Your eyes are different.

315 9 0

Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warnings: bullying, panic attack
Sensitive?-dont read
Okay lets say for the sake of this holy story that Keebo cam breath and cry and eat and you get the point...thank you
And a mew character who will be added to my headcannons(damganronpa oneshots) later- uhhhh...Max the ultimate wrestler and Keebos enemy/bully...hates:robotic/mechanic stuff likes: wrestling

Keebo pov

I could feel myself power up and I yawned. I sat up from my bed...

What? Even I don't need to sit on the ground to charge at least I'm going to use the bed they gave me.

I stood ip and went to the bathroom where a mirror stands. I looked at myself 'ugly' I touched the mirror where my eyes are.
There was a bug in my eyes color when professor built me and I have one eye sky-blue and the other one is sea-green. I hate the sea-green I always hated it. It didn't feel normal for me, I didn't feel like this is a common human thing to have So I cover it up with a light function to match my other eye.

I did that and exited my dorm. I locked the door and went towards the class, I know we don't need to attend as long as we pass the exams at the end...but out teacher insists that we all go to the class.

I was walking towards the classroom like any other day when something hit me in the head and it was hard. I sat up and looked at what hit me, it was a brick. I looked ip and saw Max White. He hates me for some reason, they say he doesn't like robots...he picked me up and laughed "look at that you look even more pathetic" he laughed and placed me down on the ground and put a foot on my back "you have two different eyes...Hahahaha thats bot eve normal and you day you wanna be just like us!? HAHAHAAHA! Thats just fu*king hilarious!" He laughed harder and I could feel tears picking up in my eyes.

I pushed him off me and stood up ready to run, then something flew by my face and saw Shuichi hitting Max "really thats all you got! You know how he tries! All the time he tries to be normal and that how you treat him...well let me tell you something!" He grabbed Max's shirt "you stay away! Don't go near him and lastly if you bother him again, you wot come to school anymore and nobody will know why" Max nodded and ran away.

At that point I was scared and just ran away...

Shuichi pov

I was angry but quickly calmed down, I turned around and saw Keebo run away 'no' he froze, I saw him earlier.

I ran after him to find him and try to comfort him. After a good run I found him in a storage closet crying and breathing hard 'sh*t'. I slowly closed the door and approached him, I turned on my light on my phone so the little light is shining in the dark room.

"Hey Keeb" I said slowly and quietly 'hes having a panic attack' he was breathing uncontrollably and I saw him started to overheat cause of it "hey" I grabbed his hand slowly "look at me okay, try to focus one me" I said and saw him look up, he had two different eyes "don't leave...don't want to be alone" Keebo whispered "shhhhhh" I put his hand to my heard so he can feel it "okay lets try to calm down  in on 5 hold for 5 and out for 5...okay" I said "don't leave...please don't wanna be alone" he was starting to shake "okay lets try Keebo?" Ke nodded softly tears streaming down his face "in 1-2-3-4-5...hold 1-2-3-4-5...out 1-2-3-4-4...okay good again" We repeated the action until his breathing was back to normal at some extend.

"Don't leave...please don't leave...I don't wanna be alone" he said. I smiled "I will never leave" I said then hugged him, he hugged back and felt him bury himself into my shoulder. I rocked us back and forth slowly calming him down completely from his pa ic attack "thank you" he said and I rubbed his back "sure thing...and by the way, your eye looks adorable" I said while I pulled us away and bopped his nose. We bot giggled...

We were both looking ay each other, we weren't saying anything, but this silence said plenty. Something was in the air, some kind of air but this air was special.
We both leaned in and out lips touched. A kiss bloomed between us, I could feel the small zap and I tickled a little but it felt good. I smiled i to the kiss and cupped Keebos cheek, he flung his arms around my neck and I pulled him closer by his waist. We bot titled our heads to deepen the kiss, but soon we lulled out for air.

"Shuichi" we connected our for heads and smiled "Keebo" we bot sighed "I love you" our voices were combined in harmony while we said that.

We both leaned in and I pushed Keebo agains the wall connecting our lips again. The zap was stronger witch only made me melt more i to the kiss and wanted more of it. I pinned Keebos hands on the wall and titled my head deepening the kiss.
I licked his bottom lip to witch he obliged and opened his mouth, I started to explore his cavern and I could feel the electricity coming from it on my tongue. I could help it a moan escaped my lips and Keebo moeaned as well into it. We reconnected the kiss over and over until we couldn't breathe anymore .

"I love you so sos much Keebo" I pecked his lips "I love you more Shuichi" and the final kiss was sealed with love.


there we go a quick shot...ta daaaaa


Request still open


Saiibo oneshots (finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang