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Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warnings: none
Sensitive?-cannot be
Shuichi pov

I was driving my car from work, I was tired, annoyed and worst of all, I wanted coffee.

Thats why I am currently driving towards the nearest gas station so I can get my coffee, then hopefully go home without any interruption and lay on the couch sulking in my despair.

I was driving near a small city, it was in the middle of the country read and it was pretty nice too-well it was all flowers and rainbows until-


"Huh?" I looked at my car, it. Broke. Down.


"You got to be freaking kidding me?!" I screamed and slammed the door of my car open and went to scream on the fields out of frustration...I JUST WANT A NORMAL LIFE!

soon enough I was sitting on the side of the road, playing 'does love me' or 'it dosent love me' with some daisies. There is no signal here and there is no cars going past me either...

Oh...I'm playing the game with my life. I pocked the last petal of the eight daisy 'dosent love me' I sighed and threw it away again, this one was an eight one in row with a 'dosent love me' for the finish.
I felt tears stream down my eyes slowly, I started thinking about my life-

My childhood is sh*t. It was abusive, my finger isn't working cause of it.

I didnt get my dream job and ended as some stupid bank worker.

My car broke down, cause the fu*king job doesn't pay enough to buy a new one.

Im barely holding al my bills together.

"W-why me?" I asked myself...

"Are you okay?" I heard another voice a little while later, I was staring at the fields. I turned around and saw a boy, my age I presume. He had hot pink hair with a braid on the side. He was wearing a black beanie and a neon green jumpsuit.

I looked down and turned back around "yeah...I'm fine" I responded.

"Well it dosent look like to me!" He declared and made me turn back around "we...well me...no wait...I will fix your car. Its been a long time since I've seen some d car. This will be bizarre!" He said and went to the back and pulled a truck over.
He opened the door "you go in the truck, I will hook up your car" I nodded and hooped into his truck.

Soon enough he came back and started to drive. We made some small talk while on the way and soon we were in the small town...and it had orange sky...wait what?
I didnt question it further and soon we came to a small car shop "thanks you" I said and stepped out of the truck "hey no problem...is it okay tho, if my partner fixes your car. He just started here a couple of weeks ago and we really dont get much costumers.

I looked at him and smiled "of course, I see no problem in that-


We both flinched at the sound. And thats when another person came out of the garage, full of smoke. I giggled and his my face so they don't see it.

"What happened now?" The pink haired questioned the other while holding his hands on his hips "well a bicycle exploded..." the other face palmed "KEEBO! Really! How did that happen?!" he said but he was smiling, Keebo smiled back and they started laughing "I dont...know" he shook his head.

He looked cute 'okay Shuichi here we are again...no, bad Shuichi! Bad!' I scolded myself.

"By the way my name is Kazuichi...anyway Keebo" kazuichi called and they inspected the car. I was looking at the street and saw various of people. This town looked peaceful and full of nice people.

Three high schoolers were in front of the shop having some little gang talk. The other person was expecting the fish in the pond and the person beside him was painting.

I looked to the other side.

There was a green haired man, who was now annoyed by the three high schoolers...but it all looked like they were friends...even if the person didnt show it.

I smiled to myself 'I wanna life in a place like this...not where I live at the moment' at that someone tapped me on the shoulder.
I looked and it was Keebo "I see your enjoying the view" he said and I nodded "even if I have never been here, I cam see that everyone is nice" I commented and he laughed "well of course, its Morioh. Every person here is nice" he said.

"I see that" I said and looked at him "hey..." he punched my shoulder lightly and we both laughed "by the way...Kaz had to fix your car, I kind messed up" I shrugged "its okay..." Keebo looked away "you will have to stay here for a week tho" he said and I looked at him in the eyes.

"Really?" I asked, but I was happy "yeah" he said and I smiled for real now "thats...awesome. I wanna see more of this town!" I said happily and he stepped beside me, putting me in a bro kinda hug "well don't you worry cause we have plenty of sightseeing!" He said and at that a new friendship sparked between us and late maybe even a crush.


I'm sorry but I just love morioh;-;...I wanna live there but is dosent exist;-;


Saiibo oneshots (finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن