Chapter 32

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Trevor P.O.V

"What time do you leave tomorrow Sir?" Tiffany asked as I was cleaning my chest which was covered by blood with a cloth.

"Around seven." I replied coolly as I saw Nat looking at me with a small grimace. "The party starts at seven and I don't feel like being the first. I want a dramatic entrance you see?" he said and Natalie giggled at that. "What time are you leaving love?" I asked Natalie.

"Yordi and I will leave around five." She said calmly and I nodded slowly at that. "Why don't you join us?"

"Like I said, dramatic entrance. And Bob, Brian, Peter and their wives arrive at five and I want to check security wise." I explained and she nodded as she walked into one of the rooms to start her shift. I had just finished. "I won't see you until I come back from Prangie, I don't know when I'll arrive either."

"Of course, sir." Tiffany said and I put on a new shirt and I climbed into the elevator, making my hands a fist and then releasing it again.

I had heard from Simon that Jules had been back in Prangie for a month now. He was there to keep me updated and to date the woman he was seeing off course. Apparently, she spent the nights with both William and Hugo and things were going well. According to him, William still seemed insufferable and he guessed that Julia didn't open herself up to him completely. Hugo was another story, and that frustrated me and pissed me off. But my feelings were apparently not important.

After Jules left for Brusta I had a long conversation/discussion with my brothers and fathers and we decided that for Julia it would be better if I stayed in Gotar for a while. It was also better for me because here I had at least a small part of my frustration that I could torture away, while in Prangie all my anger and frustration would come out with words. The words mainly going to Julia, whom didn't deserve any of my anger.

For the past few weeks, I had the same recurring dream that I had this feeling that Jules had as well. We were always together and we were always in the ring of fire, circle of hell, whatever it was called. She was always by my side and every morning when I woke up, she wasn't lying next to me, and the pain grew and grew with each day.

I knew that I'd be seeing her tomorrow again and I just hoped that it went well, but I had this horrid feeling that I'd just be disappointed. Natalie told me to adjust my expectations and I wouldn't be disappointed, but how could I do that? I needed Julia by my side just as much she probably needed me by her side. I needed to feel her close to me, I needed to hear her laugh, I needed to know she loved me just as much as I loved her.

I walked through the cold air towards the castle and when I arrived in the empty castle, I let out an annoyed breath.

I hadn't had a lot of contact with William or Hugo, we only discussed 'business', but they knew better than to talk about Julia with me; they knew it was a sore point of conversation. She was a trigger in me that I didn't know I had, she brought out the best sides of me but also my worst. I knew it was the other way around as well, and that pissed me off. This whole situation pissed me off. I had not started a war against the world to get her back, only for her to ignore me. But, like everyone kept reminding me, right now her mental health was a priority. I guess they didn't realise that I could fix that within seconds.

But, my two days in the Love house damaged her trust for me. Why she could have a conversation and a weekend away to Yordan with William was lost on me. And that she forgave Hugo for having a full-blown affair and she had sex with him, confused me even more. It pissed me off too, because I knew how much he wanted to be with Heather.

Jules had changed a lot though. It seemed like the time away from us had changed the wiring in her brain. My Julia would've never told Hugo he could one day be with Heather. My Julia would've never heard 'my husbands cheated on me' and not asked for actual revenge. I mean yes, she hadn't spoken to me in months. Yes, she hadn't opened up to Will. But secretly I had hoped she would've locked up all the women we've slept with in Gotar. Cause that at least show she cared enough and was angry. But no, the only punishment I got was that she was giving ME the cold shoulder. Me, of all of my brothers, was getting the cold shoulder and it was fucking pathetic. But, I had to let her be or something, which was fucking stupid.

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