Tomorrow it would be dad's 69th birthday and he was throwing a big ass garden party at the castle, and I knew that they had been preparing that for the past weeks, which meant that my brothers and wife were currently in Valkarea. I knew that they would be flying tomorrow and I knew that they were happy, which pissed me the fuck off.

I went to bed after reading loads of files and signing off on certain situation and I tried to have a peaceful sleep, but Julia haunted my dreams once more. She always haunted my fucking dreams.

After a restless night with barely any sleep, I climbed under the shower and let the cold water hit my body. I hoped it would wake me up and it did slightly. I put on a pair of simple pants and a shirt and I walked out the door. After a quick breakfast I made my way to B-3 for some intelligence briefings, but I couldn't actually concentrate on what they were saying. My mind was on Julia, wondering how she was, what she was doing, how she was feeling. These feelings weren't new for me, but the idea that I would see her tonight only made me nervous.

I then heard that the plane with the dad's guests from the US had landed here in Gotar. I got into the train over towards the exit as I had to do a security check. After a trip of twenty minutes, making them wait and sweat, I exited the elevator and the door, seeing the large ass plane on the tarmac.

It was a Jefferson inc private plane, but the Pilot was a Locatlie pilot, I knew that. My security men were waiting by the stairs that led into the plane, all saluting me. I had the briefcase with the security stuff in my hand and I climbed up the stairs. I could've let one of my advisors or assistants do this, but I wanted to make sure they were here for the right reasons.

I arrived in the main area and looked around for a second, observing everyone here, and my eyes met the blue Davids eyes of Bob. His eyes met mine and his eyes widened in recognition but also fear.

"My King." Bob said standing up right away and I put the suitcase with the security stuff down on the table next to me.

"Mr Davids." I said curtly as I opened the briefcase. "You know the drill by now, your companions don't; I would quite like all your phones and electronic devices. My security team will do your security team." I said not looking at him. Bob stood up and he placed his laptop, his tablet and his two phones on the table. I looked up at him and it was like I was staring at an elder version of Jason. I sat down on the chair here.

"I didn't expect you do to this." Bob said a bit nervously as his wife, Lily, placed her two phones, tablet and laptop on the table as well. I looked up at her and I could see some sadness in her eyes; but then again, she had lost her son and grandchildren in this war.

"With our family history, I thought it was smartest to do this." I said calmly as I grabbed his phone first. "First or second phone?" I asked and I looked up and I saw pain on Bob's face as he bit his lip.

"First." He stammered. "Business." He added at that and I nodded at that as I saw all the data I needed.

"I meant with the fact that you're my father's best friend." I said casually. "I don't think it's respectful for someone with the history you have with one of the Locatlie Kings, to have a low-leveled stranger look through your stuff." I said calmly and I looked up and the pain in his eyes softened a bit and he nodded. "How are your daughters?" I asked. "Meja and Allie, right?" I said and a small grimace appeared on his face.

"I'm sure you know." Bob said with a small smile and I nodded slowly.

"I'm very sorry they don't agree with you coming here." I said calmly as I got his second phone and put it on here. "But then again, I am in the position and power to stop my father from going to the people that are indirectly responsible for my brothers death, if situations were reversed off course." I said calmly as I then grabbed his laptop and Bob stared at me and I saw some sadness in his eyes. "Lucas is very happy to have you here."

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now