
246 8 2

Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warnings: death, brakeup
Sensitive?-dont read
Keebo pov

I was running around searching for Shuichi, everything was dark, I couldn't see anything. The one thing that caused me to panic was the words written in the dark void saying a clue to Shuichi

Go the where the little died, he did it selflessly but why?

I knew what id was, Kokichi died in a hangar selflessly and I was running there. It was dark very dark. I was shouting Shuichi's name all the time, Tears were slipping out of my eyes while I ran until. I felt chains on my wrists and ankles "No! Please!" I shouted then he was presented to me tied to the hydraulic press with tape over his mouth, he was trashing around, teats were slipping out of his eyes, muffles screams.


Monokuma popped up and pressed the button, hydraulic press started to go down "SHUICHI!!!" I screamed while I tried to brake free from the chains. Then Tsumugi came and the picture was zoomed closer.

She cupped his cheek wiling his tears away "oh look at you~" Shuichi was shaking and was still trashing around, the press still lovering. She caressed his cheek "come on lovely, you will die now~ and just for me~" she cooed and pulled the tape from his mouth. Shuichi creamed "Aghhhhhhhhhh!! KEEBO!!" He screamed out before he was muffled by a forced kiss on his lips.
Tsumugi kissed him and said "darling~ have a sweet death~" the she moved and press was almost inched apart.

I broke free and started to run to the press "Shuichi!" I screamed again and extended my hand, Shuichi broke free from one of the ropes and extended his hand towards me "Keebo..." he whispered and I was too late the press crushed him down and J was there left alone...

Then I fell into a hole, I fell down and I was in a room. All there was were pods full of green liquid and in one of them was Shuichi. "Shuichi" I cried out and went to the pod "Shuichi!" I creamed and banged agains the pod "SHUICHI!!!" I screamed out again...

Shuichi pov

I woke up to the shuffling on the other side of the bed, I looked over my back and saw Keebo with distressed face, tears were streaming down his face as well 'oh baby no' I quickly sat up and shook Keebo.

"Baby wake up" I shook him "please its a nightmare your alright" I said and shook him hared then he shoot ip and creamed "SHUICHI!!!" He was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down his face harder.
"Shuichi...please" he was searching for me and I hugged him "shhhhh I'm right here, nothings wrong shhhhhhh" I whispered while I kept holding him. He found my shirt and held it like his life depended on it "Shuichi" he sobbed out and held be closer "its okay shh it was a nightmare baby. Im right here" I started rocking us back and forth slowly to calm him down 'that must've been really scary huh' I turned around and flicked up my bedside lamp.

"Keeb baby can you tell me where we are?" I said slowly "p-press..." he whispered and I shushed him "shhh baby no no..." he found himself sobbing agains my shoulder. I held his head in place and I put mine on his "we are home baby...we are safe" I quietly told him. Then I grabbed his hand and put it on my heart.
"Can you fell that?" I said and he nodded slowly "that my living beating heart, I am okay, I am alive, and I am safe" I told him and petted his head slowly "whatever you saw just now is not real, I'm right here" I told him.

"Now can you tell me where we are" I asked again and held him closer, he still kept his hand on my heart "h-house..." he stuttered out "yes we are in our house, in our bedroom and most important we are together where its safe" I gently whispered and pulled away a little.
Keebo sniffed and went to wipe his tear but I beat him to it, I slowly cupped his cheek and wiped away his tears. Even when there were almost none left I still ket caressing it.

"Can you tell me what happened Keeb?" I asked and leaned him into my chest, he sniffed "Y-you were under it...t-the hydraulic p-press...and I...I couldn't...." he sobbed a little and I shushed him "I couldn't c-come to s-save you....T-Tsumugi Tsumugi was there and she-she....she forced you to-to kiss you...and then....I couldn' died" he sobbed and hid in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and buried myself into his hair "shhhhh baby shhhhhhh....I'm here now I'm here" I said and kissed his head...

We were in out bed for quite some time, never checked it but It didn't matter in the first place. Thats until Keebo let out his famous cat yawn "you sleepy" he nodded and rubbed his eyes. I pulled him back on the bed and maid us down. He snuggled into my chest and I covered us with the fluffy covers. Then Keebo went closer to my neck and went under my chin "Keeb whats wrong?" I asked then he whined. I laughed quietly and grabbed his chin to face me.
I leaned closer and kissed his lips, the little static made it better and We both melted into it. I let go and Keebo with a smiled on his face went back under my chin to snuggle closer. I wrapped my arms around him and turned off the light "Goodnight Keeb baby...I love you" I whispered "Night Shu...J love you too" he said and then the dreamland awaited both of us.


There we go after idk how many day i am back...cant write that good yet but its a start. I was sick sorry about that nishishi~


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And ariivederci.

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