
265 8 4

Requested by:Flaming_SaiiboAce
Warnings: none
Sensitive?-cannot be
So we need some rules:
Keebo and Shuichi are both roborta
George Saihara- SH-o-1-CH-1-Shuichi
Oliver Idabashi- K1-B0-Keebo

So everything clear?...okay
G. Saihara pov

I was downstair looking trough stuff that I prepared for the meeting. Today all the scientist in the country come and meet up, so they cam show their greater invention.
I looked trough the bag

Some Screw drivers,
Tooth brush,
Hair brush
All the other sh*t
And some parts for Shuichi if he needs a quick fix up

Speaking of Shuichi "Shuichi come down, we are going soon!" I called from downstairs up. Soon I could hear footsteps coming closer.
Shuichi is a robot and he acts like a normal teenager, explores the internet, but lately he seems to like books and detectives a lot. He is just a normal teenager, but hes a robot.

He got bullied a lot when he was in elementary, it seems better in high school tho now.
But Shuichi's system wont allow him to speak clearly, his voice cord would stop for a second and will cause him to stutter. I tried to fix it a million times but It doesn't work, he said it was okay, I still feel bad.

Then Shuichi came down "are w-we going?" He asked I nodded and petted his hair "yeah lets go to the car and I'll drive us there" I said and went to the car "G-George!" Shuichi shouted and I turned around "you f-forgot your  ba-bag" he pointed down at it and my eye twitched 'damn this robot' but I smiled and picked it up...

O. Idabashi pov

'Okay...more parts for Keebo- on the pile, clothes-on the pile, what else do it need...ummm ummm' I was holding my head biting one of my fingers and with the other finger on my other hand tapping my head.

"Professor?" I turned around "Is it time to go already Keebo?!" I shouted and he stepped back. I ran towards the car...

Keebo pov

I looked at the pile 'how did he build me it must've been a miracle' I picked up his suitcase and organized everything in it, I looked trough everything adding some stuff as well as left home the junk we didn't need. I took the papers so he can enter the building and brought a case to the car.

I sat in it "could you be more organized, you almost forgot everything" I scolded him and he looked at me "your not my mum" I threw my head backwards and slid down the chair 'hes a kid! not a man!' At this point I gave up, But I guess that makes him special...

Shuichi pov

We soon came to the building and lets say I was not ready. I was pulled out of my thoughts by George opening the door of the car "come one!" I shook my head "I-I don't k-know wh-whats happ-happening, b-but I fell like...I don't f-feel good" he laughed and knelled down "Its called anxiety Shuichi, your just a little scared. Its new, thats to be expected" he ruffled my hair a bit "but I assure you there is nothing bad there, only a couple of friends and scientists nothing more okay?" I nodded and went out of the car.

Then I saw professor see the dark grey car. I heard him laugh and ran towards a car, I just walked slowly towards it.
When I came he was talking to a sliver haired man and I saw another human? Taking out his luggage, he looked...annoyed?

I started thinking to myself 'why did he looked annoyed, did something happened, did they forget something-' I saw and heard a snap in front of my eyes "don't zone out Shuichi" George scolded, I nodded.
When I zone it, it can get to the point I overheat and my system brakes down.

"Come here Shuichi so you can introduce yourself" my professor waved and motion me to come there. I came and stood beside him "yeah you did a great job George. Hes pretty" I heard the other man said "professor you cant just say that! Hes a robot as well, the same kind. He has emotions!" The white haired robot? Said. I looked at him and gave him a thankful look.
"Oh where are my manners..." the other professor rubbed the back of his head "My name is Oliver Idabashi" he extended the hand and I took it "now you tow can get along while we do the paperwork" George and Oliver said and went away.

'Oh please no' I started to shift uncomfortably. I hate being alone, then I felt a hand on my shoulder "its okay, they will be back. Why don't we just walk" I looked and saw the white haired robot with a smile, I nodded.
We were walking around "so I guess I'll introduce myself my name is K1-B0 but please address me as Keebo" I nodded "N-Nice t-to meet y-you Keebo...I'm SH-0-1-C-CH-1 but the p-professor calls m-m-me Shuichi, so I g-guess its S-Shuichi" I said.
We both started to talk how out professors are and we laughed a couple of times.

I started to feel better around Keebo, I wasn't so scared anymore and that made me happy...

Keebo pov

Shuichi is so nice. He is really well behaved unlike my professor, but why does Shuichi stutter. Hes a robot he should have a clear speech.
"Shuichi?" He looked at me "y-yeah?" He said "why do you stutter?" He looked down "m-my vo-vocal cords d-don't allow m-me to h-have a-a clear s-speech...p-professor tried to-to fix i-it b-but it d-doesn't work" I patted his back "well thats sad" he smiled at me and nodded "h-hey Keebo?" I looked at him "A-are we f-friends?" He asked, I could see the hope in his eyes "of course we are" I said and smiled. He smiled back and hugged me, I hugged back and we started to giggle.

'I guess this trip of some sorts wasn't so bad'


i hope you like it....yeeeey it feels better to write again.

Anyway requests still open


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