Shuichi please part 2

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Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce  and me? Kinda
Warnings: none
Sensitive?-cannot be
This is bassicly Keebo taking care of Shuichi after they did the thing the other chapter
Keebo pov

I came back to the dorm with glass of water and some pills. I pit my armor back on so nobody saw me as Shuichi did.
I placed the items down on the nightstand, I admired his sleeping form for a while 'poor baby' I knew Kokichi and Miu were lying the day before. They did something to make Shuichi drunk witch is probably spike the drink.

I sighed and gently removed the hair from Shuichis face "hey baby wake up" I gently cooed and petted his hair. I heard him groan "I know you are very sleepy." He opened his eyes "Keeb?" I helped him sat up and he shivered "want a shirt?" He looked at me confused "is t this your dorm. You don't have any clothes" I smiled and rubbed his shoulder "I brought you an mcr shirt from your dorm when I went out" I reached for it and gently put it on Shuichi "Keeb?" I looked at him "yeah?"
Shuichi looked down "what happened yesterday?" I froze "you dont need to know honey..." I said and grabbed the painkillers "but something happened and...I don't know what it was. I mean I have my suspicion but I can remember anything" I silenced him with putting my finger on his lips "just shut up and take the painkillers" he nodded and took some, he gulped them down and chugged half of the glass of water.

"I'm going to tell you this Shuichi. You weren't in your right mind at that time and I completely understand that. You were drunk, Miu and Kokichi spiked your drink and then the unfortunate happened" I told him "I still love you. Please don't think any less of me" I grabbed his hands "you remember" he shrugged "I only remember us kissing and me confessing a lot and..." tears started to spill out "I just don't want you to think that is fake or anything. But I'm confused. I do love you but I don't k ow what these feelings are, I had them for a while and I don't know what they mean!" He screamed and then held his head "hey calm your horses down okay. Take it easy" I instructed.

I climbed by his side and put the covers over our legs "listen. You are still questioning yourself, Thats completely normal. You don't need to rush things okay?" I pulled him into a side hug. He leaned into me "but I feel love. I know but, I just..." he buried himself into my shoulder "shhhhh calm down first okay. You need to relax for the day, it was rough the night before. I apologize for that" I hooked my arm around him and rubbed his stomach. I know he's in pain, he whimpered "it hurts doesn't it?" I asked "when I move" I nodded.

I laid us down and I pulled Shuichi closer 'I'll have to confront Miu and Kokichi about this, but for now Shuichi is my first priority' "keebo?" I hummed "what would happen...idk. If we are together and they don't except us?" I looked at him "woah, forst where did you get that one and second we already know that Miu, Kokichi, Tenko, Himiko and Angie will support us based on their action. Now back to first where did you get that?" I asked "Kaito and Maki said that...the people like me? Are disgusting and its wrong" he cried out. I hugged him and gave him his glass of water "first drink..." he drank a little "second you are allowed to make your own path and choose what you want to do and what you want to be. Its your life baby, not theirs" I kissed his forehead.
"So we cane be together?" I smiled "of course. Based of what happened I think its fair to assume that we both love each other" I paused "I love you Shuichi" he his in my chest "I love you too Keebo" he mumbled out.

Me and Shuichi were cuddling for a while just enjoying the presence. Sometime I would rub Shuichis tummy if he felt any cramps and it helped him out.

Until "Keeeeeeeeeeeeeb...." Shuichi whined and I looked at him confused "whats wrong Shu?" I asked and rubbed his tummy "I waaant cofffeeeeee..." he whined out and I was shocked by his whining "hey now bad Shu!" I scolded and hit his head lightly. He whined again "but Keeeeeeeb I want....want coffeeeeee" he whined out "Shu listen" he looked at me with tears in his eyes "oh Shu, dont cry its okay...listen" I caressed his cheek and kissed his head "You wont get coffee today, it will just wake you up okay baby..." I said and he dried his tears and nodded "you need rest today so you can drink your coffee tomorrow okay?-deal?" I said and he nodded "good."

Some time later I could see Shuichis eyes fluttering between being opened and closed 'he must be sleepy'. I started to per his hair gently and trying to lull him to sleep slowly. I know Shuichis quite stubborn when it comes to sleep, from all the sleepovers that Kaede organized.
A crash would be heard from the outside 'great' Shuichi bolted up and quickly scrunched up in pain holding his lower area "hey, come back down your in pain. Its just a sound you idiot." I rubbed his tummy again "you cant just sat up straight like that" I said and he laughed "as far as I know I'm not straight" he laughed out I laughed with him. He leaned back into me "I'm like a noddle. I was straight until you cooked me and now i'm this" he said giggling.

"So we can basically say that we are gay as fu*ck now yeah?" I said back. He nodded "yup, I don't care what others say" I smiled and leaned closer to Shuichi. He closed his eyes and we bot leaned into the kiss. After sharing a nice to too short and not too long kiss Shuichi yawned and snuggled into me "wanna sleep now.." he said before falling limp in my arms. I closed my eyes as well while holding Shuichi protectively "I love you goodnight" and with that my sleep mode activated.


There we go and after chapter to the first one hope you enjoyed


Request still open


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