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Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Fluff/with little angst
Shuichi pov

I was watching with my eyes full of fear 'Tsumugi is the mastermind, but she was so kind' I felt tears fall down my eyes. I figured it out, its pretty obvious when Kiibo pointed it out, but I couldn't say anything "Tsumugi..." Kiibo said "thats the truth. You Tsumugi Shirogane the ultimate cosplayer you are the mastermind!" He yelled. Everyone was shocked then she started to scream and scream about how everyone was wrong.

'Theres to much' I couldn't keep up "Why are you not doing anything Kiibo!!" Monokuma yelled. I looked up and saw Kiibo with a blank face "I'm done playing your stupid games Shirogane, Monokuma. I'm not going to vote or do anything. Thats what the audience will hate." He said. Then Tsumugi went into a psychopath mode and started to ramble about fiction and that we aren't real "We are real!" Kiibo yelled "we are all real, out emotions are real, are actions are real. You were just manipulating us with those flashback lights!" He yelled finally.

Slowly all the audience went away and we were left in the darkness and silence. Tsumugi was there and everybody went away from her "Its time to end it" I looked at Kiibo "what so you mean Ki-" he smiled and looked at me "please Shuichi its Keebo" I felt tears come back "Keebo" I said walking towards him "Shuichi...we have to end it" he came closer "listen you will all escape trust me" I hugged him and he hugged back. Keebo helped me in many ways, to gain confidence after Kaede died, to pick myself up after every trial. "please Keebo there has to be another way" I pleaded still in the hug, he rubbed my back "we'll meet again Shuichi...I promise" He let go and went back into his super Keebo mode.
He started to shoot lasers and destroying the place all over. We saw Tsumugi get crushed and soon we all saw how everything was falling down. We could do nothing. The last thing I saw was Keebo explode before the rocks fell on us.


'What is this?...light' Slowly I stood up on my wobbly legs holding myself by one of the rocks, I saw Maki there too and helped her up "hey! Somebody help!" We hear Himikos voice and helped her up from under the rocks.

Now we were all just standing there and looking at the crack "well this is it then" maki said. I nodded but let my head hung low. Maki and Himiko were both cheering at our victory, I looked back where the school stood once 'I miss him.'
Himiko tapped me on the shoulder "come on Shuichi! Were free!" She pulled my hand but I just kept looking back. At some point she stopped "Shuichi whats wrong?" Maki asked and stepped closer. I sniffed "I miss him" Maki sighed and went beside me "It feels wrong to go" I said "Shuichi listen...hes...gone" she said but I didn't move. I shook my head "no I'll find him hes alive you'll see!" I said and ran back to the rumble.

I was digging thorough every single rock and pile 'I wont give up not now' I said determent when I saw a hand and it was twitching slightly. I moved more rocks away and found Keebo, but he looked different, he looked more human.
I pulled him up and he held himself by the head, his goggles fell down "ow that hurt" he shook his head then he looked up "Shuichi?" I was just looking at him "Keebo..." I said and teared up. He smiled and hugged me "come on now don't cry. I'm here ya see, alive and healthy" I nodded and hugged him tighter "please...your suffocating me Shu" I released "sorry" I said looking down.

I felt something hold my chin up "you look better like that, with your chin up. High and mighty may I say handsome" he giggled and pulled me closer. The our lips touched, I felt all the stress go away and melted into the kiss.
He pulled us apart "I love you Shu" he said smiling "I love you too" I could feel my cheeks warm up. Keebo ruffled my hair "come on now ya cutie. We gotta escape" he stood up and I helped him.

Together we started to walk towards the crack where Himiko and Maki were if they didnt escape. We came up the pile and there were the girls. Himiko spotted us "Shuichi...Keebo!" She yelled and Maki looked our way "if you look at that" she smiled "your instincts are never wrong Shuichi" she smiled "and he has a good taste too" Keebo said. I blushed and he kissed me, of course I kissed back but was embarrassed and his in his soft hair "lets go now yeah" Maki said.
"Can we rest a little first please?" Keebo asked "my legs will kinda give out any second" he said and we all agreed to rest for the night here.
Me and Keebo leaned on the rock and I pulled him closer into my chest "I'm sorry I kinda hid myself and presented myself as a robot" I heard him "hey its okay you were just cautious...I'm just glad that you are here and alive now" I petted his hair and buried myself in it "I love you"  I muttered agains it. He looked up "I love you too Shuichi" he smiled and we shared a kiss looking at the start together.

My eyes started to drop and saw Keebo making hi self comfy as well on me. After he chose the position he said "goodnight love you" he nuzzled my chest "nigh love you too" I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes, falling asleep with the love of my life knowing he is safe and alive.


Taaaa daaaa its so cute j love it And I hope you do too

Taaaa daaaa its so cute j love it And I hope you do too

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This is how Keebo looks^
Just for info


Request whenever you like


Saiibo oneshots (finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora