Last moment before we....reconnect

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Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Angst/.....and of course fluff!
Warnings: death, rejection
Sensitive?-dont read
Shhhh dont tel the tagged person I wrote they will found out anyway....but stilll....sneaky sneaky hehehe
Miu pov

'Okay its to find Keebo and connect him' Shuichi...that bastard ruining my attempt to kill Kokichi, he found out about the plan and now he will pay.

I chuckled darkly and then turned on the remote 'lets brake a heart'...

Shuichi pov

I was fidgeting with my fingers 'I can do it!-no, no I cannot!-yes I can!-no-yes!' i shook my head 'I can do it' I nodded my head to myself and waited in front of the school.

I know killing game is in motion but sometime you cant help but fall in love. That whats happening to me, I fell in love with Keebo. My best friend, of course Kaito tell ls me that we are best bros but I fell deeper connection with Keebo...

Keebo pov

I was looking myself in the mirror. Shuichi wanted to meet up and how could I say no, I wonder what are we gonna do-*zzzt zzzzt*

My mind went blank....

Shuichi pov

Keebo came and he stood with me "hey Shuichi!" He said and I waved as well "Keebo?" He hummed and I took a deep breath "I really like you-no, I really love you for a while now. Keebo I love you would you-" he cut me off "oh sorry Shuichi, I have eyes on another girl that isn't as heartbreaking as you and that isn't a cold killer as you and isn't the one who takes all the fame. Why would I be with you?-please" he turned away and walked away.

I felt tears stream down my face and I fell on my knees sobbing 'why me?!' I was shaking but quickly ran off 'why me?! Why is it always me!?' I ran and ran until I busted the roof door open. I screamed and fell by the edge on my knees. I pulled at my hair and bawled my eyes out.

"Bye bye little detective..." I heard and felt a stab in my lower part. I coughed and fell on my side holding by the weapon that stabbed me, I felt blood build in my mouth and my vision started to get double.

Is this really how it ends? Is this how I die? What a shame, I really wanted to spend some more time with Keebo? Im sorry everyone, I let you down-no! I am not the one in fault.

I remembered the night with Kokichi

"Really Shuami that what you're worried about?! The thought of the one in fault that killed and then projecting that into thinking that is your fault. Well...its not. You save all of us that did nothing wrong, you solved he case and saved others. If the punishment wasn't cruel, we would all forgive them..." he looked at me

"Look at me being all sappy and truthful nishishi~...but really? Dont foget its not your fault" he stood up and walked away...
Flashback end

I smiled and started to close my eyes...

Keebo pov

I snapped out 'what the-? Shuichi?!' I quickly ran all over the school. I know what I did but I had no power over it 'what happened to me?!' Thats for mater Keebo. Find Shuichi before he dose something stupid...

I was running around and found Kokichi about to poke Kaito "KOKICHI, KAITO!" I yelled and they looked at me "whats up toaster?" I rolled my eyes "did you see Shuichi anywhere?" I asked and they shook their heads. I thanked them with a small smile and bolted the other way 'idiot! Go to the rooftop now!' I heard my inner voice.

Saiibo oneshots (finished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora