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Requested by:me
Warnings: none
Sensitive?-cannot be
Wall-E AU:
3rd pov

"Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there
Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars
We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
Girls in white, in a perfumed night
Where the lights are bright as the stars"

A certain robot sang as he skipped down the dirty road to get to 'work'. He was the only one alive being the only robot left...

Keebo pov

I was playing the song as I skipped down the road. I went to a place where I finished last time and smiled. I went to work and made block by block.

"Hm?" I pulled out a circle thing. I threw it into the backpack. I threw some more stuff and then the sun was setting. I went back towards the cabin I live in. A bug came back on my shoulder and I smiled.

I was walling back hime peacefully, still looming around, my goggles fell. I saw them being broken, the bug saw that too. I looked at another one of me and changed my goggles. I went home.

I came home and turned on a the video. I opened my bag and put put the circle thingy, I saw the video and made the same motion then putting in on a shelf.
I went to clean my backpack.

Beep beep beep

My sensor went and I zoomed my vision. A storm was coming. I quickly cleaned it and then closed the door, I made a little beep and the bug came back to me. I gave it a cookie and put off my boots. I rubbed my eyes and lulled myself to sleep.

-time skip by morning by wall-E-
Keebo pov


The beeping continued and my vision came back. I stood up and dragged my body to get my boots on, I put them on slowly and went on the roof to get the sunlight.

I was sunbathing until my energy came back. I yawned and went to grab my bag and Skipped slowly to work.

I cleaned more of the trash out of the way when I found something funny looking in them. I put it on my eyes 'interesting' I threw it in my bag. I threw some more stuff and on the pile I saw something to click. I got started as two beeps came from far away. I saw something red and tried to turn it on, it sprayed something white 'nope' I threw it away.

I saw a big white box and with my laser. I found a green thing inside it was growing. I found a shoe some time back and pulled out the green thing and put it in the shoe.

The day was really nice and as I was walking home I saw a dot. I tried to catch it, it went away. I went home and put the bag down. I pointed to the ground to tell the bug to stay.

I followed the red dot as It was leading me somewhere. I was following it everywhere and it led me to more dots! I looked around and finally caught it, but it didn't stay in my hand. Then something came above me. I became scared and went into the dirt.

After the thing went to stop I looked up and saw that another thing was placed on the ground. Then they clicked something and it turned on. I hid behind the rock and looked at the robot.
He flew up and made some twirls and spins. He laughed speed somewhere. I looked at it amazed, of course I followed it.

After he stopped he started scanning things for something. Then a rock fell, I got scared as he put something out and it blew up a rock. I was shaking behind it. He flew away.
He was scanning at the black pile thingies and then the bug went towards it. I tried to stop it, but couldn't. He blew it off, But it survived. I sighed and buggy climbed on his hand and around his neck tickling him. I laughed too and he started blowing up, I tried to hide away so I ram behind all of the piles but there was none. I hid myself and he came closer with the gun?

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