Am I the right one?

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Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warnings: haying yourself-more like doubt
Sensitive?-dont read
Keebo pov

I was walking around school voice was auite today and I could Kinda think to myself, I'm wondering for the past days, when my voice is on. It feels like its I don't know...encouraging me to ho talk to...Shuichi...

Tsumugi pov

I watched Keebo in the hallways 'really? Why is nothing happening!' I ate a cookie and looked at the audience. They were all thinking how to make Saiibo real.

I mean they both have feelings for each other thats pretty clear, Keebo is trying things out cause of his 'inner voice' and Shuichi is just plain stupid and dense. He just denies it 'do they think I'm stupid?!' I sat down on my chair again, thinking...

-time skip by your friendly butler.../place a name/-
Keebo pov

Its been a week and my inner voice was being kinda was talking to me, and telling me how many things me and Shuichi share...but why would it do that.
The voice is constantly booming about scenarios of 'how would it be great' and 'wouldn't that be awesome' I mean its not that disapprove....

But it feels like I don't know myself anymore 'is the voice controlling me in the reality?' 'Am I really myself?' 'How does it know so much?' 'Does that voice know me better than myself?'
I looked up, is that it. Do I not know myself, am I someone else? Am I not Keebo?...

But at the same time, the voice is telling me to go and see the detective. And more and more I thought about it, I think I caught feelings for Shuichi. The voice is right. I should talk to him about it.
I was avoiding him for a week for this exact reason, I couldn't approach him in the state I was in. But I think tomorrow I'll finally talk to him about it...I nodded my head and went to the dorms to call it a night...

-time skip to the morning by one hell of a dear-
Keebo pov

'Okay todays the day' I looked into a mirror and went outside to find the detective, I spotted him 'there we go' "Shuichi!" I yelled and he turned around. I came "K-Keebo are you alright!? I didn't see you for a week." I nodded my head "I'm sorry for that, yeah anyway Shuichi I....umm" 'come on Keebo just say it!' Shuichi looked at me "whats wrong?"

"Isn't the weather nice today?" I asked "yeah it is" he replied "just like you" I said back and he looked at me "haha thank you look nice to. I gotta a go bye." I stood there frozen...

Tsumugi pov

"Really!!? REALLY?! What a fu*king dense detective?! He was obviously flirting!!! He even confessed in some way!! That dense mother*ucker!!!" I banged my head at the table "okay fu*k this I'm stepping in...Oh yes" I made an evil smirk 'this will work' I grabbed the thing on the table and went out, not to be spotted of course.

-time slip to nighttime by one hell of a butler-
Tsumugi pov

I went into Shuichis room and slid a key in his hands 'that should do it hehehe' I thought maybe it would help, ya know to not be so dense anymore and purposely I chose Keebo.

I was there for a little when a tiny moan came 'oke time to go' I sprinted out and closed the door...

Shuichi pov

I woke up holding my head 'what was that' I was having a weird dream, but there was Keebo in it...he was talking about 'not experiencing love' and 'that he wanted me to act as his lover' he was talking about love and how he wanted me to be 'the one'...agh I don't know. It probably meant nothing.

I shrugged it off and prepared for the day, but my mind kept getting back to the dream 'what if it really meant something?' Am I in love maybe? But with cheeks went red. The pieces starting to get together.

The avoiding

The flirting he did

The dream

It was all connected to one thing. Keebo had a crush on me or even loves me and I was as dense as a rock. I hit myself with a hand "stupid. Stupid. Stupid..." I looked up now finally realizing that warm felling around him.
I was ignoring so many thing about me and now that I'm thinking about it its staring to eat me inside "I need to make things right."

I went out of my dorm, when I realized I didn't even finished preparing myself 'okay but first, morning routine' I quickly went back in the dorm.

Okay now I'm ready and sprinted out of my dorm trying to find the robot that I'm falling harder and harder for every second.
I bumped into someone "owe~ Saihara-chan~ that was very mean!" Kokichi yes! "Kokichi!" He looked at me "did you see Keebo anywhere?!" I asked. He bounced up on his legs "that toaster was walking in the halls, I don't know hes strange. Probably something in his system is broke-" I nodded "thank you!" Then I beard a shout "go get ya man!" Dammit Kokichi.

I made it to the galls searching for him when I spotted him "Keebo!" I shouted and he turned around. I ran up to him, then shifted in place "first...I'm sorry..." he was just confused "for what Shuichi?" I took a deep breath

"I was ignoring all those felling that I had but never knew. I pushed then away and buried them deep inside, I was scared I didn't know what they meant. But when I thought about them more and more. More and more I realized what you were trying to do and I pushed you away multiple times. Its all my fault...

Keebo I love you." I hing my head low.

He smiled at me "its okay Shuichi. You just needed time...and Shuichi?" I looked up at him "I love you too" a smiled made it back on my face and we both hugged for a very long time...


I hope you like it...and sorry that its late


Request still open


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