gappy and heard the happy dog barking in the other room. I sighed and grabbed and piece of bread and some butter, I salted the butter and started eating the piece.
Then I heard the door slide open and I heard barking "and this Danny is the kitchen" I heard Keebo say and I just went emotionless. Keebo saw me "hey Shu, danny is really liking our house" he said cheerfully. I fake smiled at him "thats great" I said and then eat my piece.

I went out of the room and made sure that Keebo wont come back. I put on my shoes and coat, I felt something rub against my leg "I know...come on" I took Gappy and went outside. Its late but I dont care, I cant STAND this dog in our house. I need some fresh air.

I was walking around the town kicking rocks while I walked on the concrete. Gappy was purring on my neck, it wasnt that late only...9:30 'I still have time' I walked around and then bumped into someone "I'm sorry mister, I wasnt looking where I was going" the little voice said and I looked down.

It was a little girl "wow you have a pretty kitty...can I-can I pet it?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled and then went away waving at us, I waved back and walked on.

By now it was getting pretty late and I'm on the other side of the town. I looked ip at the start, the milky way was seen running thought the sky. I saw a beach and went there, it was calm I walked around "yare yare...hello Shuichi" I knew that voice it was a friend that I met here...dr. Jotaro Kujo.

"Hello Jotaro...what brings you here?" I asked and I looked at the starfish following his gaze "oh thats nice" I said and then herd him "you?" I looked down.

"Keebo brought a dog...I am bot a dog person or any kind of animal person...I dislike being in the presence of the offense. As I said he brought a dog and we both agreed that he would be outside and today...he just roamed the house. I couldn't take it and went out" I said and Jotaro hummed "bot everyone is for everything, but Keebo should learn that you made a big decision excepting the dog" I nodded and then the night went away.


lmao this sucked....

I dont care~



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