A little drunk

280 3 10

Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warning: heavy lime
Sensitive?-look one row up, well?
3rd pov

Keebo was sitting at the table with a bottle of whiskey in his hands. He was talking with a chair next to him "so as I was saying, you should date someone, like you know that chair on my other side looks good, bot like Shuichi but he would be perfect fo you" he leaned to the chair. Looking at the other one "so what do you say?" He asked the chair.

"Hey Keeboy!" The one and only Kokichi came while Keebo took another gulp of his drink "can I have some?" Keebo looked at him and gave him shot.

Soon enough both boys were sitting there drinking, Keebo more wasted than Kokichi.

And yet another boy joined the little hangout, Shuichi Saihara. He was working and needs a cup of coffee at the moment. He looked at the two boys 'look Keebo...' his thoughts thought. He smiled and made started to make himself some coffee...

Shuichi pov

I was making coffee and leaning on the side watching the two idiots, one being more cute than the other.

That's when-

Keebo sat up straight(not that he is *ehem*) and pointed at kokichi "you're a little bi*ch sometimes" he said and took a gulp of...is that whiskey?! "What?" Kokichi replied "I said-"


Keebos head slammed on the table, his hand was on the bottle of whiskey. I panicked and went to his aid, his head then Shot up "hic I am going to create hic world abomination! Hic with my inventions hic" I smiled at him.
I stepped towards Kokichi while Keebo was talking about his 'world abomination' to a...chair.

"Kokichi...how much did he drink?" I aksed and he looked at me "when I came he had half of bottle drank, then he drank the whole bottle to with I helped and a half more" he said and I sighed "hic Shuuuuuu" Keebo dragged out my name and I sighed and thanked Kokichi "lets go ya big robot" I said and picked up Keebo "bye hic Carlos!" He waved at the chair and I sweat dropped.
I was walking towards the dorm while listening to Keebo ramble about different stuff and a mirage between Carlos and someone else...probably another chair.

I went into his dorm and laid him down. He pulled me down on the bed with him, I blushed and he puled me in the kiss. I felt a zap and it was a bliss, I moaned and Keebo pulled me closer and titled his head back he left my lips and "I hic love you Shuichi~" he slurred out and I gasped as he grabbed my thigh "I-I love you too" I muttered out. He went closer to my area and then pulled away, I whimpered "n-not hic today" he the. opened his mouth and licked my lips, I mewled and he took the opportunity to put his tongue in My mouth. I moaned and rolled my eyes, out tongues are dancing and then I felt it, his hand started to lower and I squirmed until he flipped us around still in the kiss, I was breathing hard thous my nose while he pushed his tongue in my throat and I moaned.
He pinned my hand above my head and took off my button up, I gasped at the cold hair hit my nipples he started to rub them, I squirmed but enjoyed what he was giving me...he left the kiss and my tongue rolled out of my mouth "ah~ahhhh~" I moaned  "hic ya know Shushu~, hic every hic time I look at hic you, I fall hic in love with you all hic over again~" he said and I just gasped as he went lover...he kissed me again and I kissed back eagerly. He was then leaving hickey all over my neck sealing me sweet spot, then-"AHHHHHH~Yes!" I moaned out and he found my sweet spot. He started to suck on it and I squirmed in pleasure. He left my neck and left me panting until he started to kiss my already abused lips. He left my lips and left me gasping and panting on the bed while he slumped down on my chest.

He held me tight agains him while I was trapped under him. I looked at him and started to calm down slowly "you his look so pretty hic Shu" he said and I petted his fluffy hair "but hic im sorry hic don't leave" I looked at him, he didn't wanna do that. I smiled and hugged him "I love you the same Keebo, don't worry, I'll never leave you" I kissed his head and pulled the covers over us...he sighed "hic really?" He slurred out, I nodded and nuzzled his hair.
I could feel him smile against me and nuzzle my chest back. I petted his hair as he yawned "Shu hic imma pass out hic" he passed out, I adjusted him a little "I love you Keebo" I said and slowly closed my eyes.

-time skip by morning by KING CRIMSON-
Shuichi pov

I woke up with Keeb laying on my chest. I hugged him and let out a sigh, then his eyes met mine his eyes watered "I'm sorry I-I didn't know what was" I cut him off with a kiss, he kissed back and I pulled away with a smile. I pressed our forehead together "I love you my little steampunker" I said and he smiled "I love you to Shu" he said and we shared a quick kiss again.


Take the Saiibo and bow down to it...anyway

Requests till open


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