Little Keeb

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Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warnings: none
Sensitive?-cannot be
Monokuma pov

'Okay I'm bored' I was sitting on my throne while swirling wine...again. Then I saw the robot and I kinda just got and evil idea so...


I said and then went to the gym myself.

Soon all the kid where there "so your principal is bores, so I decided that one of you losers will be participant in the motive"

Shuichi pov

'Thats ridiculous' "uhm...we always participate in your motives monokuma" I spoke up and he looked at me angry "no you dumb detective wannabe. One of you will become a kid! Tadaaaa! And I already know who's the victim" and at that the lights turned off and when they turned back on we all looked around.

And the only difference was that Keebo was a kid. He was scared and looked around anxiously. He saw me and quickly went and hid behind my legs "Shushu help" he whimpered out and held my pants tighter. I crouched down "hey there nobody is going to hurt ya okay Kiddo" I said and petted his hair "they ate all scary. You are not scary Shushu" he said and hugged me basically climbing on me if I may say.
I stood up with Keebo in my hands "so I guess pooichi had the robo then...I think I can make some kind of  a cure for this" Miu said and then bolted out of the gym.

"What a hell? Explain? What is this? Why? Just why? Universe?" Kokichi was repeating all the question while waling out of the gym. Holding his head.

I was carrying Keebo around while he played with my ahoge, and right now he is the most adorable thing I ever saw.

Me and Keebo well Little Keeb is how I call him. We were playing different games that weren't extreme to taking naps. I grew use to it after a couple of day of taking care of him...honestly I just love spending time with him.
We were walking in the hallways Keeb in my arms "Shushu?" I hummed "why does uncle Kichi act weird?" Oh I forgot Kokichi cant let go and see Keebo like this. Every time you ask him something he just replies with 'why?' Or something similar. He is like a broken record.
"He cannot get something and is just confused okay little Keeb" I petted his head and he smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed his forehead, I figured out that he loves kissed especially on cheeks and forehead.

I put Keeb down and he played in the dinning hall 'I'll miss him' and I smiled looking at him. He is so sweet all the time and doesn't care if he's a robot. I kneels down and sat on the ground near Keebo, he sat on my lap and started to play with the toys that Angie made.
Soon enough afternoon rolled out and we have to go to Miu to give him the serum. I picked him ip and he giggled hugging me closer. I hugged him to and started to walk towards Mius lab.

I put Keebo down when we came to the Mius lab, she said she had the cure ready. Honestly I will miss the little Keeb. She have a little zap to Keeb and he turned off "now all we have to do Is get him to his room and charge him. Then he will be as goo as old Keebo, he may bot remember tho what happened when he was a kid" I nodded and picked sleeping Keebo up and carried him to his dorm...

Keebo pov

'Ow my head' I held my head while I woke up 'what happened...I remembered the dark and then...its just blank' I stood up and walked out of the door. First I saw Kokichi, he looked at me "really? Really? Why, just why? Why me universe?" He said and flung his hand down his side and hit his tights "I'm bewilded...I'm shocked" he said then turned into the room and then i heard "NOPE IM DONE!" And the. Quiet 'okayyyy weird'.

I went downstair and saw Shuichi exiting the dorm area, I quickly caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder "Shuichi wait?!"...

Shuichi pov

I turned around and saw mind went blank. I could feel droll start to fill up my mouth 'so handsome' I swallowed and quickly came back to senses 'bad Shu!' I scolded quietly and Keebo questioned me "hey Shushu are you okay?" He alsed 'Shushu' yup thats it. I blushed and tried to answer "I-I ummmm...ahhh y-yeah I-I'm f-fi-fine" I stuttered out and hid behind my hands.

I saw Keebo go blank "Keebo?" I stepped closer "Keebo?!"...

Keebo pov

'Shushu' I remember that but from where. Its so confusing, and why did I say that in a first place!! I snapped out and saw Shuichi looking concerned while holding my shoulder "Keebo do you remember anything?" I shook my head no and he hugged me and kissed my forehead 'thats enjoyable'.

"Do you wanna hang out?" He asked and I nodded. He grabbed my hands and held it in his. I smiled enjoying the small gesture and kind leaned closer to Shuichi "so what you wanna do?" He said while we turned the corner "just walk around maybe?" I suggested and he nodded.
We were walking in silence but this silence wasn't the awkward one. We bot enjoyed it and I kinda like that Shuichi is holding my hand to be honest here.

I looked at him and stooped, he almost feel "Keebo are you okay?" He asked and stepped closer "I don't know. I'm tired but I'm not at the same time. I enjoy our time it very calming to walk but I'm getting sleepy" I rubbed my eyes while explaining "maybe we should take a nap then" I nodded and latched onto Shuichis hand. I felt being picked up and he started to carry me 'it feels so familiar'....

Shuichi pov

I went towards Keebos door and opened it slowly, Keebo was in sleep mode already, I could tell cause his cooler is working more intensely.
I laid him down on the bed and plugged his charger in, then I laid there myself. I hooked my arms around him and cuddled closer and pulling him closer.

I kissed his forehead and cuddled his hair "I love you little Keeb" I murmured and kissed his forehead "goodnight" and then sleep caught me as well.


I HOPE THIS IS OKAY CAUSE I REALLY HAD NO IDEA HOW TO WRITE THAT SO HERE...I know there is bo confession but it just made sense okay?! Dont hit me please...


Request still open


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